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Date : Jan 07, 2022
Minutes of Pre-bid Meeting - Empanelment of Car Hiring Agencies / Companies, Hyderabad

A Pre-bid meeting in connection with tender No. RBI/HYDERABAD/HRMD/23/21-22/ET/359, which was floated on both MSTC and RBI’s website on December 29, 2021 for the captioned empanelment was conducted at 03:00 pm on January 03, 2022 at Conference Hall, 5th Floor, RBI, Hyderabad. The meeting was chaired by Shri B Ramesh, General Manager and the list of participants is placed at Annex.

2. At the outset, Smt. Vaishali S, Manager welcomed the representatives of participant Car agencies / Companies and advised them that to get their queries / doubts related to tendering process clarified in the meeting. Shri G P Prasad, Assistant Manager explained tender documents and important timelines of the tendering process in brief and requested participants to clarify doubts, if any.

3. Clarifications on queries raised by prospective bidders in the meeting are furnished below:

S. No Queries raised by the bidders Clarifications
1. Is there any price escalation formula for increase in fuel prices? As per para 16.1 of general conditions of contract, the rates offered by the tenderers and accepted by the Bank, will remain valid, for a period of one year. Thereafter they may be reviewed at the time of renewal of the contract depending on prevailing circumstances at the time of renewal viz. any major changes occuring in labour laws or Government decision affecting fuel pricing etc. However, this can be done only with the permission of the Regional Director, RBI, Hyderabad.
2. What is the volume of business awarded per annum? It is mentioned under para 1.1 of Section II: Instructions to Bidders as ₹40.00 lakh per annum. This may vary depending on Covid-19 pandemic situation.
3. For bookings done merely on a call basis, whether confirmation as such will be provided in writing later? In cases of emergency / holidays, bookings may be done via telephone and the confirmation of the same will be provided through e-mail subsequently.
4. What if we fail to submit Performance Bank Guarantee? As per para 26.1 of Section II: Instructions to Bidders, failure of the successful tenderer to submit the Performance Bank Guarantee of Rs. 4,00,000 (Rupees Four lakh Only) or to sign the Contract shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award, forfeiture of the EMD and blacklisting of such tenderer.
5. What is the frequency for submission of bills and time taken for payment of bills? Bills may be submitted on monthly intervals by 5th of subsequent month. The maximum time for payment of bills is 45 days from the date of submission of bills subject to proper verification of bills.
6. For VIP parking at Airport, the authorities concerned are asking for a letter of undertaking from the Organization. Will RBI provide the same? Reserve Bank of India shall follow any such instructions issued by concerned Airport Authorities in connection with VIP parking.
7. If a trip falls in between two different rate slabs, how to calculate the fare to be charged? As per para 8 of Part-II of Financial Bid, terms and conditions: Extra 30 Minutes over 4 hrs but less than 8 hrs will be rounded off to the next complete hour (e.g. 4 hrs 30 min will be counted as 5 hrs, so billing will be for 4 hrs/40 kms plus 1 hr. Less than 30 minutes over and above four hours will be ignored and not be charged.)
8. Whether bills submitted be inclusive or exclusive of GST? If the bill is submitted inclusive of GST by Travel Agency, the Bank reimburses the GST paid.

If the bill is submitted exclusive of GST by Travel Agency, the Bank pays GST to GST Authorities under RCM.

4. The meeting concluded with thanks to the representatives of participant Car agencies / Companies.


Reserve Bank of India, Hyderabad

1 Shri B. Ramesh General Manager
2 Smt K. Anuradha Assistant General Manager (Admin)
3 Smt Vaishali S Manager
4 Shri G P Prasad Assistant Manager (Car Desk)

On Behalf of the Car agencies / Companies

1 Shri K Fani Kumar Chaitnaya Travels
2 Shri K Rajasekhar Reddy Chaitnaya Travels
3 Shri Mohammed Moin M M Travels
4 Shri K V Chalapathi Kuppula Gangireddy Travels
5 Shri S Ramesh Reddy Global Tours & Travels
