e-Tender No. RBI/DIT-CO Central Office Departments/Others/4/24-25/ET/392 Please refer to the tender notice for the captioned tender published on the Bank’s website www.rbi.org.in on August 28, 2024 inviting application from eligible vendors for the tender through e-tender on MSTC website (https://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprochome/rbi/) and the subsequent corrigendum. It has been decided to extend the timeline for submission and opening of the tender as mentioned below: Sl. No. | Tendering Process | Revised Date and Time | 1 | Date and time of closing of tender for submission of Technical Bid and Price Bid | September 19, 2024, upto 11:00 hrs | 2 | Date & time of opening of Technical Bid | September 19, 2024, 11:30 hrs | * All other terms and conditions mentioned in the tender remain unchanged. Chief General Manager-in-Charge Department of Information Technology | |