E-Tender No: RBI/Mumbai/Issue/1/24-25/ET/825 The captioned e-Tender was published on January 28, 2025, on RBI website and MSTC Portal (RBI/Mumbai/Issue/1/24-25/ET/825). The Pre-bid meeting was held on February 10, 2025, at 03:00 PM in the Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai regional Office to clarify the queries of the intending bidders. 2. The following officials of RBI and intending bidders were present during the Pre-Bid Meeting: Sl. No | Name and Designation | 1 | Ms. Shivani Roy, Manager | 2 | Shri Sagar Poddar, Assistant Manager | 3 | Shri Nitin Gamre, Assistant | Sl. No | Name of the firm | Name of representative | 1 | Mayur Containers | Shri Bharat Gavhane | 2 | V K Gavhane & Sons | Shri B V Gavhane | 3. The queries raised by the participants during the meeting vis-à-vis the clarification given by the Bank officials are as under: - Sl. No | Queries raised by the Representative | Clarification by RBI Officials | 1 | In Annexure V i.e. Proforma for Indemnifying the Employer against Contract Labour Rules/Regulations, it is mentioned that the proforma should be on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate value. One of the tenderers has asked about the value of the stamp paper on which the said proforma is to be submitted. | The bidder has to submit the Proforma for Indemnifying the Employer against Contract Labour Rules/Regulations on Rs. 500 Non-Judicial Stamp Paper. | The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks. 4. These minutes of pre-bid meeting shall form the part of Bid document and Agreement/ Contract. 5. The terms, conditions and specifications of the tender/ Bid document shall continue to remain same. 6. The above clarifications are issued for the information and necessary action for all the intending bidders. 7. The submission of bid by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity to the tender/ Bid document and Amendments/ Clarifications given above. | |