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Date : Dec 07, 2023
Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting - Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (DSITC) of Active Harmonic Filter Panel at Bank’s Central Office Building, RBI, Fort, Mumbai


An offline pre-bid meeting on the captioned subject was held at 11:30 am on Wednesday, December 06, 2023.

a) A list of Bank’s Officials who attended the offline meeting:

1 Shri Hasanur Rahaman Assistant General Manager (Tech-Elec.)
2 Shri Manish Madhukar Gaikward Manager
3 Shri Vivek Prabhakar Jumle Manager (Tech-Elec)
4 Shri Santosh Katarnaware Assistant Manager (Tech-Elec.)
5 Shri Ronak Thakkar Junior Engineer (Elec.)

(b) List of representatives of intending firms who attended the offline meeting.

Sr.No. Name of the representative Name of the Contractor
1. a) Shri Shobh Natin Chaubey
b) Shri. Bharath Ambati
M/s. Speedfrost Services Pvt Ltd
2. Shri Vivek G Dixit M/s. Diamond Electric Co.
3. Shri Amit Kasture M/s. Ask Electricals

(c) Queries discussed in the meeting and the clarifications / comments given by the Bank are given below:

Sr. No. Queries / suggestions Clarifications / comments
1 Request to allow bid with make of Active Harmonic Filter (AHF) Panel of M/s InstaSine It is clarified that bidder may refer section-VII technical specifications of the tender.
2 Request to increase the work completion period. It is clarified that bidder may refer tender terms & conditions

Note: 1. The intending participants were advised that no deviation in commercial terms and conditions will be accepted by the Bank and all other technical specifications should be strictly adhered to as per tender.

2. This document shall form part and parcel of the tender. Hence, shall be signed and submitted along with the tender by the tenderers.

The meeting was concluded with a vote of thanks to the participants.
