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Date : Feb 04, 2025
Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting - Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 100 Kilolitres per Day (KLD) capacity Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) with Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) technology at Bank’s Staff Quarters, Besant Nagar, Chennai

E-Tender No: RBI/Chennai Regional Office/Estate/38/24-25/ET/733[DSITC of 100 KLD of STP at BNQ]

A ‘Pre-Bid Meeting’ of the intending bidders and Bank’s officials, for the captioned work was convened as per schedule at 11:00 Hrs. on February 03, 2025. List of the intending bidders who attended the pre-bid meeting is given in Annexure-A.

The following queries were raised by intending bidders during the pre-bid meeting. Clarifications given by the Bank with respect to query raised are furnished below:

Sl. No. Query raised by bidders. Bank’s clarification.
1 CAMC / AMC renewal formula. Please refer page 91 & 92 of Section V (Special Conditions of Contract) of Tender document and CAMC/ AMC renewal formulae which are reproduced herein Annexure-B.
2 Civil Work to be executed by the Firm. Please refer para 2.6, page 10 & 11 of Section II (Scope of Works) of Tender document.
However, it was reiterated that as per para 2.6 that ‘Civil constructions, if any, for foundations base of MBR would be done by Bank’.
3 CTE / CTO Liaison-cost included? Please refer para 4.8, page 98 of Section VI (Technical specifications) of Tender document.
However, it was reiterated that as per para 4.8 that the “Statutory payments, if any required to be paid to the statutory authorities (Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) / Chennai Municipal Corporation / Water Supply and Sewerage Board / Authority) would be reimbursed by the Bank, as per actuals, on submission of the original receipts for the same by the Bank.
4 Whether the existing tanks (civil works) executed by the Bank are precast / MS tanks? It is clarified that the existing tanks are Precast tanks.
The intending bidders are advised to have a site visit for better understanding of the tanks and the existing site conditions.
5 Tank shape and positioning on ground; Pre-cast tanks. The tank shape shall be as per the proprietary item of the bidder. However, the technical parameters (like capacity of tank, thickness of material proposed etc.,) shall meet the technical parameters mentioned in the tender.
6 Time for completion including commissioning. Please refer page 115 of Schedule F / Section IV of Tender document i.e., 03 months from the 10th day from issue of work order.
7 List of approved makes. Please refer page 163 of Annexure – 11 of Tender document.
It was reiterated that the makes mentioned in the tender shall be followed by the intending bidder.
8 Digital Signature for Pre-Qualification criteria mentioned in the tender. It is clarified that documents with digital signature would be accepted by the Bank.
However, format mentioned in the tender document shall not be changed by the Bidder.
9 IOT / OCMS should it be considered as part of quote. Please refer para 4.5, page 96 of Section VI (Technical specifications) of Tender document.
10 Is the tender cost of ₹85 lakh all-inclusive cost of the bid? It is clarified that the estimated cost mentioned in the tender document is capital cost of the equipment excluding cost for operation and CAMC.
However, the bidder is required to quote all three components, i.e., Capital cost, cost for operation and CAMC as per the Schedule of quantities, which would be considered for evaluating the successful bidder, as per Page 129 & 130, Part II: Schedule of Quantities (Price Bid).
11 Overall height of the compact MBR system to be proposed. It is clarified that the height of the compact MBR preferably may not exceed 4 m (or any other requirements laid by existing Byelaws/ proprietary requirements) measured from Finished Ground Level (FGL)/ base level of foundation considering the nearby dwelling / residential units.
12 Scope of Sludge disposal The scope of sludge disposal will be carried out by Bank. However, necessary technical information / input shall be extended by the successful bidder to the bank in disposing sludge.
13 Whether Solvency certificate shall be taken for this particular work. Please refer Page 15, Section III, Para 2 E.

The following points were further clarified by the Bank.

  1. Performance Bank Guarantee, as mentioned in page number 7, Section-I, shall be valid up to Defect Liability Period.

  2. The successful bidder shall submit a clear timeline / program of schedule for completion of the work as per the tender conditions.

  3. For private works undertaken by the bidders previously, it is mandatory to submit TDS certificate along with work completion certificate / work order etc., as part of Pre-Qualification criteria.

  4. For all electromechanical equipment, star rating as per BEE shall be minimum 3 Star.

  5. The bidders were advised to submit their bids in MSTC portal, submit EMD to the Bank well before last date for bidding, to avoid any technical issues in the last minute.

Note: This minute of pre-bid meeting is for information of all the intending bidders and shall form a part of the tender document. The minutes of meeting should be signed by all the bidders and should be uploaded along with their bids.

Regional Director
Reserve Bank of India

Annexure A

List of the intending bidders who attended Pre-Bid meeting convened at 11:00 Hrs. on February 03, 2025.

Sl. No. Name of the intending bidder (M/s.) Name of the representative
1. ION Exchange India Ltd. Shri. Y.Srinivasaraju
Shri. S. Velumani
Shri. Ravindra P.
Shri. Rahul R.
2. ENMAS Water Solutions. Shri. Anand.V.
3. Aquaflow Systems Pvt. Ltd. Shri. N.Sundar
4. Ever Green Enviro Tech. Smt. R.Yuvarani
Shri. M. Raveendran
5. HECS Shri. J. Ravi
Shri. T. Nareesh
