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Date : Jan 29, 2025
Supply of sufficient number of fully covered closed container trucks/vehicles for transportation of banknotes, Lucknow

The Reserve Bank of India, Lucknow invites e-tender, in two parts, “Part-I – Tender for Supply of sufficient number of fully covered closed container trucks/vehicles for transportation of banknotes – Technical Bid” and “Part-II – Tender for Supply of sufficient number of fully covered closed container trucks/vehicles for transportation of banknotes - Price Bid” from experienced transport contractors, holding proper and valid license for the purpose, for supply of fully closed covered container trucks/vehicles for transportation of boxes containing treasure/currency notes from/to Railway Stations/Air Ports in Lucknow to Reserve Bank of India, Lucknow, from/to Reserve Bank of India, Lucknow to/from various bank branches/Currency Chests located in different parts of state of Uttar Pradesh, Government of India Presses and other offices of the Reserve Bank of India etc. by road, as may be required by the Bank, from time to time.

2. The detailed information regarding above e-tender/s shall be available at MSTC website The details of eligibility criteria and the detailed notice inviting tender are also available on the tender link of corporate website of the Bank at The tendering shall be done through the e-tendering portal of M/s MSTC Ltd ( All interested bidders must register themselves with M/s MSTC Ltd through the above referred website to participate in the e-tendering process.

3. The last date for submission of online bids is March 03, 2025 up to 02:00 PM and Part-I of the tender will be opened on the same day on or after 3:30 PM. In the event of any date indicated above being declared a Holiday, the next working day shall become operative for the respective purpose mentioned herein. The Part-II i.e. price bids will be opened in respect of only those contractors/bidders who satisfies all criteria stipulated in Part-I. The selected bidder/s shall provide sufficient number of fully closed covered container trucks/vehicles for transportation of boxes containing treasure/currency notes for a period of 02 years i.e. from April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2027, which can be extended by the Bank for a further period of one year, with/without variation in the terms and conditions, subject to satisfactory performance of the contractual terms and conditions and also subject to annual review by the Bank based on the performance of the service provider/s.

4. The schedule for the e-tendering process is as under:

E-Tender Schedule Schedule Date and time
Availability of NIT for viewing January 29, 2025 from 11:00 AM
Pre-Bid meeting February 20, 2025 at 3:30 PM
Period of bidding online January 29, 2025 from 11:00 AM to March 03, 2025 upto 02:00 PM
Date of opening of Part-I March 03, 2025 on or after 3:30 PM
Date of opening of Part-II Date and time will be intimated to all the eligible tenderers through their registered email id.

5. The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all e-tenders without assigning any reason thereof.

Note: All the tenderers must note that any amendments / corrigendum to the e-tender, if issued in future, shall only be notified on the website of RBI as provided above and shall not be published in any newspaper.

Regional Director
Reserve Bank of India
