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Date : Feb 22, 2024
Minutes of Pre-bid meeting - Group Motor Vehicle Insurance Scheme for employees of Reserve Bank of India from April 01, 2024 to March 31, 2025, Mumbai

The pre-bid meeting for the captioned work was held on February 12, 2024 at 1130 hrs in Meeting Room, 20th Floor, RBI Central Office Building, Mumbai. It was attended by five bidders and representatives of the broker, M/s Global Insurance Brokers Private Limited (GIBPL). For Reserve Bank of India, Shri Ashwani Dixit, AGM, Shri. Vinod M T, AM, and Smt. Barkha, Assistant, HRMD, Central Office, Mumbai attended the meeting. Further, the meeting was held in presence of Independent External Monitor (IEM), Shri Divya Prakash Sinha, IPS (Retd.).

2. List of representatives of broker and interested bidders who participated in the meeting is given below-

Sr. no. Name of the participants Organisation
1 Shri Mahendra Kanojia M/s Future Generali India Insurance Company
2 Shri Pranit Parab M/s Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company
3 Shri Prashant Mirgal M/s Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company
4 Shri Nitish Mate M/s Tata AIG General Insurance Company
5 Shri Dinesh (through Webex) M/s Tata AIG General Insurance Company
6 Ms Geeta (through Webex) M/s National Insurance Company
7 Ms Vidya (through Webex) M/s National Insurance Company
8 Shri Prasanna (through Webex) M/s The Oriental Insurance Company
9 Ms Ashwini Bhat M/s Global Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd.
10 Shri Gopalakrishnan S M/s Global Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd.

3. Gist of the queries raised by the prospective bidders and Bank’s clarification on the same is as follows-

SI No Queries raised by the representatives Clarification/Response given by the Bank
1 The details of all the vehicles covered under GMVI scheme, viz. make and model, NCB, vehicle age, etc.

A brief synopsis of Motor vehicles that are covered under the Group Policy as on February 13, 2024, is furnished below-

Four Wheeler

Cubic capacity band Count of policy Sum of Total IDV
(in ₹)
0-1500 CC 3,699 119,36,19,309
1501-2500 CC 352 19,89,62,115
Above 2500 CC 25 1,20,94,902
Grand Total 4,076 140,46,76,326

Two Wheeler

Cubic capacity band Count of policy Sum of Total IDV
(in ₹)
0-150 CC 794 1,65,02,818
151-350 CC 176 82,54,526
Above 350 CC 12 26,84,556
Grand Total 982 2,74,41,900

It may be mentioned that complete details of all the vehicles can’t be shared and the existing fleet is subject to change.

2 The data on Incurred Claim Ratio (ICR). The claim settlement data for last three years is furnished at page no. 23 of the tender document.
3 Total number of four wheelers and two wheelers included under the scheme. Four Wheelers: 4,076
Two Wheelers: 982
4 Who is the incumbent insurance company for GMVI? M/s Bajaj Allianz is the incumbent insurance company.
