S. No. | Clause of Tender | Clause as mentioned in RFP | Query/ Suggestion by the CPSU | Clarification |
1 | Clause no. 3.2 Empanelment Category wise Eligibility/Qualification Category A: for projects costing more than ₹600 cr and up to ₹1200 cr. | i) Experience of having successfully Completed a project of Similar nature within the last 7 (Seven) years as on last day of the month previous to the one in which applications (EoI) are invited i.e., completed on or before September 30, 2024. The Cost of such work shall be as follows: One project costing ₹960 cr or more in a single agreement. (Or) Two projects costing ₹600 cr or more in a single agreement. (Or) Three projects costing ₹480 cr or more in a single agreement. | a) Requested to consider Architectural Design/DPR Consultancy for building works completed in the last 10 years may be allowed. b) The gap between, 600 cr &,1200 cr is of, 600cr which is considerably very high Hence, it is requested that an average of, 600cr &, 1200 cr shall be taken, which shall be amounted as, 900cr. Accordingly, following shall be considered: • One project @80% of, 900cr which shall be equal to, 720cr (or) Two projects @50% of, 900cr
which shall be equal to, 450cr
Three projects @40% of 900cr which shall be equal to 360cr | a) Not accepted. b) Not accepted.
2 | Clause no. 3.2 Empanelment Category wise Eligibility/Qualification Category A: for projects costing more than ₹600 cr and up to ₹1200 cr. | iii) Completed at least one Green rated (certified or certification is under process) building project of Similar nature with a Cost not less than ₹300 cr | It is requested that, value of works shall not be kept restrictive for Green rated certification, however, you may ask for more than one project under this criteria for evaluation Or the value for this criterion may please be reduced. | Accepted. The revised value for Green rated work of similar nature for category-A is ₹200 cr. |
3 | Clause no. 3.2 Empanelment Category wise Eligibility/Qualification
Category A: for projects costing more than ₹600 cr and up to ₹1200 cr. | ii) Completed at least one Multistoried Building (as per Model Building Bye-Laws, 2016) Project of Similar nature having Built up area equal to or more than 6 Lakh Sqft in the last 7 (Seven) years as on last day of the month previous to the one in which applications (EoI) are invited. | It is requested that the built-up area for a similar type of building not be restricted to 6 lakh Sqft., and the value may please be reduced for this criterion. | Accepted. The revised value of Built-up area of multi-storeyed project for category-A is 5(Five) lakh Sqft. |
4 | General | | As per general practice being followed by various Central/ State Govt/ PSU Departments of Govt. of India, to arrive at the current cost for the eligible projects completed in past, an escalation @ 7% on the completed cost of project is considered. In view of above, same may please be considered for evaluating the eligible projects. | Refer Clause no. 3.2 i) (b) ‘Cost’ |
5 | Clause no. 3.2 (i) (a) Page no. 10 | ‘Similar’ nature of works means experience in “Providing Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Services for Residential Buildings, Educational, Institutional, Assembly, Data Centers Business or Mercantile Buildings (as defined in National Building Code or Model Building Bye-Laws 2016). Such works shall not been got executed through another contractor on back-to-back basis or subletting basis | It is understood from the said clause that: ‘Similar’ nature of works means experience in “Providing Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Services for Residential Buildings OR Educational OR Institutional Assembly OR Data Centers OR Business OR Mercantile Buildings (as defined in National Building Code or Model Building Bye-Laws 2016). Kindly clarify the above criteria. | Similar nature of work is clearly specified in the clause. Further Applicant shall ensure such work (Comprehensive PMC services) shall not be executed through another agency on back-to-back basis or subletting basis (as stated in the clause) |
6 | Clause no. 4 (e) (iv) Page no. 15 ANNEXURE 4B: Format for project management consultancy assignments in hand/ ongoing of the applicant Page no. 27 | Clause no. 4 (e) (iv) Page no. 15 Certificate(s) of Ongoing Projects ANNEXURE 4B: format for project management consultancy assignments in hand/ ongoing of the applicant | Whether there is any criteria in respect of numbers and value/cost of the project for submission of list of ongoing works as per Format Annexure-4B. Kindly clarify the same | Ongoing projects of value equal to or greater than 40% of the upper band in each Category may be considered for submission. |
7 | Annexure 3B: KEY TECHNICAL STAFF OF THE APPLICANT Page no. 25 | Annexure 3B: KEY TECHNICAL STAFF OF THE APPLICANT Please provide the no. of personnel (regular/permanent employees) in each category based on their work experience as tabulated below. | It is requested to kindly specify whether graduate or Diploma or both (Graduate and Diploma) educationally qualified employees would be required for the said Annexure-3B. | Only Degree holder staff will be considered. |