Corrigendum E-Tender No: RBI/Lucknow Regional Office/Others/4/24-25/ET/810 Financial Inclusion and Development Department, Reserve Bank of India, Lucknow invites bids through e-Tendering process from printing agencies/firms based in Uttar Pradesh for “Printing and Supply of Financial Literacy and Awareness Booklets to the offices of 59 DPROs (District Panchayati Raj Officers) in the State of Uttar Pradesh.” Printing agencies/firms based in Uttar Pradesh intending to participate in the tendering process should submit bid online as per the Tender document, which may be downloaded from RBI website ( and MSTC website The tender document shall not be issued by any other means under any circumstances whatsoever. Corrigenda or clarifications, if any, shall be hosted on the above-mentioned websites only. Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids, either in whole or in part, without assigning any reasons therefor. Last date for submission of Tender: Up to 14:00 Hrs. of February 13, 2025. Regional Director Reserve Bank of India, Lucknow This document is the property of Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It may not be copied, distributed, or recorded on any medium, electronic or otherwise, without the RBI’s written permission thereof, except for the purpose of responding to RBI for the said purpose. The use of the contents of this document, even by the authorized personnel /agencies for any purpose other than the purpose specified herein, is strictly prohibited, and shall amount to copyright violation and thus, shall be punishable under the Indian Law. | SCHEDULE OF TENDER (SOT) 1. | E-Tender No. / Event No. | RBI/Lucknow Regional Office/Others/4/24-25/ET/810 | 2. | Mode of Tender | E-Procurement System (online submission) of bid through The printing agencies/firms based in Uttar Pradesh, who intend to bid, are required to submit their offer electronically through this e- tendering portal. No physical bid would be accepted by RBI. | 3. | Date of publication of e-Tender through Procurement Portal | January 23, 2025 | 4. | Date of availability of Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) to the Vendors for downloading | 17:00 Hrs. of January 23, 2025 | 5. | Date of Starting of e-Tender for submission of Online bids at | 17:00 Hrs. of January 23, 2025 | 6. | Time & Date of closing of e-tender for submission of Part I (Technical Bid) and Part II (Price Bid) | Up to 14:00 Hrs. of February 13, 2025 | 7. | Date by which pre bid queries shall be addressed by the Bank vide e-mail ( | 17:00 Hrs. of January 30, 2025 | 8. | Date & time of opening of Part I (Technical Bid) | 15:00 Hrs. of February 13, 2025 | 9. | Date & time of opening of Part II (Price Bid) | Shall be intimated separately to parties | 10. | Total estimated cost (inclusive of GST) | ₹37,00,000/- (Rupees Thirty Seven Lakhs Only) | 11. | Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) | ₹74,000/- from each bidder remitted to Bank Account of Reserve Bank of India, Lucknow. The account details for NEFT/RTGS transactions are as follows. Bidders are advised to remit EMD well in advance to avoid last minute hassle. Account Name: Reserve Bank of India Lucknow Account type: Current Account Account No: 186003001 IFSC Code: RBIS0LKPA01, (Please read 0 as zero) | 12. | Last date of submission of EMD | Till 12:00 Hrs. of February 13, 2025 | 13. | Transaction Fees | To be paid through MSTC Payment Gateway/NEFT/RTGS in favour of MSTC Limited or as advised by M/s MSTC Ltd. | Note: 1. In the event of any unforeseen closure of work/ holiday on any of the above days, the same will be opened on the next working day. 2. Tenders not complying with the provisions of bidding documents are liable to be rejected 3. Applicants intending to apply need to satisfy the Bank by furnishing necessary documents in support of their eligibility and in the event of their failure to do so, the Bank reserves the right to reject their bids. Tenders without EMD will not be accepted under any circumstances. 4. The Bank is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept either in full or in part any tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. 5. Any amendments / corrigendum to the tender, if any, issued in future will only be notified on the RBI Website as given above and will not be published in the newspaper. Regional Director Reserve Bank of India, Lucknow |