Reserve Bank of India, Chennai invites two parts tenders through e-Tender mode from eligible contractors who meets the minimum pre-qualification criteria specified below for the following work. The salient details of the work for which bids are invited and important instructions to the bidder are as under: i | e-Tender No. | RBI/Chennai Regional Office/Estate/38/24-25/ET/733/[DSITC of 100 KLD of STP at BNQ] | ii | Name and Location of the work | Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 100 Kilolitres per Day (KLD) capacity Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) with Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) technology at Bank’s Staff Quarters, Besant Nagar, Chennai | iii | Name, Address of tender inviting authority | Smt. Uma Sankar, Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Estate Department, Fort Glacis, 16, Rajaji Salai, Chennai-600001. E-Mail id: | iv | Estimated cost | ₹85 lakh (inclusive of GST) | v | Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) | ₹1,70,000 (Rupees One lakh seventy thousand only). To be submitted by all the intending bidders on or before 11:00 AM of February 14, 2025 | vi | Period of completion | 3 months | vii | (a) Tender documents available on and to be downloaded /submitted through e-Tender mode | Through Bank’s approved e-Tender portal | (b) Date of NIT available to parties to download | January 10, 2025 | viii | Important instructions on e-Tender and amount of transaction fee to be paid. | For instructions on e-Tender, please refer to the Schedule - H of the tender document. e-Tender transaction fee shall be paid in the MSTC Website as applicable. | ix | Pre-bid meeting (offline) | February 03, 2025 at 11.00 AM at Estate Department, RBI, Chennai. | x | Date of starting of e-tender for submission of online Techno-Commercial Bid and price Bid | 11:00 AM of February 05, 2025 | xi | Last date and time submission of Bid (online) -Techno commercial (Part I) and price bid (Part II) along with the PQ Documents. | 11:00 AM of February 14, 2025 | xii | Date and time of opening of Bid | Part I (Techno-Commercial Bid) of the tender shall be opened at 11:30 AM of February 14, 2025. Part II (Price Bid) shall be opened on a later date which shall be intimated to the qualified bidders. | xiii | Contact details of tender inviting authority personnel | 1. Shri. R V Shiva (Manager-Civil), 044-2539 9108 (for technical queries) - mail ID: 2. Shri. Rohit Mane, AM, No. 044-2561 9851, (for e-tender queries) - mail ID: 3. Shri. Vilvanathan. M, Assistant, No. 044-2539 9258, (for e-tender queries) - mail ID: | 2. The Bidder who fulfils the following minimum pre-qualification criteria shall be eligible to participate in tendering process. Pre-qualification criteria A. | Composition of the firm / organization. | Details of registration of the firm / organization - whether Sole Proprietorship / Partnership firm / Private Limited / Limited or Co-operative Body etc., - Name of Registering Authority, Date, and Registration number, etc. | Bidder should fill-up the required information in Format 1 and Format 1A annexed hereto and submit the same along with the following supporting documents: (i) Copy of registration certificate. (ii) Copy of the Articles of Association / Power of Attorney / other relevant documents. (iii) Copy of PAN, TIN, Goods and Service Tax (GST) registration certificates. (iv) Details of registration of labour along with EPF and ESI documents if any. | The bidder should have valid Goods and Service Tax registration. | B. | Duration of past experience. | The bidder should have a minimum of 5 years of experience of executing similar work(s)*. Bidder shall submit the documentary evidence in support of minimum experience of 5 years (i.e., the bidder should have undertaken similar work(s))* prior to December 31, 2019. | i) Bidder should fill-up and furnish the information in Format 2 annexed hereto, indicating client-wise names of similar work(s)*, awarded and actual cost(s), completion date stipulated in the contract and actual date of completion etc. and should submit along with the documentary evidence as proof of a minimum of 5 years of experience of completing similar work(s)* viz. copies of detailed work order(s) for qualifying works indicating date of award, contract amount, time given for completing the work etc. and the corresponding completion certificate(s) indicating actual date of completion and actual value of similar work(s) executed, issued by the client(s) for works executed for government / public sector companies and copies of work order, work completion certificate along with Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) certificate(s) issued by the client(s) for works executed for private companies / clients. ii) Bidder should also fill-up the information about similar work(s)* in-hand’ in Format 2A annexed hereto and should submit along with supporting documents viz. copies of work order(s) with details of items of work(s), issued by the client(s) for the work(s) in progress. (iii) The details along with documentary evidence of previous experience, if any, of carrying out works for the Reserve Bank of India at any centre, should also be given. | C. | Minimum value of each completed similar work(s)* (qualifying) during specified period. | The bidder should have experience of satisfactorily completed similar work(s)* during the last 5 years ending December 