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Date : Dec 05, 2024
Corrigendum cum Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting - EOI for Empanelment as a vendor for purchase of Shredded Currency Note Briquettes from RBI for use in manufacturing of particle boards, Mumbai

The captioned EOI was published on RBI website ( on November 15, 2024. As scheduled, a pre-bid meeting for the captioned work was conducted at 11:00 am on November 29, 2024 at DCM, CO, RBI Mumbai. In this regard corrigendum cum Minutes of the Meeting is issued as per below details.

2. The following staff members of RBI and prospective bidders were present during the pre-bid meeting:

List of participants on behalf of RBI

Sl. No. Name Designation of RBI Officials
1. Smt Hema Chatterjee Deputy General Manager
2. Shri Satya Prakash Soni Assistant General Manager
3. Shri Ravi Kumar Gupta Manager
4. Shri Supreet Assistant Manager

List of representatives of the prospective Bidders

Sl. No Name applicant Name of the firm/company
1. Ms Nidhi Jain M/s Vinayak Trading Co.
2. Shri Vimal Prakash M/s Patna Paper Agency
3. Shri Amit Agarwal M/s Gujarat Colourlam Pvt Ltd
4. Shri Raj Kishor Choudhary M/s Ambay Enterprises
5. Shri Sandeep Gokhale M/s GPK Eco Board

The Independent External Monitor, Shri Pramod Shripad Phalnikar, IPS (Retd.), oversaw the proceedings of the meeting.

3. The queries raised and clarifications/comments thereon are given below:

Sr. No Queries Clarification/Comments
1. What percentage of shredded currency note briquettes can be used as raw material in the manufacturing of particle boards? As mentioned in Clause 2 of EOI document, up to 30% of the raw material in particle boards can be substituted with the shredded currency note briquettes.
2. Can paperboard manufacturers be empanelled as vendors for the purchase of shredded currency note briquettes, and are they eligible to participate in the bidding process? The EOI has been issued with the objective of ensuring sustainable use of shredded currency note briquettes in manufacturing of particle board. The details of eligibility criteria have been mentioned in clause 5 of EOI document.
3. Is prior experience required for vendors to participate in the bidding process? The applicant should have experience of not less than three (3) years in manufacturing particle boards as on March 31, 2024.
4. How much expected quantity of briquettes would be available for processing? The details have been mentioned in clause 9 of RFP document under ''Zone-Wise Classification of Shredded Currency Note Briquettes''.
5. What documents are required to be submitted as part of EOI? The details have been mentioned in clause 10 of RFP document under ''List of Documents''.

4. Corrigendum

With reference to the Schedule for Submission of EOI (Page 6), the last date and time for submission of the EOI applications and opening of the same is being extended to as 1500 hours and 1530 hours on January 13, 2025 respectively.

5. The following may please be noted.

  1. The minutes of pre-bid meeting shall form part of the bid document / Agreement.

  2. Remaining terms & conditions and specifications of bid document shall remain unchanged.

  3. The above amendments / clarifications are issued for the information for all the prospective bidders.

  4. The submission of application by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity with the bid document and amendments / clarifications given above.

  5. Please email at for any further clarification.

Chief General Manager-in-Charge
Department of Currency Management
