Cancellation of Tender Minutes of Pre-bid Meeting E-Tender No. - RBI/Mumbai/HRMD/31/23-24/ET/344 Human Resource Management Department, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai Regional Office invites e-tenders under Two Bid system (Technical & Financial Bid) in MSTC portal only ( for Catering and Pantry Services for Officer’s Lounge and Dining Room at the Central Office Building of the Reserve Bank of India located at Fort, Mumbai. 2. The details of the tender document/corrigendum will be available on RBI Website ( and MSTC portal. 3. The last date for submission of e-tender on MSTC portal ( is September 27, 2023 at 02:00 PM. 4. The Bank reserves the right to reject any/all the tender(s) or to cancel the tender without assigning any reason. Regional Director for Maharashtra | |