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Tenders Awarded

Tender numberRBI/Nagpur/Issue/17/19-20/ET/359
Date of publication of NITFeb 13, 2020
Nature of workSupply of closed metal body container, air-conditioned passenger vehicle and labour services for transportation and delivery of notes in Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh
Mode of tender enquiryMSTC Web-portal
Type of bidding (single/two bid system)Two Bid System
Last date of receipt of tenderMar 13, 2020
Number of tenders received4 (Four)
Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation 2 (Two)
1. M/s Currency Movers
2. Sachin Singh
Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation 2 (Two)
1. M/s S.J. Enterprise
2. M/s S.J. Enterprises
Commercial Bid Ranking, if any
Final Ranking, if any
Whether contract awarded to lowest tenderer/evaluated L1Yes
Contract number and dateभारिबैंक(नाग)/नि.वि./प्रे/2497/15.09.005/2019-20 dated Jun 24, 2020
Name of contractorM/s Sachin singh (L1),
M/s Currency Movers (L2)
Value of contract₹ 1.1 Crore
Scheduled date of completion of suppliesMar 31, 2021
Actual date of start of workJul 01, 2020
Actual date of completion of work
Reasons for delay, if any