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30 Jun 2020
Report of the Agricultural Finance Sub-Committee 1945 4543 kb
The General Report of the Committee of Direction All-India Rural Credit Survey 9228 kb
Report of the Working Group on the Appraisal of Applications for Term Loans 3729 kb
Report on A Framework for Incomes and Prices Policy 3522 kb
Report of A Study Group of the National Credit Council 13454 kb
Report of the Working Group on Resource Mobilisation Profitability, etc. of State Financial Corporations 5588 kb
Report of the Committee on Differential Interest Rates 1219 kb
Report of the Working Group on Finance for Tea Industry 2433 kb
Report of the Committee on Delayed Payment of Bills of Small Industries on Government Departments and Large Industries 2627 kb
Report of the Committee on Banking Statistics 3184 kb
Report of the Working Group on Finance for the Coal Industry 1986 kb
Report of the Study Group on Non-Banking Companies 9067 kb
Final Report of the Study Team on Co-operative Agricultural Credit Institutions in Maharashtra 7000 kb
Functioning of Public Sector Banks 5372 kb
Report of the RBI Working Group on Planned Participation of Commercial Banks in Rural Electrification 2295 kb
Report on Selective Credit Control System 2666 kb
Report of the Working Group to Review the System of Cash Credit 3298 kb
Report of the Committee to Estimate the Demand for Pumpsets During 1978-83 and Study the Policy and Procedure of Financing It 2730 kb
Report of the Working Group on the Role of Banks in Implementation of New 20-Point Programme 7865 kb
Report of the Committee to Review the Working of the Monetary System 11895 kb
Report of the Working Group to Study the Problems of Bank Credit in the North-Eastern Region 1873 kb
Report of the Committee on Security Arrangements 7865 kb
Report of the Committee to Examine Certain Operational Aspects of Rural Lending 1809 kb
Report of the Steering Committee on Organisational Regeneration 1378 kb
Report of the Working Group to Review the Functioning of Debts Recovery Tribunals 2476 kb
Report of the Standing Committee on Gold and Other Precious Metals - 1993 2057 kb
Report of the Committee on Trading in Public Sector Bonds & Units of Mutual Funds - 1992 1475 kb
Report of the High Level Committee on Credit to SSI 1998 5377 kb
Report of the Study Team on Agricultural Credit Institutions in Orissa 1982 11026 kb
Study Group on Deployment of Resources by State and Central Co-operative Banks 1982 3890 kb
Report of the Committees on Communication Network for Banks and Swift Implementation 1987 3089 kb
Report of the High Power Committee on the Cost of Conducting Government Business by Public Sector Banks 1985 2395 kb
Report of the Committee to revise Public Debt Act, 1944 and Public Debt Rules, 1946 etc. 1986 7730 kb
Report of the Committee on Legal aspects relating to Operations of Banking and Financial System 1992 1994 kb
Report of the Working Group on the Modalities of Implementation of the Priority Sector Lending and the 20-Point Economic Programme by Banks 2337 kb
Report of the Working Group to Study Problems arising out of the adoption of Multi-Agency approach in Agricultural Financing 4627 kb
Money Supply in India: Concepts, Compilation and Analysis 1977 5359 kb
Report of the Working Group on Accounting Procedure and Maintenance of Records at Bank Branches 2267 kb
Reports of the Committee to Enquire into Securities Transactions of Banks and Financial Institutions 1993 14046 kb
Report of the Groundwater Overexploitation Committee 1979 2734 kb
Report of the Study Group on Interest Rates in the Co-Operative Credit Structure 1979 3611 kb
Agricultural Credit Schemes of Commercial Banks 1978 5098 kb
Report of the Internal Committee on Customer Service 1992 6198 kb
Report of the Committee to Examine the Adequacy of Institutional Credit to the SSI Sector and Related Aspects 1992 5679 kb
Report of the Study Team on the Working of Exchange Control Department 1975 9659 kb
Report of the Study Team on Agricultural Credit Institutions in Madhya Pradesh 1977 12388 kb
Report of the Study Group on the Extent to Which Credit Needs of Industry and Trade are Likely to be Inflated and How Such Trends Could be checked 1969 5524 kb
Report of the Working Group on Industrial Financing through Co-Operative Banks 1968 2376 kb
