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Date : Sep 16, 2016
Table 181 : Commercial Bank Survey
(₹ Billion)
Item/Month Amount outstanding as on
19 Sep 2014 31 Oct 2014 28 Nov 2014 26 Dec 2014 23 Jan 2015 20 Feb 2015 20 Mar 2015 17 Apr 2015
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
C.I Aggregate Deposits of Residents(C.I.1+C.I.2) 77920.91 79615.05 80010.64 80119.49 80789.52 81559.72 82648.86 84017.60
C.I.1 Demand Deposits 7272.88 7480.36 7609.82 7617.91 7373.32 7590.56 7940.29 7946.61
C.I.2 Time Deposits of Residents(C.I.2.1+C.I.2.2) 70648.03 72134.70 72400.82 72501.59 73416.21 73969.17 74708.57 76070.99
C.I.2.1 Short-term Time Deposits 31791.61 32460.61 32580.37 32625.71 33037.29 33286.12 33618.86 34231.95
C.I.2.1.1 Certificates of Deposits (CDs) 3035.79 2727.01 2641.39 2682.82 2725.05 2708.86 2974.46 2967.69
C.I.2.2 Long-term Time Deposits 38856.41 39674.08 39820.45 39875.87 40378.91 40683.04 41089.71 41839.05
C.II Call/Term Funding from Financial Institutions 1876.66 1854.18 1813.42 2013.76 2153.80 2250.65 2258.70 2204.51
S.I Domestic Credit(S.I.1+S.I.2) 89119.02 90746.48 91001.01 91703.60 93008.69 94021.75 94881.85 96122.08
S.I.1 Credit to the Government 23621.50 23999.84 24149.35 24239.99 24883.41 25213.57 24897.51 25630.05
S.I.2 Credit to the Commercial Sector(S.I.2.1+S.I.2.2+S.I.1.2.3+S.I.1.2.4) 65497.51 66746.64 66851.66 67463.61 68125.28 68808.17 69984.34 70492.02
S.I.2.1 Bank Credit 61180.66 62441.92 62553.48 63185.24 63639.23 64257.93 65364.20 65751.99
S.I.2.1.1 Non-food Credit 60129.95 61352.17 61478.33 62102.01 62609.25 63260.53 64420.02 64880.73
S.I.2.2 Net credit to Primary Dealers 38.90 45.22 50.71 54.89 46.18 44.60 35.71 55.14
S.I.2.3 Investments in Other Approved Securities 16.53 16.33 15.58 17.54 18.79 17.89 20.74 17.75
S.I.2.4 Other Investments (in non-SLR Securities) 4261.43 4243.17 4231.88 4205.95 4421.08 4487.75 4563.68 4667.14
S.II Net Foreign currency Assets of Commercial Banks (S.II.1-S.II.2-S.II.3) -1579.64 -2005.00 -1953.22 -2102.29 -2107.17 -1878.59 -1831.78 -1822.59
S.II.1 Foreign Currency Assets 1703.10 1295.25 1274.29 1281.31 1271.06 1567.43 1647.02 1634.88
S.II.2 Non-resident Foreign Currency Repatriable Fixed Deposits 2614.65 2626.24 2625.24 2713.93 2621.41 2664.24 2683.99 2672.57
S.II.3 Overseas Foreign Currency Borrowings 668.09 674.01 602.26 669.66 756.82 781.78 794.82 784.90
S.III Net Bank Reserves(S.III.1+S.III.2-S.III.3) 3081.94 3523.26 3404.43 3150.54 2934.70 3259.35 2741.54 3381.68
S.III.1 Balances with the RBI 3363.34 3400.39 3498.30 3458.48 3486.67 3433.09 3730.74 3598.63
S.III.2 Cash in Hand 492.62 580.77 531.68 557.22 519.73 516.20 533.55 541.61
S.III.3 Loans and Advances from the RBI 774.02 457.90 625.55 865.17 1071.70 689.94 1522.75 758.57
S.IV Capital Account 8119.37 8148.19 8149.64 8173.74 8183.20 8336.31 8365.41 8484.03
S.V Other items (net) (S.I+S.II+S.III-S.IV-C.I-C.II) 2704.38 2647.31 2478.52 2444.85 2709.70 3255.82 2518.63 2975.02
