E-Tender No: RBI/Belapur Regional office/Issue/1/24-25/ET/820 [Transportation of Banknotes] The captioned e-Tender was published on January 24, 2025, on RBI website and MSTC Portal (RBI/ Belapur Regional office/Issue/1/24-25/ET/820 [Transportation of Banknotes]). The Pre-bid meeting was held on January 31, 2025, at 11:00 A.M. in the Reserve Bank of India, Belapur to clarify the queries of the intending bidders. 2. DGM (ID) in his inaugural address welcomed the representative of the firm and briefed the forum about the captioned work. The Bank Officials also explained various aspects of the tender which needs to be taken care of by all the intended bidders during submission of their bids. Thereafter, all the doubts / queries of the firm(s) were discussed in detail. The meeting was attended by the representatives of 07 (seven) firms and officials of RBI, Belapur as detailed in Annex-1. 3. Doubts / queries of the firm along with the clarifications provided by the Bank are tabulated hereunder: Sr. No. | Queries raised by the Representative | Our Clarification | 1 | Whether the cost of loading/unloading at the destination Currency Chest/Bank/Other RO will be included in the rate quoted by the tenderer. | It was clarified that the consignment will be loaded/unloaded at RBI Belapur through arrangement of RBI Belapur. However, “the cost of loading/unloading at the destination Currency Chest/Bank/Other RO will be borne by the destination Currency Chest/Bank/Other RO”. | 2. | Compensation during cancellation of remittance | It was clarified that the retention charges, if the advice regarding cancellation of vehicle requisitioned cannot be sent in time or remittances postpone for the day, will be paid for maximum 50 KM as per the rate quoted at Item (1) in Section VII. | 4. These minutes of pre-bid meeting / corrigendum shall form the part of Bid document and Agreement/ Contract. 5. The terms, conditions and specifications of the tender/ Bid document shall continue to remain same unless otherwise stated / clarified in this corrigendum. 6. The above clarifications are issued for the information and necessary action for all the intending bidders. 7. The submission of bid by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity to the tender/ Bid document and Amendments/ Clarifications given above. List of Participants: Annex-1 RBI Belapur | Representative of the firm | - Shri Rahul Kamble (GM-ID)
- Shri. Rishi Kumar Ranjan (DGM)
- Shri. Sanjay Dehade (AGM)
- Shri Ajay Nagbhidkar (AGM)
- Shri Ankush Bokade (AM)
- Shri Devidas Sawalkar (AM)
| - Ajinkya G, Saloba Roadways
- Suresh Tukaram Gavhane, ST Gavhane
- Sandesh Gavhane, ST Gavhane
- Shubham Sohani, Om Sawari
- Karan Patil, Shree Ratneshwari currency movers
- Mahesh Patil, Thakur Infra
- Rajkumar Chandak, Currency Movers
- Mansoor Koor
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