Reserve Bank of India
Central Office
Mumbai 400 001
RBI/2004/ 95
A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.77
March 13 , 2004
All Authorised Dealers in Foreign Exchange
Madam / Sirs,
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 - Guidelines for Compilation of R-Returns
Attention of Authorised Dealers (ADs) is invited to A.P.(DIR
Series) Circular No.76 dated February 3, 2003, in terms of which they are required
to submit R-Return (NOSTRO) and R-Return (VOSTRO) in hard copy together with
transaction details in (FET-ERS - Version 5.0) in floppy.
2. The R-Return formats have been updated and enclosed
as Annexures I (NOSTRO) and IA
(VOSTRO). Authorised Dealers may please note the changes involving the deletion
of Items Nos. I-H & II-H - Notional sale & Notional purchase and Item
No. V - Aggregate Balance in R-Return (NOSTRO). They may also note that on crystallisation/cancellation
of Export Bills Purchased/Negotiated/Discounted, the transaction has to be included
under Item IC (i)/(ii). The list of revised purpose codes for purchase, sale
transactions and also a list of purpose codes to be used for filling up the
cover page of R-Return are enclosed as Annexure II,
Annexure III & Annexure
3. It has also been decided to simplify the procedures and
documentation formalities in respect of non-import remittances. Accordingly,
in consultation with FEDAI, the A-2 form has been modified to incorporate the
application form and the declaration in terms of Section 10(5) of FEMA, 1999
and the specimen form is enclosed as Annexure V.
The customer will be required to submit only this form in respect of permissible
transactions pertaining to individuals up to a limit of USD 5000 as per our
AP DIR circular No 55 dated 23 Dec 2003. For undertaking transactions under
the Liberalised Remittance Scheme of USD 25000 for resident individuals, ADs
may be guided by the instructions conveyed in our AP DIR No 64 dated February
4, 2004. As regards other transactions, apart from Form A2 as at Annexure V,
the AD may call for additional information and documents as may be required.
In respect of regular corporate customers, the bank may like to obtain one-time
declaration under FEMA as per the proforma given in Annexure
VI. The objective behind these steps is to extend hassle-free service to
all customers.
4. Authorised Dealers are required to submit R-Return (NOSTRO)
and R-Return (VOSTRO) as per the updated formats in hard copy along with FET-ERS
floppy on fortnightly basis with effect from April 1, 2004.
5. The officials of the Authorised Dealers have been imparted
training by the Reserve Bank on the new FET-ERS (Version 6.1) package, which
has been revised comprehensively incorporating new purpose codes for various
foreign exchange transactions. The package containing the new version will be
made available / distributed to all ADs by the Bank shortly. Authorised Dealers
may please arrange for training the officials of the remaining branches so that
the foreign exchange transactions may be reported with new purpose codes through
the revised FET-ERS (Version 6.1) from April 1, 2004.
6. The directions contained in this circular have been issued
under Section 10(4) and Section 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act,
1999 (42 of 1999).
Yours faithfully,
Grace Koshie
Chief General Manager
Enclosures :
Annexure I (NOSTRO)
Annexure IA (VOSTRO)
Annexure II
Annexure III
Annexure IV
Annexure V
Annexure VI