Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting Reserve Bank of India, Jaipur intends to prepare a panel of Chemists/Stockists/Suppliers (hereinafter referred to as ‘Chemists’) for Supply of Drugs and Medicines on Credit Slips Issued by the Bank Dispensaries and Door-Step Delivery to our Retired/ Serving employees/ eligible dependents within the Municipal limits of the city of Jaipur. The panel is expected to remain operational for a period of three years from April 01, 2025 to March 31, 2028 subject to satisfactory performance of the Chemists. Chemists who are interested in inclusion of their name in the panel, fulfill the eligibility criteria and agree to abide by the terms and conditions mentioned in the ‘Request for Empanelment’ document may apply in the prescribed proforma. Detailed terms and conditions and the ‘Request for Empanelment’ document can be obtained from 2nd Floor, Central Establishment Section, HRMD, Reserve Bank of India, Near Rambagh, Jaipur on any working day from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm or can be downloaded from the Bank’s website www.rbi.org.in in the Tenders Section. The prescribed proforma duly filled in, along with the necessary enclosures, in a sealed cover superscribed with ‘Empanelment of Chemists for Supply of Medicines’ should reach the Bank not later than 05:00 pm on February 07, 2025. The Bank reserves the right to accept any of the applications or reject any or all the applications received without assigning any reasons. Regional Director Reserve Bank of India, Jaipur | |