Report of the Committee on Mechanisation in Banking Industry 1984 3102 kb
Report on Hindi Training in Banks 1984 4833 kb
Report of the Study Group to Examine the Issues relating to the Setting up of Soft Loan Assistance Fund for rehabilitation of Sick Small Scale Industrial Units 1985 3840 kb
Report of the Committee on Hedging through International Commodity Exchanges 1997 3391 kb
Technical Group on Reconciling Balance of Payments and DGCI&S Data on Merchandise Trade 1995 1722 kb
Expert Committee on Integrated Rural Development Programme Interim Report 1993 1868 kb
Report of the Study Team on Agricultural Credit Institutions in Jammu & Kashmir 1981 12462 kb
Report of the Study Team on Agricultural Credit Institutions in Himachal Pradesh 1981 10802 kb
Report of the Committee on Urban Co-Operative Banks 1978 12153 kb
Report of Working Group on State Financial Corporations 1964 6968 kb
Report of the Committee to Review the Working of the Credit Authorisation Scheme 1983 2716 kb
Report of the Committee on Co-Operative Land Development Banks 1975 15335 kb
Report of the Committee to Examine the Legal and Other Difficulties Faced by Banks and Financial Institutions in Rehabilitation of Sick Industrial Undertakings and Suggest Remedial Measures including Changes in the Law 1984 9607 kb
Report of the Study Team on Overdues of Co-Operative Credit Institutions 1974 10616 kb
Report of the Study Team on the Two-Tier Co-Operative Credit Structure in Kerala 1973 5133 kb
Report of the Study Team on Agricultural Credit Institutions in Bihar 1977 11993 kb
Report of the Inter-Institutional Group on Financing Gobar Gas Plants by Banks 1976 3848 kb
Report of the Committee on Credit Deposit Ratio in Uttar Pradesh 1993 8530 kb
Report of the Committee on Computerisation of Public Debt Management 1989 2698 kb
Interim Report on National Level Arrangement for Institutional Credit for Agricultural and Rural Development 1979 2282 kb
High Level Standing Committee to Review the Flow of Institutional Credit for Rural Sector and Other Related Matters 1986 4881 kb
Report of the Committee on Technology issues relating to Payments System, Cheque Clearing and Securities Settlement in the Banking Industry 1994 3685 kb
Report of the Committee to Review the System of Lending under Consortium arrangement Reserve Bank of India 1993 2930 kb
Report of the Committee on Structure of Export Credit 1993 2746 kb
Report of the Committee on Transfer of Loan Account 1976 1076 kb
Report of the Committee on Currency Management 1989 2756 kb
Report of the Committee on the Financial System 1991 4047 kb
Interim Report of the Study Team on Co-Operative Agricultural Credit Institutions in Maharashtra 1973 2821 kb
Report of the Committee for Proposing Legislation on Electronic Funds Transfer and Other Electronic Payments 1996 5412 kb
Report of the Working Group to Review the Working of the Lead Bank Scheme 1982 5012 kb
Report of the Working Group on an Apex Financial Institution for the Small and Decentralised Sectors of Industry 1979 4440 kb
Report of the Working Group to evolve Guidelines for the use of Inspecting Officers of DBOD and ECD for the scrutiny of Foreign Exchange Transactions of banks and operations of Foreign Branches of Indian Banks 1984 15584 kb
Report of the Expert Group on Foreign Exchange Markets in India 1995 3389 kb
Report of Working Group on Monitoring System for Bank Advances for Priority Sectors and 20-Point Programme 1980 3816 kb
Report of the High-Level Committee on Agricultural Credit through Commercial Banks 1998 2750 kb
Report of the PEP Committee on Banking 1977 11330 kb
Report of the Agricultural Credit Review Committee 1989 12872 kb
Report of the Committee on Feasibility of Transfer of Coding Work from Exchange Control Department to Department of Statistics 1976 2723 kb
Report of the Reserve Bank of India Officer Cadre Review Committee 1970-72 9276 kb
Report of the Reserve Bank of India Officer Cadre Review Committee 1970-72 - Parts I & II 4613 kb
Report of the Reserve Bank of India Officer Cadre Review Committee 1970-72 - Parts III, IV & V 5283 kb
Report of the Reserve Bank of India Officer Cadre Review Committee 1970-72 - Appendices 13378 kb
Report of the Working Group on Banking Statistics 1968 799 kb
Report of the Study Group on Linking Borrowings with Deposit Mobilisation by Central Co-Operative Banks 1972 1339 kb
