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Date : Sep 23, 2024
Minutes of pre-bid meeting - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 04 No’s Air Handling Unit (AHU) at Bank’s Main Office Building, RBI, Lucknow

Corrigendum dated October 01, 2024

The offline Pre-Bid Meeting for the Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 04 No’s Air Handling Unit (AHU) at Bank’s Main Office Building, RBI Lucknow was held on September 20, 2024 at Conference Hall of MOB, RBI Lucknow. The meeting was chaired by Manager (Tech-E) PMC-NZ (through webex).

(a) List of Bank Officials who attended the meeting:

Name of the RBI officials Designation
Shri Varun Kumar Manager, (Tech-E) PMC-NZ
Shri Himanshu Bhatt Assistant Manager (Tech-E)
Smt. Saween Kour Assistant Manager

(b) List of Contractor’s representative who attended the meeting:

Name of Representative of the firm Name of the firm
Shri Mohd. Mahtab M/s Unity Engineers
Shri Mohd Talha

2. At the outset, Manager welcomed the participants to the meeting and invited queries, if any, from the prospective bidders regarding the captioned tender. The queries put forth by the representatives and the clarifications issued are tabulated below:

Name of the firm Query/suggestions by the firm Clarification / comments
1. M/s Unity Engineers The firm raised query regarding item no. 3 of BOQ.

In which the firm requested to make a separate item for butterfly valve as it is appearing difficult for them to quote rate as quantity is in running meter.
SITC of butterfly valve as mentioned in item no.3 may be removed from item no.3 and to be added in item no.4. Accordingly, Item No.3,4 may be read as:

Item No.3 : Chilled water piping

Supply, installation, fabrication and commissioning of nominal size water piping (MS C-class) with nitrile rubber insulation of 25 mm thickness Class 1 for below pipe with duct seal and all accessories like elbow, flanges, gaskets, nut bolts etc., as detailed in section VII, Part I of tender.

Size of pipe:  100 mm dia. with 25 mm thick insulation

Item No.4: Automatic Air Vents and butterfly valves

Providing and fixing of auto air vent purging valve of 20 mm dia. with isolating valve & 100 mm butterfly valve for the inlet and outlet chilled water line needs to be supplied and fitted by the firm for each AHU complete as per tender specifications.

Note: - Above clarifications are issued for the information of all intending bidders. Minutes of the pre-bid meeting shall form part of tender. Rest of the terms and conditions shall remain the same.

GM (O-i-C)
Reserve Bank of India
