Extension of Last Date of Submission Reserve Bank of India, Ahmedabad invites sealed applications from eligible firms for empanelment as contractors / suppliers for a period of 03 years for civil, electrical and other works in different categories upto ₹50.00 Lakh. 2. To download application form and for other details, interested contractors / suppliers may visit ‘Tenders Section’ of Bank’s website https://www.rbi.org.in. 3. The last date of submission of duly filled and sealed application form at Estate Department, 4th floor, Reserve Bank of India, Ashram Road, Near Gandhi Bridge, Ahmedabad-380014 is November 30, 2023 up to 05:00 PM. Interested contractors / suppliers may submit the sealed application forms in person or through courier / registered post. 4. The Bank reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof. Decision of the Reserve Bank of India, Ahmedabad in empanelment of the contractors / suppliers will be final and binding on the applicants. Any extension / amendments in this regard shall be published on the Bank’s Website. Regional Director Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu Ahmedabad October 26, 2023 | |