Reserve Bank of India, Hyderabad invites e-Tender through MSTC for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of one no. of 25 KVA Diesel Generator Set with acoustic enclosure at Reserve Bank of India Officers’ Quarters at Red Hills, Hyderabad. The e-Tender along with the detailed tender notice is also available at the e-Tendering portal of MSTC Ltd ( under the menu “Tenders”. 2. All interested and eligible companies/firms must register themselves with MSTC through the above-mentioned website to participate in the tendering process. 3. The schedule of e-Tender is as follows: e-Tender No. | RBI/Hyderabad Regional Office/Estate/27/24-25/ET/601 | Description of Work | Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of one no. of 25 KVA Diesel Generator Set with acoustic enclosure at Reserve Bank of India Officers’ Quarters at Red Hills, Hyderabad | Mode of Tender | e-Tender Online Part I - Techno-Commercial Bid and Part II - Price Bid through | Estimated Cost | ₹7.50 Lakh (Rupees Seven Lakh Fifty Thousand only) | Date of NIT (Notice Inviting Tender) available to parties for download | November 27, 2024 | Pre-Bid Meeting (Offline) | 11:00 Hrs. on December 23, 2024 (Venue: Reserve Bank of India, Estate Department, 1st Floor, Secretariat Road, Saifabad, Hyderabad - 500004). Note: The participants are required to confirm their participation one day before on email ids and to make the necessary arrangements. | Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) | (i) ₹15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand only) from all the bidders in the form of NEFT/ Demand Draft/an irrevocable Bank Guarantee (BG) in Bank’s format as in Annexure-III in favor of Reserve Bank of India, Hyderabad before 14:00 Hrs on January 03, 2025. Details for NEFT IFSC Code - RBIS0NEFTHY (fifth digit is zero) A/c number - 8614038 Beneficiary Name: Reserve Bank of India, Hyderabad Remarks: ESTATE(space)DGSET(space)Your Firm’s Name Participants are required to submit the details of EMD made by them via e-mails to and Bank Guarantee/ DD needs to be submitted in person to Estate Dept., Reserve Bank of India, Main Office Building, Hyderabad, before 14:00 Hrs on January 03, 2025 (ii) The firms registered as Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) having Udyam Registration Number (Udyog Aadhar Memorandum Number), are exempted from the requirement of submission of Earnest Money Deposit subject to submission of Udyam Certificate mentioning the Udyam Registration Number | Last Date of submission of EMD | 14:00 Hrs. on January 03, 2025 | Date of Starting of e-Tender for submission of online Techno-Commercial Bid and price Bid | 18:00 Hrs. on November 27, 2024 | Date of closing of online e-tender for submission of techno-commercial bid & price bid | 14:00 Hrs. of January 03, 2025 | Date of opening of Part-I (techno-commercial bid) | 15:00 Hrs. of January 03, 2025 | Date of opening of Part-II (price bid) | Shall be decided on scrutiny of Part I and shall be intimated to the eligible bidders. | 4. Eligibility Criteria: i. The tenderer must be either an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of the offered DG set or must be an Authorized dealer / representative of the OEM of the offered DG set. Necessary documents in support of the above shall be submitted along with tender Part-I. The tenderer shall submit the applicable document as Annexure XI. ii. Experience prior to five years: - The tenderer must have experience of minimum 5 years in the field of undertaking the work of Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of DG Set. For establishing the same, the tenderer should submit copy/ies of work order/s for such work/s, issued on or before September 30, 2019, and also copy of the respective completion certificate. iii. Qualifying Works: - The tenderer must have successfully executed “similar works” during last 5 years, (i.e.; works completed on or after October 01, 2019), individually costing as under: (a) Three works each costing not less than 40% of estimated cost. OR (b) Two works each costing not less than 50% of estimated cost. OR (c) One work costing not less than 80% of estimated cost. Note: Similar works means ‘Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of DG Set (25 KVA or higher rating) and associated works for the office buildings/commercial premises/industrial houses. (For establishing the above, the tenderer should submit copy/ies of work order/s for such similar work/s, issued on or after October 01, 2019 and also copy/ies of the respective completion certificate/s) iv. Have a minimum yearly turnover of 100% of estimated cost during the last 3 years (2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24) supported by audited financial statements. v. Have a service set up in Hyderabad/Secunderabad for rendering after sales service. 5. Tenderers should upload the following documents in respect of fulfilling their eligibility with suitable file names as indicated: a) Copies of detailed work order/s, in respect of similar work/s, indicating scope and value of work/s, completed on or before September 30, 2019, for establishing prior experience before five years (file name eg: WO1, WO2 etc.) b) Copies of detailed work order/s, in respect of similar work/s, indicating scope and value of work/s and completion certificate/s in respect of the same work, executed on or after October 01, 2019, for establishing the qualifying works executed by the tenderer during last five years (file name eg: WO1, WO2 etc.), c) List of completed works with all the details (File name eg: CW1, CW2 etc.)- In the format of Annexure I. d) Profile of the tenderer in the prescribed format. e) Copy of Certificate of Incorporation f) Copy of GST Registration g) If the tenderer is a Micro or Small Enterprise (MSE) then the tenderer shall submit copy of MSE Registration certificate and self-declaration of the firm stating that it is currently an MSE for availing of EMD exemption. h) Details of Bankers as per Annexure IX i) Client certificate regarding performance of the contractor for the qualifying works. (File name eg: CC1, CC2 etc.) – As per the format of Annexure II j) Proof of remittance of EMD/ copy of Bank Guarantee In Lieu Of Earnest Money Deposit as per Annexure III k) Banker’s Certificate as per Annexure VI l) Copies of Audited financial statement for turnover for last 3 years, i.e., (2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24) (File name eg: FS1, FS2 etc.) m) Details of service setup in Hyderabad/Secunderabad - In the format of Annexure VII n) Details of technical deviations proposed, if any. – As per Annexure VIII o) The particulars/Catalogues and the names of manufacturers of specified item. p) Copy of Power of Attorney as per Annexure X (Original to be submitted by the successful tenderer to Bank) q) Technical details of proposed system as per Section VIII r) Authorisation letter from Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of the offered DG set as per annexure XI (part A) or Declaration of being an OEM for the offered DG set as per annexure XI (part B) s) Any other information relevant to the proposed work Note 1: (Regarding client certificate): • In respect of Government Departments/Public sector Undertakings the work certificates should be signed by the concerned Executive Engineer or an officer in an equivalent or higher rank. • In respect of Departments other than Government Departments/Public sector Undertakings apart from the certificates mentioned above, the corresponding TDS certificates matching with the payments related to the work executed shall also be enclosed. Note 2: The tenderer shall submit above document/s, in original, as and when demanded by the Bank. 6. In the event of intending tenderer’s failure to satisfy the Bank with documentary evidence in support of their possessing required eligibility; the Bank reserves the right to refuse their participation in the tendering process. 7. A pre-bid meeting (off-line mode) of the intending tenderers will be held on December 23, 2024 at 11.00 Hrs at Estate Department, 1st Floor, Main Office Building, Reserve Bank of India, Hyderabad. All prospective tenderers are required to attend the pre-bid meeting to understand the scope/seek clarification, if any, regarding this tender. No deviation in Bank’s terms and conditions mentioned in the tender shall be accepted. The duly filled in tender documents shall be uploaded on MSTC site till 14:00 Hrs on January 03, 2025. 8. The Bank is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept either in full or in part any tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject all the tenders without assigning any reason, therefore. Regional Director Reserve Bank of India Hyderabad Hyderabad November 27, 2024 |