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Date : Jan 24, 2025
Supply of sufficient number of adult and able-bodied labourers for handling of coin bags and note boxes, Belapur

Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting

1. Two Part Tenders are invited by Reserve Bank of India (hereinafter referred to as “RBI”) from eligible bidders for supply of sufficient number of adult and able-bodied labourers for handling of coin bags and note boxes to RBI, Belapur.

2. The e-Tender notice along with the detailed tender document is available at MSTC website and the website of the Bank at and/or under the menu “Tenders”.

3. All interested bidders must register themselves with MSTC through the above referred e- tendering portal to participate in the e-tendering process.

4. The Estimated cost of the work is ₹25 lakhs (inclusive of GST) approximately per year; however, the actual amount may vary.

5. Only those who fulfil the qualification criteria are eligible to participate in this tender. The selected bidder/s shall supply sufficient number of adult and able-bodied labourers for handling of coin bags and note boxes for a period of two years i.e. from April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2027, which can be extended up to a further period of one year, with/ without any variation in the terms and conditions, subject to satisfactory performance of the contractual terms and conditions.

6. Tenderers are advised to follow the timeline mentioned in Schedule of Tender (SoT) provided below. In the event of any date indicated being declared a Holiday, the next working day shall become operative for the respective purpose mentioned herein. Tender document can be downloaded from the links mentioned in para 2 of this NIT. Any amendment(s)/corrigendum/ clarifications with respect to this tender shall be uploaded on the abovementioned links of RBI’s website and the e-portal only. The tenderer should regularly check the links mentioned in para 2 of this NIT for any amendment/ corrigendum/ clarification on the above tender.

7. The services specified above have to be provided by the successful bidder/s to Reserve Bank of India, Issue Department, Belapur.


Sr. No e-Tender Schedule Schedule date and Time
1. e-Tender No. RBI/Belapur Regional office/Issue/3/24-25/ET/823 [Supply of labourers]
2. Mode of Tender e-Procurement System on MSTC e-commerce site (Online Part I - Technical Bid and Part II – Price Bid)
3. Estimated Value of the Work ₹25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Five Lakhs only) (Approx.) inclusive of GST, per year, for a period of two years from April 01, 2025 to March 31, 2027.
4. Earnest Money Deposit ₹50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) to be deposited by NEFT
5. Date of Notice inviting Tender (NIT) available to parties for viewing and download January 24, 2025
6. Date of starting of e-tender for submission of online Technical Bid and Price Bid at January 24, 2025
7. Pre bid Meeting January 31, 2025, 11.00 AM
Venue: Issue Department, Reserve Bank of India, Belapur
8. Closing Bid date- Date of closing of e-tender for submission of online Technical Bid and Price Bid February 20, 2025, 05.00 PM
9. Date & Time of opening of Part-I (Technical Bid) February 21, 2025
10. Date & Time of opening of Part-II (Price Bid) To be conveyed later to the eligible tenderers

Smt. Chandini Moolchandani
Chief General Manager
Reserve Bank of India

Date: January 24, 2025
