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Date : Dec 08, 2023
Minutes of pre-bid meeting - Empanelment of Vendors for Supply and Delivery of Stationery items and Printing Material for RBI offices located in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai

Pre-bid meeting on tender for empanelment of vendors for supply of stationery items/printing material for the period 2024-2026 was held on December 06, 2023, at Mumbai Regional Office, RBI. The meeting was attended by the following members:

Bank’s Representative Participants
1. Shri Prashant Vetkar, AGM, CES 1. M/s 7Skills
2. Shri M G V Quadros, Manager, CES 2. M/s S M Roopawalla
3. Shri Anoop Singh, AM, CES 3. M/s Om Sai Prints
4. Smt. Eknath Thakur, Assistant, CES 4. M/s Darshan St. & Xerox
  5. M/s Rohit Stationery & Computers
  6. M/s Rajesh Printers

2. The vendors had raised various queries/issues during the pre-bid meeting. The queries and the clarification/comments provided during the pre-bid meeting are listed below.

S. No. Subject Queries/Issues raised by participants Clarification/Comments of RBI
1. Client certificate requirement The vendors informed that their clients do not provide client certificate on individual organisation’s letter head as required by RBI. The client certificate may be submitted in the format provided in the tender document with the signature and seal of the competent authority of the organisation.
2. Banker’s certificate Vendors inquired if it is mandatory to provide banker’s certificate on individual bank’s letter head. The banker’s certificate (in original) must be submitted on individual bank’s letter head only.
3. Eligibility of vendors Whether vendors located in Thane are eligible to participate in tender? The vendors who are registered with Mumbai/Navi Mumbai municipal corporation are eligible to participate in the tender.
4. Experience of vendors Whether the vendor should have five-year experience in Mumbai/Navi Mumbai only? It is not mandatory that the establishment should be in Mumbai/Navi Mumbai for the last 5 years. However, at the time of empanelment, they must be located in Mumbai/Navi Mumbai and shall submit documents for the same.
5. Letter of empanelment Whether the vendors will be provided certificate regarding the empanelment? Eligible and empanelled vendors will be issued a letter from the Bank regarding the empanelment.
6. Purchase order by the Bank Whether only Mumbai RO will be placing orders with the vendors? Details of empanelled vendors will be shared with all the offices of the bank located in Mumbai / Navi Mumbai. Offices / Departments will place orders directly with vendors as per their requirement and extant guidelines of the bank.
7. Signing of Tender Documents Should all the pages of tender documents be in vendor’s letter head? All the pages of the tender document containing the “Terms & Conditions” should be duly signed and stamp by the authorised signatory.

The Regional Director
Reserve Bank of India
Mumbai Regional Office
Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Fort
Mumbai 400-001
