IMPORTANT INFORMATION and SCHEDULE OF QUOTATION Name of Work: | Tender for “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (SITC) of Multi zone (12 zones) Door Frame Metal Detector (DFMD) with Cameras for Primary Data Center (PDC) at Kharghar, Navi Mumbai” | Date of Invitation of Sealed Quotation | December 13, 2024; 15:00 Hrs | Last date of Submission of Sealed Quotation | January 03, 2025; 15:00 Hrs | Date and time of opening of Sealed Quotation | January 03, 2025; 15:30 Hrs | The sealed quotation addressed to, The Chief General Manager, Reserve Bank of India, 2nd floor, Estate Cell, Belapur should reach this office by January 03, 2025; 15:00 Hrs super scribing “Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (SITC) of Multi zone (12 zones) Door Frame Metal Detector (DFMD) with Cameras for Primary Data Center (PDC) at Kharghar, Navi Mumbai” | | |