Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting (E-Tender No.: RBI/Nagpur/Issue/16/22-23/ET/557) The prospective bidders are advised to note the following changes made to the captioned tender. Sr No. | Tender provision | Original clause | Modified clause | 1 | Section IV, Clause 1.6 | “Tenderers should have minimum average annual turnover of at least 100% of estimated expenditure of the contract during the last three financial years” | “Tenderers should have minimum average annual turnover of at least 25% of estimated expenditure of the contract during the last three financial years.’’ | Note: -
The above corrigendum shall form the part of bid document / Agreement. -
The corrigendum will also uploaded on MSTC portal. -
Rest of the Terms and conditions and specifications of the tender document shall continue to remain same. -
The above amendments / clarifications are issued for the information of all the intending bidders. -
The submission of bid by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity to the tender document and amendments / clarifications given above. General Manager (Issue Dept) Reserve Bank of India Nagpur | |