Minutes of Pre-bid Meeting Reserve Bank of India, Hyderabad (hereinafter referred to “the Bank”) invites tenders under Two Bid system (Techno-Commercial & Financial Bid) from eligible tenderers for “supply of drugs & medicines to the Bank’s dispensaries at Hyderabad, supply of medicines on credit slips and home delivery of medicines to the intended beneficiaries of the Bank (retired employees/dependents/family pensioners of the Bank hereinafter referred to “beneficiaries”) within the municipal limits of the city of Hyderabad based on authenticated advice of the Bank’s Medical Consultants (hereinafter referred to “BMC”)” for a period of twelve months i.e. April 01, 2024 to March 31, 2025. The expected procurement value during the contract period is ₹3.5 Crore (Rupees Three Crore Fifty Lakh only). 2. The tender will be available for viewing/download from 11:00 am on January 03, 2024 on the Bank’s website: www.rbi.org.in and MSTC website www.mstcecommerce.com. The tenderer should upload duly completed applications along with necessary enclosures on MSTC website. Tenderers shall submit tender proposal along with an EMD of ₹7,00,000/- (Rupees Seven Lakh only) as prescribed in the tender. The techno-commercial bid will be opened electronically at 11.00 am on January 25, 2024 at RBI, Hyderabad. In the event of any date indicated above being declared a holiday, the next working day shall become operative for the respective purpose mentioned herein. Financial bid of only those tenderers who are found to be eligible on evaluation of their documents and subsequent visit to their site, if any, will be opened on a later date, after intimating the qualified tenderers. 3. Any amendment(s)/corrigendum/clarifications with respect to this tender shall be uploaded on the website/e-portal only. The tenderer should regularly check the above website/e-portal for any amendment(s)/corrigendum/clarifications on the above website and submit the bid after verification of the same. The Bank reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. The Regional Director Reserve Bank of India Hyderabad | |