(e-Tender No: RBI/Hyderabad/HRMD/1/24-25/ET/272) The Pre-Bid Meeting for captioned tender was held at Reserve Bank of India, Hyderabad on August 06, 2024 at 11:00 AM. The meeting was attended by representatives from five (05) Category-I Chartered Accountant Firms registered with ICAI in Telangana. The list of participants attended the meeting is enclosed as Annex to this document. 2. The meeting commenced with a brief introduction about the e-Tender, eligibility criteria, evaluation criteria, Terms and Conditions, and Scope of Work. Thereafter, the following queries were raised by the representatives of the firms, which were clarified during the meeting: Sr. No. | Query | Clarification by the Bank | 1. | What are the broad expectations of the Bank from Concurrent Auditors? | The Concurrent Auditor is required to cater to the day-to-day needs in respect of Concurrent Audit viz. checking and verification of bills, tax calculations, filing of GSTR-1 & 3B, Verification of GST related data etc. as detailed in the scope of work attached to the Tender document. Further, the team is required to submit monthly Concurrent Audit Report within 10 working days of the month and the same has to be uploaded by the Auditors on Bank’s portal. All related details are mentioned in the Tender document. | 2 | How do you define skilled/ semi-skilled staff? | The skilled staff should have qualified in both the groups of Integrated Professional Competence Course (IPCC); and The semi-skilled staff should have qualified at least Group I of IPCC and undergoing article training. | 3 | What would be the estimated man-days for the audit team? | The CA team must be physically present in the Office at all working days and at Office timings of the Bank. All related details are mentioned in the Tender document. | 4 | What is the criteria for selection in the event of a tie? | i) In the eventuality of a tie in the marks, the same would be resolved by giving additional weightage to the firm that has higher number of years of experience, or more number of FCA partners, or longer association of partners with the firms, or more number of key professional staff/ skilled staff, or more number of years of experience in bank and/ or RBI audits, with these parameters being sequentially considered in the order in which they have been listed out under the technical evaluation criteria in Annex-1 of the tender document. (ii) For example, in the event of a tie, the firm having higher number of years of experience will be selected. In case the number of years of experience is also the same then the firm having more number of FCA partners would be selected and so on. | 5. | Is it required to upload supporting documents viz., prior experience, letters for assignments of Concurrent Audits, Statutory Audits, details of partners etc., along with the bids? | Yes, the eligible bidders need to upload all documents in support thereof and required as per the terms of the tender document. | Note: Above clarifications are issued for the information for all intending bidders. Minutes of pre-bid meeting shall form the part of bid document/Agreement. Rest of the terms and conditions and specifications of the bid document shall continue to remain same. Hence, it shall be signed and submitted along with the tender by the tenderers. Submission of Bids shall be construed to be in conformity to the bid document and clarifications.
Annexure List of Representatives from RBI, Hyderabad RO present in the Pre-Bid Meeting held on August 06, 2024 Sr No | Name | Designation | 1 | Shri Prashant Ojasvi | Manager | 2 | Shri Sanket Kathure | Assistant Manager | 3 | Smt. Srinidhi K L | Assistant | List of CA Firm representative present in the Pre-Bid Meeting held on August 06, 2024 Sr No | Name of the representative | Name of the Firm | 1 | Shri Surya Prakasa Rao B. | M/s Pundarikashyam & Associates | 2 | Shri Krishna Sai | M/s Umamaheswara Rao & Co. | 3 | Shri G. Pradeep Kumar | M/s Ramasamy Koteswara Rao and Co. LLP | 4 | Shri P. S. R. V. V. Surya Rao | M/s A. Ramachandra Rao & Co. | 5 | Shri P. Yashodhan | M/s R V K S and Associates | |