Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting 1. e-Tenders in two parts (part-I and II) are invited for "Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1-set of 550 Tr. induced draught cooling tower of crossflow design including allied works at Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata main office premises.” The work is estimated to cost ₹15,25,000/- and is to be completed within 30-days, which shall be reckoned from the 14th day of issue of Work Order. 2. The e-Tenders will be accepted of only those contractors who are Bank’s enlisted eligible category firm in the line, at the time of submitting of e-Tender-forms, and submit relevant documents to satisfy the Bank for participating in the e-Tendering process. 3. e-Tender documents will be available at MSTC website i.e., www.mstcecommerce.com on January 22, 2025 at 17:00 Hrs. This e-Tender needs to be mandatorily filled up / online submission through MSTC website i.e., www.mstcecommerce.com. Deadline for filing up and submitting the e-Tender is up to 11:00 Hrs. on February 10, 2025. Part I of the e-Tender will be opened on or after February 10, 2025 at 11:30 Hrs. Detailed guideline on the process to submit e-Tender by the vendors have been mentioned in Annexure 1 following the Schedule of Tender (SOT). After scrutiny of part I of the e-Tender documents duly signed, stamped & dated by the participating firms along with supporting documents, if any should be uploaded by the firm. 4. Filled and signed Tender documents (i.e., Part-I only) in prescribed form shall be uploaded on MSTC website. Part-I of the e-Tender will contain the Bank's standard technical and commercial conditions for the proposed work and Tenderers' covering letter. Part-II (Price bid) shall be opened of the eligible tenderer on a subsequent date which will be intimated to the tenderers by mail / message. 5. The applicants / Tenderers have to upload online through above cited website. All annexure / documents mentioned in the tender. 6. The Bank shall evaluate the Uploaded Part-I along with supporting documents, before opening of the Part–II of the tenders. 7. The conditional tender will not be accepted by Bank. 8. The Bank is not bound to accept the lowest e-tender and reserves the right to accept either in full or in part any e-Tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject all the e-Tenders without assigning any reason therefore. Regional Director for West Bengal Place: Kolkata Date: January 22, 2025. Schedule of Tender Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1Set of 550Tr. Induced draught cooling tower of cross-flow design including allied works at Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata Main Office Premises Sr. no. | Activity | Date & time | a. | E-tender no. | RBI/Kolkata Regional Office/Estate/33/24-25/ET/808 | b. | Mode of Tender | e-Tender through MSTC Portal among Empanelled vendors (Online Part I - Techno-Commercial Bid and Part II - Price Bid through https://mstcecommerce.com/eprocn) | c. | Bank’s Estimated Value | ₹15,25,000/- | d. | Publication of NIT in Bank’s website (or letter /e-mail of intimation in case of empanelled bidders) and e-procurement portal and uploading tender on the e-procurement portal www.mstcecommerce.com | January 22, 2025 at 17:00 hrs onwards | e. | Availability of tender on MSTC eProcurement portal https://mstcecommerce.com/eprocn | January 22, 2025 at 17:00 hrs onwards | f. | Availability of tender for viewing | Up to January 28, 2025 | g. | Pre-Bid Meeting | January 29, 2025 at 14:30 hrs at Estate Department, RBI Kolkata, 3rd Floor, BMOP, Kolkata - 700 001 | h. | Publication of minutes of Pre-Bid meeting/addendum, if any | On or before January 31, 2025 | i. | Earnest Money Deposit by NEFT / BG | EMD @2% of the total contract amount as specified in the tender will be collected from successful bidder for the work. | j. | Date of closing of online e-tender for submission of techno-commercial bid and financial bid | February 10, 2025 up to 11:00 hrs. | k. | Date & time of opening of Part I (i.e. Techno-commercial bid) | On or after February 10, 2025, 11:30 hrs. | l. | Date & time of opening of Part II (i.e. Financial bid) | Part II of the online tender will be opened on the same day or on subsequent date which will be intimated to the bidder in advance. | |