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Date : Feb 08, 2024
Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting - Sale of Briquettes of Shredded Currency Notes (With limited quantity of plastic waste), Patna

E-Tender No.RBI/Patna Regional Office/Issue/1/23-24/437

The pre-bid meeting for the captioned tender was held on February 06, 2024 at 12:00 PM at Board Room, Reserve Bank of India, Patna in presence of RBI (hereafter called as "the Bank") officials. The details of the Bank's officials and participants who attended the pre-bid meeting are given below:

From the Bank:

Sr. No. Name of the Bank's Official Designation
1. Shri Amit Kumar Deputy General Manager
2. Shri Ramjatan Kumar Paswan Assistant General Manager
3. Shri Rajit Mehan Manager
4. Shri Vijay Kumar Gupta Assistant Manager
5. Shri Shashi Nandan Pritam Assistant

Prospective Tenderers:

Sr.No. Name of Firm Name of Representative
1. M/s Ambey Enterprises Shri Raj Kishore Chowdhary
2. M/s S K Traders Shri Shankar Kumar
3. M/s Patna Paper Agency Shri Vimal Prakash

2. The queries raised by the representatives of the prospective tenderers and requisite clarification issued by RBI, Patna are as under:

Sr.No. Query Raised Bank's Clarification
1. Is there any relaxation in EMD or Security deposit amount? No. There is no relaxation in EMD or Security deposit amount.
2. Is there any possibility of extending last date of submission of Bids? No. The dates mentioned in the tender document shall not be extended and no request in this regard will be entertained.

The prospective bidders were advised to contact MSTC (details of the designated official is given in the tender document), in case of any difficulty faced while uploading documents on the MSTC portal. Further, they were also advised to contact officials of Issue Department, RBI Patna in case they require any additional assistance.
3. Will the bid be on a price discovery model on MSTC portal? It was informed that there will be no live bidding on the MSTC portal and tenderers have to submit a single bid only.
4. What is meant by limited quantity of plastic waste in the tender? It was informed that certain plastic waste is also shredded by Issue Department separately. The briquettes so formed are easily distinguishable from other currency note briquettes. The term was included to ensure that these plastic briquettes are also disposed alongside other briquettes.


  1. The above minutes of pre-bid meeting shall form the part of Bid Document/Agreement.

  2. The minutes are also uploaded on MSTC Portal.

  3. The other terms and conditions and specifications of the tender document shall continue to remain same.

  4. The above clarifications are issued for the information of all intending bidders.

Regional Director
Reserve Bank of India, Patna
