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Date : Jan 31, 2025
Corrigendum cum Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting - Request for Proposal (RFP) for Design, Supply, Testing and Commissioning of Currency Verification and Processing Systems (CVPS) at Offices of the Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai

The Pre-bid meeting for the captioned e-tender was held on January 15, 2025 at 1100 HRS IST in the Department of Currency Management, RBI Mumbai, to discuss some clauses of the tender and to clarify queries raised by the prospective bidders. The meeting was attended by the following:

Independent External Monitor: Shri K. Nageshwar Rao (Online)

List of participants on behalf of RBI

Sl. No. Name Designation of RBI Officials
1. Smt. Suman Nath Chief General Manager
2. Smt. Hema Chatterjee Deputy General Manager
3. Shri Satya Prakash Soni Assistant General Manager
4. Shri Ravi Kumar Gupta Manager
5. Shri Kirtivardhan Singh Manager
6. Shri Supreet Assistant Manager

List of representatives of the prospective Bidders

Sl. No Name applicant Name of the firm/company
1. Mr. David Hawkins M/s Stardust CPS Pvt. Ltd.
2. Mr. Kiran Suratkal M/s Stardust CPS Pvt. Ltd.
3. Mr. Shrijay Suratkal M/s Stardust CPS Pvt. Ltd.
4. Mr. Kishore Suratkal M/s Stardust CPS Pvt. Ltd.
5. Mr. M. S. Suresh M/s G&D India Pvt. Ltd.
6. Mr. Puneet Gulati M/s G&D India Pvt. Ltd.
7. Mr. George Abraham M/s G&D India Pvt. Ltd.
8. Mr. Shashvat Mehta (online) M/s G&D India Pvt. Ltd.
9. Mr. Yoshio Suzuki M/s Toshiba
10. Mr. Tarun Gupta M/s Toshiba India Pvt. Ltd.

3. The responses to the pre-bid queries received from prospective bidders are placed on MSTC website ( under the captioned tender.

4. Corrigendum

With reference to the RFP Schedule (Para-2 of the RFP document), the last date and time for final submission of bids on the MSTC portal is being extended to March 17, 2025 at 1500 hours IST. Accordingly, the date and time of technical bid opening is also revised to March 17, 2025 at 1530 hours IST.

5. The following shall be noted:

  1. The minutes of pre-bid meeting shall form part of the bid document / contract agreement.

  2. Remaining terms & conditions and specifications of bid document shall remain unchanged.

  3. The above amendments / clarifications are issued for the information for all the prospective bidders.

  4. The submission of bids by the prospective bidders shall be construed to be in conformity with the bid document and amendments / clarifications given above.

Chief General Manager-in-Charge
Department of Currency Management