S.V.1 Other Demand & Time Liabilities (net of S.II.3) 3741.56 3600.61 3769.94 3675.96 3617.17 3658.48 3777.19 3448.13
S.V.2 Net Inter-Bank Liabilities (other than to PDs) -269.72 -230.64 -283.24 -277.51 -382.83 -356.39 -620.45 -492.32

Item/Month Amount outstanding as on
29 May 2015 26 Jun 2015 24 Jul 2015 21 Aug 2015 18 Sep 2015 30 Oct 2015 27 Nov 2015 25 Dec 2015
1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
C.I Aggregate Deposits of Residents(C.I.1+C.I.2) 84562.67 84635.85 85482.74 86150.42 86139.13 87979.59 87729.16 88348.71
C.I.1 Demand Deposits 8097.80 8054.12 7886.34 8050.70 8027.38 8456.63 8300.10 8478.54
C.I.2 Time Deposits of Residents(C.I.2.1+C.I.2.2) 76464.87 76581.73 77596.40 78099.72 78111.75 79522.96 79429.06 79870.16
C.I.2.1 Short-term Time Deposits 34409.19 34461.78 34918.38 35144.87 35150.29 35785.33 35743.08 35941.57
C.I.2.1.1 Certificates of Deposits (CDs) 2531.65 2223.35 2233.83 2017.32 1798.86 1874.53 1753.75 1999.98
C.I.2.2 Long-term Time Deposits 42055.68 42119.95 42678.02 42954.84 42961.46 43737.63 43685.98 43928.59
C.II Call/Term Funding from Financial Institutions 2372.22 2438.86 2390.99 2410.95 2409.96 2377.71 2537.03 3023.52
S.I Domestic Credit(S.I.1+S.I.2) 96849.59 97001.21 97446.85 98121.84 98307.40 99603.76 100216.27 101910.38
S.I.1 Credit to the Government 26084.69 25980.40 26348.91 26686.44 26398.95 26677.20 26831.89 26805.34
S.I.2 Credit to the Commercial Sector(S.I.2.1+S.I.2.2+S.I.1.2.3+S.I.1.2.4) 70764.90 71020.81 71097.94 71435.40 71908.45 72926.56 73384.38 75105.04
S.I.2.1 Bank Credit 66063.44 66306.24 66279.76 66388.19 66858.92 67946.26 68391.54 69882.49
S.I.2.1.1 Non-food Credit 64898.05 65191.89 65194.10 65361.37 65831.52 66921.76 67302.27 68772.43
S.I.2.2 Net credit to Primary Dealers 61.93 47.22 62.92 63.62 52.91 55.10 63.18 69.78
S.I.2.3 Investments in Other Approved Securities 19.36 21.04 21.65 19.23 19.91 18.79 18.89 18.65
S.I.2.4 Other Investments (in non-SLR Securities) 4620.17 4646.31 4733.61 4964.36 4976.71 4906.41 4910.78 5134.13
S.II Net Foreign currency Assets of Commercial Banks (S.II.1-S.II.2-S.II.3) -2463.71 -2434.63 -2602.84 -2637.70 -2614.01 -2490.66 -2647.12 -2697.82
S.II.1 Foreign Currency Assets 1447.46 1461.70 1208.68 1273.34 1339.63 1420.30 1365.40 1370.39
S.II.2 Non-resident Foreign Currency Repatriable Fixed Deposits 2821.51 2821.64 2829.40 2925.43 2944.73 2931.72 2998.07 2975.12
S.II.3 Overseas Foreign Currency Borrowings 1089.67 1074.69 982.12 985.61 1008.91 979.23 1014.45 1093.09
S.III Net Bank Reserves(S.III.1+S.III.2-S.III.3) 3390.16 3773.71 4212.11 4463.33 3781.09 3896.61 3603.63 2918.95
S.III.1 Balances with the RBI 3708.87 3652.14 3692.73 3688.94 3799.90 3755.08 3870.45 4090.38
S.III.2 Cash in Hand 574.18 579.54 555.57 561.01 584.30 626.21 653.95 626.90
S.III.3 Loans and Advances from the RBI 892.89 457.98 36.19 -213.38 603.11 484.68 920.77 1798.33
