Reserve Bank of India
Exchange Control Department
Central Office
Mumbai 400 001
RBI /2004/11
A. P.(DIR Series) Circular No.57
All Authorised Dealers in Foreign Exchange
Madam / Sirs,
Overseas Investment by Indian Companies/Partnership
Firms –
Attention of Authorised Dealers
is invited to the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or issue of any foreign
security) Regulations, 2000 notified by the Reserve Bank vide Notification No.
FEMA 19/RB-2000 dated May 3, 2000 as amended from time to time.
a. Liberalisation -
Removal of Monetary Ceiling for Overseas Investment
Under the existing FEMA Regulations,
resident corporates are allowed to invest overseas upto 100 per cent of their
net worth or USD 100 million in an overseas Joint Venture (JV) or Wholly Owned
Subsidiary (WOS) (USD 10 million in the case of registered partnership firms).
As a part of the ongoing liberalisation
process, it has been decided to allow resident corporates and registered partnership
firms to invest upto 100 per cent of their net worth in overseas JV/WOS without
any separate monetary ceiling, subject to reporting in form ODR.
- Liberalisation - Investment in Agriculture
At present resident corporates
and registered partnership firmsare permitted to invest in agricultural activity
overseas including purchase of land incidental to this activity only through
a Joint Venture (JV) / Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) abroad. In order to enable
the Indian companies to take advantage of global opportunities and also to acquire
technological and other skills for adoption in India, it has now been decided
to allow resident corporates and registered partnership firms to undertake agricultural
activities overseas including purchase of land incidental to this activity either
directly or through their overseas offices (i.e. other than through JV/WOS)
within the overall limit available for investment overseas under the Automatic
Route viz. upto 100 percent of their net worth, subject to reporting in form
2. Necessary amendments to the
Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or issue of any foreign security) Regulations,
2000 are being issued separately.
3. Authorised Dealers may bring
the contents of this circular to the notice of their constituents concerned.
4. The directions contained in
this circular have been issued under Sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign
Exchange Management Act,1999 (42 of 1999).
Yours faithfully,
Chief General Manager