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Date : Aug 27, 2024
Minutes of Pre-bid Meeting - Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (DSITC) of 4 Nos. x 35 TR (Minimum) Air Cooled Modular Scroll Chillers at RBI BKC Office, Bandra (E), Mumbai


(Event No: RBI/Mumbai Regional Office/Estate/55/24-25/ET/251)

The pre-bid meeting for the captioned e-tender was held on August 23, 2024 (Friday) at 03:00 PM at Estate Cell, BKC.

2. The list of participants in the meeting is enclosed in Annexure I.

3. The queries, raised by the participant/s during the meeting vis-à-vis the clarification given by the Bank are given below:

S.No Query Bank’s Comments / Reply
1. Terms of payment need to be made more flexible Please refer tender condition 3.13 on page 30 of the tender document.
2. Power Cable Scope/Existing Panel Modification scope work is not mentioned in BOQ Bank will provide input supply to the panel of Chiller. Bidders are requested to submit the General Arrangement Drawing (GAD) of chiller panel.
3. Kindly specify the operation and maintenance scope of work. Please refer tender condition 3.17 (B) on page 35 of the tender document.
4. Confirm the PBG Value during the CAMC period 10% of the contract value.

It was clarified that the contract value of the work means capital cost of chiller system.

All terms and conditions of the tender shall remain unchanged.

Annexure I

Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (DSITC) of 4 Nos. x 35 TR (Minimum) Air Cooled Modular Scroll Chillers at RBI BKC Office, Bandra (E), Mumbai

List of participants

S.No Name Firm
1 Shri. Hansel Lewis Daikin/Weathercool
2 Shri. Rishikesh Shivalkar
3 Shri. Rehan Voltas
4 Shri. Roshan
5 Shri. Aqueeb Khan Brite Industries
6 Shri. Prabhakar Trane Technologies
7 Shri. Abhishek Bangale

The following Bank’s Officials were present at the meeting.

S.No Name Designation
1 Shri. Abhijit Warade AGM (Tech-Electrical)
2 Shri. Abhijeet Deshmukh AM (Tech-Electrical)
3 Shri. Suraj Kumar Singh AM
4 Shri. Nikhil Ashok Jitithor JE (Electrical)