Report of the Study Group on the Provision of Credit Facilities for Road Transport Operators 1969 2227 kb
Report of Study Group on Forward Cover Facilities 1984 2339 kb
Report of the All-India Rural Credit Review Committee 1969 15582 kb
Report of the Study Team on Agricultural Credit Institutions in Rajasthan 1975 12735 kb
Report Committee on Co-Operation in India 1915 10984 kb
Report of the Study Group on Extension of Credit Limits on Consortium/Participation Basis 1974 2207 kb
Report of the Committee on Licensing of New Urban Co-Operative Banks 1992 6127 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: Report of the Committee of Direction: Volume I: Survey Report Part I (Rural Families) 1956 11838 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monograph, Jullunder 1959 5639 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monograph, Hassan 1959 6599 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monograph, West Godavari 1959 14191 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monograph, Burdwan 1958 5228 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monograph, Akola 1959 7577 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monograph, Osmanabad 1957 3141 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monograph Sorath 1957 6183 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monograph Deoria 1958 6590 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monograph Coimbatore 1959 4356 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monograph Barmer 1958 14589 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monraph Bhatinda 1959 13854 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monograph West Khandesh 1957 14600 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monograph Monghyr 1959 5552 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: Report of the Committee of Direction. Volume I: Survey Report: Summary 1955 7775 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: District Monograph Quilon 1958 5338 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: Report of the Committee of Direction: Volume III: The Technical Report 1956 15941 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: Report of the Committee of Direction: Volume II: The General Report 1954 15949 kb
All-India Rural Credit Survey: Report of the Committee of Direction: Volume I: Survey Report Part 2 (Credit Agencies) 1957 15308 kb
Report of the Committee on Agricultural Productivity in Eastern India: Volume I 1984 15302 kb
Report of the Committee on Agricultural Productivity in Eastern India: Volume II 1984 15997 kb
Report of the Committee to Review Arrangements for Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Rural Development (CRAFICARD) 1981 12416 kb
Report of the Study Groups and Notes on Integration of Cooperative Credit Institutions 1977 15654 kb
Report of the Committee to Consider Final Accounts of Banks 1985 13116 kb
Standing Advisory Committee to Review the Flow of Institutional Credit to Small Scale Industries Sector - Agenda and Notes 1987 3440 kb
Report of the Committee to Review the Activities and Future Direction of BTC - Vision 2005 2770 kb
Report of the Working Group to Review the System of On-Site Supervision Over Banks 1995 3272 kb
Report of the Working Group on Money Supply: Analytics and Methodology of Compilation 1998 5019 kb
Report of the Working Group on Financing of Industrial Estates 1972 4770 kb
Report of the Working Group on Bank Deposits 1983 6883 kb
Report of the Committee on Agricultural Productivity in Eastern India: Summary of Recommendations 1985 2803 kb
Report of the Committee to Study the Structure of Interest Rates for Export Credit in India 1986 3051 kb
Report of the Committee on Rehabilitation of Sick Small Scale Industrial Units 1986 1318 kb
Report of the Committee on Finance for the Private Sector 1954 5539 kb
Report of the Study Team on Agricultural Credit Institutions in Uttar Pradesh 1978 12965 kb
Report of the Committee on Integration of Co-operative Credit Institutions 1976 8760 kb
Report of the Study Group on Area/Project Approach in Implementing Schemes for Extending Commercial Bank Credit to Agriculture (including Commercially-Viable Projects in the Rural Electrification and Minor Irrigation Fields 1969 4204 kb
Report of the Committee on Financing of Tea Industry 1981 4668 kb
