(PCB).Cir. 36/09.169.00/04-05
February 2, 2005
The Chief Executive Officers of all Primary (Urban) Co-operative
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Guidelines for merger / amalgamation of Urban Co-operative Banks
A copy of the guidelines for merger/ amalgamation
of urban co-operative banks is enclosed for your information and necessary action.
The guidelines may be placed before the Board of Directors of your bank.
Yours faithfully,
Chief General Manager
Guidelines for merger / amalgamation of Urban Co-operative Banks
With a view to facilitating consolidation and
emergence of strong entities and providing an avenue for non disruptive exit
of weak/unviable entities in the co-operative banking sector, it has been decided
to frame guidelines to encourage merger/amalgamation in the sector.
2. Although the Banking Regulation Act, 1949
(AACS) does not empower Reserve Bank to formulate a scheme with regard to merger
and amalgamation of co-operative banks, the State Governments have incorporated
in their respective Co-operative Societies Acts a provision for obtaining prior
sanction in writing, of RBI for an order, inter alia, for sanctioning a scheme
of amalgamation or reconstruction.
3. The request for merger can emanate from
banks registered under the same State Act or from banks registered under the
Multi State Co-operative Societies Act (Central Act) for takeover of a bank/s
registered under State Act. While the State Acts specifically provide for merger
of co-operative societies registered under them, the position with regard to
take over of a co-operative bank registered under the State Act by a co-operative
bank registered under the Central Act is not clear. Although there are no specific
provisions in the State Acts or the Central Act for the merger of a co-operative
society under the State Acts with that under the Central Act, it is felt that,
if all concerned including administrators of the concerned Acts are agreeable
to order merger/ amalgamation, RBI may consider proposals on merits leaving
the question of compliance with relevant statutes to the administrators of the
Acts. In other words, Reserve Bank will confine its examination only to financial
aspects and to the interests of depositors as well as the stability of the financial
system while considering such proposals.
Procedure for Merger
4. The procedure for merger either voluntary
or otherwise is outlined in the respective state statutes/ the Multi State Cooperative
Societies Act. The Registrars, being the authorities vested with the responsibility
of administering the Acts, will be ensuring that the due process prescribed
in the Statutes has been complied with before they seek the approval of the
RBI. They would also be ensuring compliance with the statutory procedures for
notifying the amalgamation after obtaining the sanction of the RBI.
5. An application for merger giving the proposed
scheme will have to be submitted by the banks concerned to the Registrar of
Co-operative Societies (RCS) / Central Registrar of Co-operative Societies (CRCS).
The acquirer bank shall also forward a copy of the scheme to the Reserve Bank
along with information as in Annexure I. The Reserve Bank will be examining
the same with reference to the financial aspects and the interests of depositors
based on the criteria/factors outlined in Annexure II and convey its decision
to the concerned State RCS and in case the acquirer is a Multi-state Bank, to
the CRCS and the RCS of the State in which the acquired bank is situated.
6. The State Acts also provide for compulsory
amalgamation of the cooperative societies by the RCS. In such cases too, prior
approval of RBI is necessary. The schemes received from RCS will be examined
with reference to the financial aspects and the interests of depositors as well
as the stability of the financial system, based on the criteria/factors outlined
in Annexure II and decision conveyed to the RCS.
Annexure I
Information and documents to be furnished by the acquirer
UCB along with the application of a Scheme of Amalgamation
1. Draft scheme of amalgamation as approved
by the Board of Directors of the acquirer bank.
2. Copies of the reports of the valuers appointed
for the determination of realizable value of assets (net of amount payable
to creditors having precedence over depositors) of the acquired bank.
3. Information which is considered relevant
for the consideration of the scheme of merger including in particular:-
a. Annual reports of each of the UCBs for
each of the three completed financial years immediately preceding the proposed
date for merger.
b. Financial results, if any, published
by each of the UCBs for any period subsequent to the financial statements
prepared for the financial year immediately preceding the proposed date
of merger.
c. Pro-forma combined balance sheet of the
acquiring bank as it will appear consequent on the merger.
d. Computation based on such pro-forma balance
sheet of the following:-
i. Tier I Capital
ii. Tier II Capital
iii. Risk-weighted Assets
iv. Gross and Net NPAs
v. Ratio of Tier I Capital to Risk-weighted
vi. Ratio of Tier II Capital to Risk-weighted
vii. Ratio of Total Capital to Risk-weighted
viii. Tier I Capital to Total Assets
ix. Gross and Net NPAs to Advances
x. Cash Reserve Ratio
xi. Statutory Liquidity Ratio
4. Information certified by the valuers as
is considered relevant to understand the net realizable value of assets of
the acquired bank including in particular:-
a. The method of valuation used by the valuers
b. The information and documents on which
the valuers have relied and the extent of the verification, if any, made by
the valuers to test the accuracy of such information
c. If the valuers have relied upon projected
information, the names and designations of the persons who have provided such
information and the extent of verification, if any, made by the valuers in
relation to such information
d. Details of the projected information on
which the valuers have relied
e. Detailed computation of the realizable
value of assets of the acquired bank
5. Such other information and explanations as
the Reserve Bank may require.
Annexure II
Guidelines on merger/ amalgamation for UCBs
1. Reserve Bank of India may consider proposals
for merger and amalgamation in the following circumstances:
(i) When the networth of the acquired bank is
positive and the acquirer bank assures to protect entire deposits of all the
depositors of the acquired bank.
(ii) When the networth of acquired bank is negative
and the acquirer bank on its own assures to protect deposits of all the depositors
of the acquired bank.
(iii) When the networth of the acquired bank
is negative and the acquirer bank assures to protect the deposits of all the
depositors of the acquired bank with financial support from the State Government
extended upfront as part of the process of merger.
2. In all cases of merger/ amalgamation the
financial parameters of the acquirer bank post merger should conform to the
prescribed minimum prudential and regulatory requirement for urban co-operative
3. The realizable value of assets has to
be assessed through a process of due diligence.