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Date : Jul 16, 2024
Supply and Delivery of Printer Cartridges at Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Mumbai / Navi Mumbai under Rate Contract 2024-25


Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting

1. Introduction

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Mumbai Regional Office, Stationery Section, Central Establishment Section, RBI, 1st Floor, Main Office Building, Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Fort, Mumbai – 400001, hereinafter referred as “the Bank”/ “Reserve Bank”/ “RBI” invites tenders from eligible Authorized Distributors/Resellers/Partners of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) for supply of Printer Cartridges of various Brands (HP, Canon, Brother & Xerox) under Rate Contract 2024-25.

The purchase orders may be placed by respective Regional Offices / Central office Departments / Training Establishments of RBI at Mumbai / Navi Mumbai as per their requirement. In either case, the respective office of RBI will be responsible for making payments for the items supplied or services rendered.

2. Schedule for Bidding Process

Nature of the tender Supply and delivery of Printer Cartridges on Rate Contract for the FY 2024-25
E Tender No RBI/Mumbai Regional Office/HRMD/3/24-25/ET/195 [supply-printer cartridge-MRO]
Date of release of tender Document July 16, 2024; Tuesday
Pre-Bid Meeting (Offline) July 29, 2024; (Monday) at 03:30 PM
Venue of Pre-Bid meeting CES, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai Regional Office, First Floor, Main Building, Fort, Mumbai- 400001
Date of Starting of online submission of e-tender (Technical Bid and Financial Bid) at MSTC E-Commerce ( July 16, 2024 (Tuesday)
Date of closing of online submission of e-tender August 06, 2024 (Tuesday) at 11.30 AM
Date and Time of Technical Bid Opening August 06, 2024 (Tuesday) at 03:00 PM
Tentative Date and Time of Commercial/ Financial Bid Opening Financial Bid shall be opened electronically of only those bidder(s) whose Technical Bid is found acceptable by RBI, Mumbai Regional Office. Such bidder(s) shall be intimated regarding date of opening of Financial Bid through email.
Estimated Cost of Work Brand wise estimated cost of the work is as under:

HP Brand - ₹4.5 crores (Rupees Four Crore Fifty Lakh).

Canon Brand – ₹1.5 crores (Rupees One Crore Fifty Lakh).

Brother Brand – ₹15 Lakhs (Rupees Fifteen Lakhs).

Xerox Brand – ₹10 Lakhs (Rupees Ten Lakhs).
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Amount of EMD will be 2% of the estimated cost of work for the particular Brand (For example, for HP bidder, the EMD value is 2% of ₹4.5 crores, (i.e) ₹9 lakh only) which is to be submitted through NEFT/ Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled Bank drawn in favor of Stationery Section, Central Establishment Section, Mumbai Regional Office, RBI, Mumbai.

NEFT A/c details:
A/c No 04869229907
IFSC – RBIS0MBPA04 (‘0’ Zero in both places)

NEFT should be credited in the account on or before August 06, 2024 (Tuesday) at 11.00 AM. In case of Bank Guarantee, it should be submitted at the address of Communication as given below on or before August 06, 2024 (Tuesday) at 11.00 AM.

Submission of EMD amount may be communicated to
Address for Communication Stationery Section, CES, HRMD RBI, 1st Floor, Main Office Building, Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Fort, Mumbai- 400001
Contact Persons 1) Shri Dhananjay Meshram, Manager (email:, +91-9869225099)
2) Shri Chandrasegar P, Assistant Manager (email:, +91- 9500642231, 022-22603070)

In the event of any unforeseen closure of work/ holiday on any of the above days, the same shall be opened /held on the next working day.

Tenders received after due date and time shall be rejected.

Tenders not complying with the provisions of bidding documents are liable to be rejected.

In case of any problem/dispute, decision of Regional Director, RBI Mumbai will be final and binding on all parties.

RBI is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept either in full or in part of any tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof.

Regional Director

Tenders Awarded