Report of the Study Group for Examining Introduction of Factoring Services in India 1988 5589 kb
Report of the Informal Group on Institutional Arrangements for Agricultural Credit 1964 5875 kb
Report of the Review Committee on Regional Rural Banks 1977 4287 kb
Report of the Committee on Banks' Credit Schemes with Reference to Employment Potential 1972 8947 kb
Report of the Task Force on Money Market Mutual Funds 1992 1209 kb
Report of the Inter-Institutional Group on Co-ordination of the Lending Operations of Term Lending Institutions and Commercial Banks 1978 2340 kb
Report of the Committee to Study the Problems of Sick/Weak units in Leather Industry and to suggest measures to overcome them 1994 5001 kb
Report of the Expert Group on State Enactments having a bearing on Commercial Banks Lending to Agriculture 1969 9116 kb
Report of the Working Group to Consider Feasibility of Introducing MICR/OCR Technology for Cheque Processing 1983 2213 kb
Report of the Study Group on the Formation of a Consortium of Indian and Foreign Banks 1979 3060 kb
Report of the Study Group on Term Loan Participation Arrangements 1971 3057 kb
Report of the Study Group to Frame Guidelines for Follow-Up of Bank Credit 1975 3629 kb
Report of the Study Groups on the Working of the Lead Bank Scheme in Gujarat and Maharashtra 1975 1338 kb
Report of the Working Group on Role of the Banking System in Providing Finance for Housing Schemes 1978 7083 kb
Report of the Working Group on Financial Companies 1992 11504 kb
Report on Development of Government Securities Market in India 1991 4568 kb
Report of the Working Group on Bank Credit to State Handloom Development Corporations 1986 2629 kb
Report of the Informal Advisory Group on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Institutions 2000 7242 kb
Report of the Working Group to Review the Organisational Set-Up of the Inspection Department and Methodology of Inspections etc. 3039 kb
Report of the Working Group on Accounting and Reconciliation Procedure of the State Government Transactions 2002 2126 kb
Report of the Working Group for Harmonising the Role and Operations of Development Financial Institutions and Banks 1998 6031 kb
Report of the Working Group on International Banking Statistics 1999 1894 kb
Report of the Working Group to Review the Internal Control and Inspection/Audit system in Banks 6379 kb
Report of the IDF Project on Non-Resident Deposits 2000 3984 kb
Report of the IDF Project on Short-Term Debt 2000 2518 kb
Report on Monitoring of Non-Debt Flows in India 2001 3289 kb
Report of the Informal Group to Study the Role of Bank Deposits in Savings Mobilisation 2000 2346 kb
Report of the Informal Working Group on Reforms in the Insolvency Resolution Regime for the Indian Financial System 2003 2441 kb
Report of the Committee on Computerisation in Bank 1989 3028 kb
Report of the Expert Committee to Review Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Schemes 1987 6117 kb
Report of the Expert Group for Designing a Supervisory Framework for Non-Banking Financial Companies 1996 2907 kb
Reports of Policy Group and Task Force on External Debt Statistics of India 1992 3673 kb
Report of the Working Group on Extension of Insurance Cover to the Deposits of Non-Banking Financial Companies 2003 1619 kb
Report of the Working Group on Savings: Capital Formation and Saving in India 1950-51 to 1979-80 6104 kb
Report of the Technical Group on External Debt 1998 2131 kb
Report of the Working Group on Money Market 1987 1879 kb
Report of the Working Group on Functioning of Regional Offices of Department of Economic Analysis and Policy 2002 2416 kb
Report of the In-house Working Group on Asset Securitisation 1999 7443 kb
Report of Expert Committee on Exports and Imports 1983 7270 kb
Report of the Working Group Constituted to Review Clerical Training 1979 6410 kb
Report on the Training and Development of Higher Banking Personnel 1968 4180 kb
Report of the In-house Group on Review of the Organisational Structure of Reserve Bank of India 1980 6667 kb
Report of the In-house Group to Review the Role of Reserve Bank of India in Laying Down Norms for Bank Lending for Working Capital Purposes 1993 2927 kb
Report of the Special Committee for Fixation of Combined Seniority and Inter-Group Mobility of Officers in Groups I, II and III in the Bank 1976 3319 kb
