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Date : Feb 03, 2025
Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting - Supply of sufficient number of adult and able-bodied labourers for handling of coin bags and note boxes, Belapur

E-Tender No: RBI/Belapur Regional office/Issue/3/24-25/ET/823 [Supply of labourers]

The captioned e-Tender was published on January 24, 2025, on RBI website and MSTC Portal (RBI/Belapur Regional office/Issue/3/24-25/ET/823 [Supply of labourers]). The Pre-bid meeting was held on January 31, 2025, at 11:00 A.M. in the Reserve Bank of India, Belapur to clarify the queries of the intending bidders.

2. DGM (ID) in his inaugural address welcomed the representative of the firm and briefed the forum about the captioned work. The Bank Officials also explained various aspects of the tender which needs to be taken care of by all the intended bidders during submission of their bids. Thereafter, all the doubts / queries of the firm(s) were discussed in detail. The meeting was attended by the representatives of 07 (seven) firms and officials of RBI, Belapur as detailed in Annex-1.

3. Doubts / queries of the firm along with the clarifications provided by the Bank are tabulated hereunder:

Sr. No. Queries raised by the Representative Our Clarification
1 How many labourers are required to be deployed on a daily basis? It was clarified in the meeting that requirement for labourers will depend upon the quantum of work which may undergo change as per the Bank’s requirement. The quantum of work shall be conveyed to the contractor in advance and sufficient number of labourers must be provided in order to complete the allocated work within the business hours of the bank. As an indicative number, at least 8 mazdoors must be provided to handle 200 boxes of banknotes, and the same proportion may be maintained for other lot sizes. Further, at least 10 mazdoors must be provided to handle 4000 bags of coins, and the same proportion may be maintained for other lot sizes).
2 Whether submitting national permit for the vehicles is mandatory for all tenderers? It was clarified in the meeting that, the national permit for the vehicles is not mandatory for the captioned Tender.
3. Whether submitting copy of valid licence under the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 or the similar Act/ Rules promulgated by State in which the service is performed (in case of Security Service) is mandatory for all tenderers? It was clarified in the meeting that the said document is not mandatory for the captioned Tender.
4. Whether the EMD is compulsory for existing vendors? It was clarified in the meeting that the EMD is required to be submitted by all the intended bidders as per Section IV of the tender document.
5. Whether flat rate for maintaining two mazdoors mentioned in para 4 of price bid have to be quoted as “rate per box”? It was clarified in the meeting that the flat rate for maintaining two mazdoors on every working day to tend to work of stacking/spreading may be quoted as “Total flat rate for two labours per day”.
6 Whether detention charges will be applicable for maximum two labourers? It was clarified in the meeting that the detention charges will be quoted (rate/mazdoor/hour) and it will be applicable for all the labourers engaged for allocated work.

4. These minutes of pre-bid meeting / corrigendum shall form the part of Bid document and Agreement/ Contract.

5. The terms, conditions and specifications of the tender/ Bid document shall continue to remain same unless otherwise stated / clarified in this corrigendum.

6. The above clarifications are issued for the information and necessary action for all the intending bidders.

7. The submission of bid by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity to the tender/ Bid document and Amendments/ Clarifications given above.

List of Participants: Annex-1

RBI Belapur Representative of the firm
  1. Shri Rahul Kamble (GM-ID)
  2. Shri. Rishi Ranjan Kumar (DGM)
  3. Shri. Sanjay Dehade (AGM)
  4. Shri Ajay Nagbhidkar (AGM)
  5. Shri Ankush Bokade (AM)
  6. Shri Devidas Sawalkar (AM)
  1. Ajinkya G, Saloba Roadways
  2. Suresh Tukaram Gavhane, ST Gavhane
  3. Sandesh Gavhane, ST Gavhane
  4. Shubham Sohani, Om Sawari
  5. Karan Patil, Shree Ratneshwari currency movers
  6. Mahesh Patil, Thakur Infra
  7. Rajkumar Chandak, Currency Movers
  8. Mansoor Koor
