Extension of Last Date for Submission dated February 21, 2025 Extension of Last Date for Submission dated February 14, 2025 The pre-bid meeting for the captioned tender was conducted by Estate Department in the Conference Room on 04.02.2025 at 11:00 AM in presence of the following: For Reserve Bank of India: -
Shri Gyan Prakash Sharma, Manager (Technical- Civil) -
Shri Abhirup Chaudhuri, AM (Technical- Civil) -
Shri Palash Chaurasia, AM (Estate) -
Shri Dhirendra Singh Raj, Assistant (Estate) Prospective Tenderers: -
Shri Sunil Giradkar, M/s Giradkar Associates -
Shri Abhiman Hegde, M/s Abhiman Hegde Gist of the queries raised by the prospective bidders and Bank’s clarification on the same is as follows. 1. Query: Whether police verification is mandatory for contractors and workers? Clarification: Yes, police verification is mandatory for contractors and workers for entering the site. The contractors are also advised to take into consideration the present security requirements while quoting rates in MSTC portal. Also refer to special conditions of contract, clause SC1 in the tender document and strictly adhere to the guidelines. 2. Query: Whether a supervisor must be employed at the site? Clarification: The bidders are advised to refer to Clause 34 of Clauses of Contract in the tender document and adhere to the guidelines. Clarification (I): It is clarified that the description of the following items in the Part II (Price Bid) of tender stands revised and may be read as under: Sr No in tender. | Description of item in tender | Revised Description of item | 9 | EXTERNAL PAINTING: Applying 100% Acrylic emulsion elastomeric (stretchable) external variety decorative paint over a coat of Waterproofing priming/ base coat over which 2 or more coats waterproof decorative paint shall be applied. Providing and applying 2 or more coats of 100% Acrylic emulsion elastomeric (stretchable) external variety decorative paint over a coat of a waterproofing priming/base coat of approved make out of the given brands and varieties of paint in combination of 1 primer coat and 2 or more coats waterproof decorative paint all as per the technical specifications of manufacturer and following general activities all as per the directions and instructions of Bank's Engineer: a) Surface Preparation i) Thoroughly cleaning the exposed surface with water. ii) Treating all the surface cracks by opening the same in "V" groove shape by mechanical means. Providing and filling the cracks up to 5 mm width with approved make acrylic base crack filler. iii) Sealing the cracks which are more than 5 mm and also all the separation gaps of window jambs lining of granite & plastered surface with approved make mortar. b) Priming / base waterproofing coat Providing and applying a priming or base coat of specific waterproof variety of approved brand over the prepared surface all as per the manufacturer’s specifications. c) Two or more coats of decorative external 100% elastomeric variety paint in top coat Providing and applying two or more coats of decorative exterior variety 100% elastomeric paint in combination of two or more shades in lighter and darker shades as approved over the base coat all as per the manufacturer’s specifications etc. Completely done in workmanlike manner and as per manufacturer’s specifications and as per the instructions of Bank's engineer. Note: The rate shall be excluding scaffolding & supporting system as the same are included in item No 1 above and shall not be paid separately for this item. The make of paints of approved manufacturers are specified in tender. The Bank may approve one or more of them and the same shall only be considered for application. The contractors shall workout their rates accordingly including for difference in given qunatities if any before quoting. For A Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area 850 sqm.) | EXTERNAL PAINTING: Applying 100% Acrylic emulsion elastomeric (stretchable) external variety decorative paint over a coat of Waterproofing priming/ base coat over which 2 or more coats waterproof decorative paint shall be applied. Providing and applying 2 or more coats of 100% Acrylic emulsion elastomeric (stretchable) external variety decorative paint over a coat of a waterproofing priming/base coat of approved make out of the given brands and varieties of paint in combination of 1 primer coat and 2 or more coats waterproof decorative paint all as per the technical specifications of manufacturer and following general activities all as per the directions and instructions of Bank's Engineer: a) Surface Preparation i) Thoroughly cleaning the exposed surface with water. ii) Treating all the surface cracks by opening the same in "V" groove shape by mechanical means. Providing and filling the cracks up to 5 mm width with approved make acrylic base crack filler. iii) Sealing the cracks which are more than 5 mm and also all the separation gaps of window jambs lining of granite & plastered surface with approved make mortar. b) Priming / base waterproofing coat Providing and applying a priming or base coat of specific waterproof variety of approved brand over the prepared surface all as per the manufacturer’s specifications. c) Two or more coats of decorative external 100% elastomeric variety paint in top coat Providing and applying two or more coats of decorative exterior variety 100% elastomeric paint in combination of two or more shades in lighter and darker shades as approved over the base coat all as per the manufacturer’s specifications etc. Completely done in workmanlike manner and as per manufacturer’s specifications and as per the instructions of Bank's engineer. Note: The rate shall be excluding scaffolding & supporting system as the same are included in item No 1 above and shall not be paid separately for this item. The make of paints of approved manufacturers are specified in tender. The Bank may approve one or more of them and the same shall only be considered for application. The contractors shall workout their rates accordingly including for difference in given qunatities if any before quoting. For A Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area 1008 sqm.) | 10 | Same as above For B Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area 850 sqm.) | Same as above For B Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area 1008 sqm.) | 11 | Same as above F Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area 850 sqm.) | Same as above F Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area 1008 sqm.) | 12 | Same as above C Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area 755 sqm.) | Same as above C Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area 921 sqm.) | 13 | Same as above D Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area 755 sqm.) | Same as above D Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area 921 sqm.) | 14 | Same as above E Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area 755 sqm.) | Same as above E Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area 921 sqm.) | 15 | Synthetic Enamel Paint on Wood/ metal surface Providing and applying two or more coats of 1st quality synthetic enamel paint of glossy finish and approved manufacture and shade over a coat of wood primer or cement primer, as the case may be, including scrapping the existing surface, applying putty all over sand papering the surface to make it smooth etc to teak wood / commercial board surface in doors, windows, meter boxes, walls, columns, compound grills, etc including scaffolding etc all complete as directed by Bank's Engineer. For A Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area (57+51) sqm.) | Synthetic Enamel Paint on Wood/ metal surface Providing and applying two or more coats of 1st quality synthetic enamel paint of glossy finish and approved manufacture and shade over a coat of wood primer or cement primer, as the case may be, including scrapping the existing surface, applying putty all over sand papering the surface to make it smooth etc to teak wood / commercial board surface in doors, windows, meter boxes, walls, columns, compound grills, etc including scaffolding etc all complete as directed by Bank's Engineer. For A Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area (153) sqm.) | 16 | Same as above For B Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area (57+51) sqm.) | Same as above For B Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area (153) sqm.) | 17 | Same as above F Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area (57+51) sqm.) | Same as above F Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area (153) sqm.) | 18 | Same as above C Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area (42+46) sqm.) | Same as above C Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area (141) sqm.) | 19 | Same as above D Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area (42+46) sqm.) | Same as above D Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area (141) sqm.) | 20 | Same as above E Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area (42+46) sqm.) | Same as above E Building, ancilliary buildings & structures (Approximate area (141) sqm.) | All bidders are advised to refer to the above mentioned revised description of the item Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 while quoting rates in MSTC portal. Clarification (II): In Summary of Important Clauses, point 5 stands revised and may be read as under: Point 5 in tender document under Summary of Important Clauses | Revised Point 5 in tender document under Summary of Important Clauses | Value of work for Interim Certificate | ₹35 lakh | Value of work for Interim Certificate | ₹12 lakh (completion of work of 2 buildings) | |