31, 2024, from January 01, 2020, should be either of the following: i) Three completed similar works* each costing not less than the amount equal to ₹34 lakh. or ii) Two completed similar works* each costing not less than the amount equal to ₹42.5 lakh. or iii) One completed similar work* costing not less than the amount equal to ₹68 lakh. | The bidder should fill-up the information in Format 3 annexed hereto and submit along with the following documents as proof of having successfully completed similar work(s)*. (i) Copies of detailed work order(s) for qualifying works indicating date of award, contract amount, time given for completing the work, etc., and the corresponding completion certificate(s) indicating actual date of completion and actual value of executed similar work(s) issued by the client(s) for works executed for government / public sector companies and copies of work order and work completion certificate along with Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) certificate(s) issued by the client(s) for works executed for private companies. (ii) Client certificate(s) for each of the qualifying work as per the Format 3A annexed hereto. | D. | Annual financial turnover. | Bidder should have had an annual financial turnover of amount equal to ₹85 lakh or more per year during the last 3 financial years, ending 31st March 2024. | Bidder should fill-up the information in Format 4 annexed hereto and submit along with the following documents: (i) Copies of Audited financial statements / accounts of business of the bidder, duly certified by a Chartered Accountant indicating the turnover for financial years referred in Format 4 annexed hereto. (ii) Copies of Income Tax Clearance Certificates / Income Tax Assessment orders duly certified by a Chartered Accountant as a proof creditworthiness. | E. | Solvency and Banker’s Certificate. | Should furnish Solvency Certificate issued by the bidder’s Banker, specifically for the purpose of work for an amount equal to ₹85 lakh. | (i) Bidder should also submit Banker’s Solvency Certificate as per Format 5 annexed hereto from their Banker. (ii) Names and addresses of Bankers along with full details, like names, postal addresses, e-mail IDs, telephone (landline and mobile) numbers, fax numbers etc., of the contact executives (i.e., the persons who can be contacted at the office of their Bankers by the Bank, in case it is so needed) should be furnished in Format 5A. | F. | Authorized signatory. | | Authorization letter from the firm authorizing the concerned officer / individual to sign & participate in the tender, as per Annexure 5. | NOTE: -
*Similar work shall mean work of ‘Designing, supplying, installing, testing, commissioning of Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) technology type Sewage Treatment Plan (STP) -
Components of work executed other than those included in the definition of similar work (mentioned above) shall be deducted while calculating cost of similar work. Bidder shall submit abstract of cost of work in support of this. -
In respect of similar work(s) completion certificate(s), client certificate(s) issued by private companies / clients shall also accompany copies of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) certificates. Bids received without the specified certificate(s) shall be rejected and the Bank shall have the right to verify / cause verification of authenticity of the said documents whenever felt necessary. -
Regarding client’s certificate for qualifying similar completed works carried out for Government / public sector companies, the certificate should be signed by the concerned Executive Engineer or an officer in an equivalent or higher rank. For qualifying similar completed works carried out for private companies / clients, Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) certificates shall be submitted for proving the credentials / contract amount. -
Bank reserves its right to obtain the performance reports from the companies / clients for the qualifying work(s), Banker(s) report of the bidders directly, if so desired. The Bank on its own may also conduct independent inspection of the work referred by the bidders in support of their eligibility for participating in the tender. -
It is clarified that the work executed by the intending bidder for their in-house or capital use will not be considered as works completed / in hand in support of the intending bidder’s eligibility with respect to experience / completed works / works in hand for participating in the tendering process. -
If the spaces in the formats are insufficient for furnishing full details, the same information may be furnished on separate sheets of papers strictly as per the format prescribed by the Bank duly signed with seal, scanned and uploaded along with supporting documents, while submitting the e-tender. -
Even, if no information is to be provided in a column, a ‘Nil’ or ‘No such case’ entry should be made in that column. If any particular / information is not applicable in case of the bidder, it should be stated as ‘Not applicable’. Tender document shall contain all the enclosures mentioned and copies shall be self- attested. -
The bid submitted by a bidder who is found to be not satisfying the above prequalification criteria will be disqualified. Bids containing false and / or incomplete information are liable for rejection. Smt. Uma Shankar Regional Director | |