RBI/2014-15/639 FIDD.CO.Plan.BC.No.58/04.09.001/2014-15 June 11, 2015 The Chairman / Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer [All scheduled commercial banks (excluding regional rural banks)] Madam/Dear Sir, Priority Sector Lending - Revised Reporting System As you are aware, priority sector guidelines have been revised vide circular FIDD.CO.Plan.BC.54/04.09.01/2014-15 dated April 23, 2015, wherein it was advised that separate guidelines relating to priority sector data reporting system will be issued in due course. Accordingly, it has been decided to revise our circular RPCD.CO.Plan.BC.56/04.09.01/2012-13 dated January 7, 2013 on the captioned subject. It has also been decided to discontinue Monthly Statement on Priority Sector Advances and Sectoral Deployment of Credit. 2. The banks are, therefore, requested to furnish data on priority sector advances, as mentioned above, in the enclosed revised formats. The revised quarterly and yearly statements should be furnished to Reserve Bank of India, Financial Inclusion and Development Department, Statistics Division, Central Office, 3rd floor, Amar Building, Fort, Mumbai 400001, within fifteen days and one month, respectively, from the reference date starting from June 2015 for quarterly statement and March 31, 2016 for the yearly one. Yours faithfully, P.Manoj (Deputy General Manager) | |