Reserve Bank of India, Lucknow (hereinafter called "the Bank"), invites e-tenders through MSTC portal ( under two - Bid system (Part I - Technical Bid & Part Il - Financial Bid) for providing Maintenance and Catering Services at Visiting Officers’ Flat (VOF) and Transit Holiday Home (THH) in Bank’s Quarters at La Place, Shahnajaf Road, Lucknow and Sector J, Aliganj, Lucknow, from reputed Companies/Firms. The contract shall commence from April 01, 2025 and shall remain in force initially till March 31, 2026 for one year at a time and extendable for further period of maximum two years at the Bank's discretion or such other short period as the Bank may consider necessary, subject to satisfactory services rendered by the tenderer during the validity of the contract period 2. Amendments / corrigendum to the tender, if any, issued in future shall only be notified on the RBI Website and MSTC Website. SCHEDULE OF TENDER (SOT) a. | e-Tender no & Name | RBI/Lucknow Regional Office/HRMD/4/24-25/ET/866 Tender for Providing Maintenance and Catering Services at Visiting Officers’ Flat (VOF) and Transit Holiday Home (THH) in Bank’s Quarters at La Place, Shahnajaf Road, Lucknow and Sector J, Aliganj, Lucknow. | b. | Mode of Tender | e-Procurement System Online Part I - Techno - Commercial Bid and Part II - Price Bid through | c. | Date of NIT available to parties to download | 01:00 PM of February 05, 2025 | d. | Pre-Bid meeting (offline) | 11:00 AM of February 14, 2025 | e | Estimated annual Value of Tender | ₹40,00,000/- (Rupees Forty Lakh only) | f. | i) Earnest Money Deposit ii) Tender Fees: NIL | i) Rs. 80,000/- (Rupees Eighty Thousand only i.e 2% of estimated cost) through NEFT in favour of Reserve Bank of India, Lucknow on or before 01:00 PM of February 27, 2025. Details for NEFT Beneficiary Name: RBI, Lucknow, IFSC Code: RBIS0LKPA01 Account No.: 186003001 ii) Transaction Fee as per MSTC Rates. | g. | Last date of submission of EMD. | 01:00 PM of February 27, 2025. | h. | Date of Starting of e-Tender for submission of online Techno-Commercial Bid and price Bid at | 02:00 PM of February 05, 2025. | i. | Date of closing of online e-tender for submission of Techno-Commercial Bid & Price Bid. | 03:00 PM of February 27, 2025 | j. | i) Date & time of opening of Part-I (i.e., Technical Bid) ii) Part-II Price Bid: Date of opening of Part II i.e., price bid | i) 04:00 PM of February 27, 2025 ii) Shall be informed separately to the eligible parties/vendor only through e-mail provided by the bidders in their Technical Bid. | k. | Transaction Fee (as per MSTC website) | Payment of Transaction fee through MSTC payment gateway /NEFT/RTGS in favour of MSTC LIMITED | 3. In the event of any unforeseen closure of work/ holiday on any of the above days, the same will be opened /held on the next working day. 4. Tenders received after due date and time shall be rejected. 5. Tenders not complying with the provisions of bidding documents are liable to be rejected. 6. In case of any problem/dispute, decision of Regional Director, RBI Lucknow will be final and binding on all parties. 7. If any tenderer is not found to possess the required eligibility for participating in the tendering process at any point of time, the Bank reserves the right to reject his offer even after opening of Part-II of the tender. The Bank is not bound to assign any reason/s thereof. 8. The Bank is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept either in full or in part any tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Regional Director Reserve Bank of India, Lucknow | |