S.IV Capital Account 10688.99 8932.35 8938.14 8904.76 8976.14 9135.86 9171.85 9306.98
S.V Other items (net) (S.I+S.II+S.III-S.IV-C.I-C.II) 152.16 2333.23 2244.24 2481.34 1949.24 1516.54 1734.75 1452.32
S.V.1 Other Demand & Time Liabilities (net of S.II.3) 3353.69 3299.01 3343.40 3397.35 3518.52 3284.49 3493.43 3521.27
S.V.2 Net Inter-Bank Liabilities (other than to PDs) -509.17 -433.03 -456.61 -469.33 -519.76 -317.67 -292.73 -271.06

(₹ Billion)
Item/Month Amount outstanding as on
22 Jan 2016 19 Feb 2016 18 Mar 2016 29 Apr 2016 27 May 2016 24 Jun 2016 22 Jul 2016
1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
C.I Aggregate Deposits of Residents(C.I.1+C.I.2) 89146.63 89898.33 90263.35 92215.44 92080.66 92864.46 93706.39
C.I.1 Demand Deposits 8125.90 8403.36 8889.96 9037.63 8755.75 8939.48 8765.18
C.I.2 Time Deposits of Residents(C.I.2.1+C.I.2.2) 81020.73 81494.98 81373.39 83177.81 83324.90 83924.98 84941.21
C.I.2.1 Short-term Time Deposits 36459.33 36672.74 36618.02 37430.01 37496.21 37766.24 38223.54
C.I.2.1.1 Certificates of Deposits (CDs) 2235.30 2182.14 2068.16 2506.01 2261.65 3211.63 1755.50
C.I.2.2 Long-term Time Deposits 44561.40 44822.24 44755.36 45747.79 45828.70 46158.74 46717.67
C.II Call/Term Funding from Financial Institutions 2878.93 3044.35 2989.76 2959.57 2949.31 2965.98 2916.32
S.I Domestic Credit(S.I.1+S.I.2) 102911.94 103826.06 104171.42 104839.01 105474.94 106056.31 106741.99
S.I.1 Credit to the Government 26983.08 27026.53 26239.33 26910.26 27305.56 27577.78 28044.94
S.I.2 Credit to the Commercial Sector(S.I.2.1+S.I.2.2+S.I.1.2.3+S.I.1.2.4) 75928.86 76799.53 77932.09 77928.75 78169.38 78478.53 78697.05
S.I.2.1 Bank Credit 70566.76 71447.79 72496.15 72322.95 72264.41 72559.49 72676.68
S.I.2.1.1 Non-food Credit 69544.89 70369.96 71443.61 71282.25 71157.80 71555.66 71631.63
S.I.2.2 Net credit to Primary Dealers 60.17 58.82 97.76 74.37 71.13 82.63 93.27
S.I.2.3 Investments in Other Approved Securities 18.63 18.25 15.76 15.46 16.13 16.55 25.80
S.I.2.4 Other Investments (in non-SLR Securities) 5283.29 5274.67 5322.42 5515.97 5817.71 5819.86 5901.30
S.II Net Foreign currency Assets of Commercial Banks (S.II.1-S.II.2-S.II.3) -2848.17 -2674.28 -2247.82 -1927.85 -1949.05 -2061.84 -1979.19
S.II.1 Foreign Currency Assets 1300.73 1564.20 1847.37 2137.26 2133.70 2034.45 2041.85
S.II.2 Non-resident Foreign Currency Repatriable Fixed Deposits 3060.94 3095.76 3009.55 3037.80 3060.21 3090.88 3034.15
S.II.3 Overseas Foreign Currency Borrowings 1087.96 1142.72 1085.63 1027.30 1022.54 1005.40 986.90
S.III Net Bank Reserves(S.III.1+S.III.2-S.III.3) 2865.12 2640.40 2290.13 3868.70 3788.06 4244.67 4725.61
S.III.1 Balances with the RBI 3807.88 3871.06 3874.42 3982.72 3839.48 3940.21 3867.42
S.III.2 Cash in Hand 613.02 575.08 574.38 620.73 638.81 680.82 659.63
S.III.3 Loans and Advances from the RBI 1555.78 1805.74 2158.67 734.75 690.23 376.36 -198.56
S.IV Capital Account 9381.73 9364.15 9341.14 9825.79 9946.15 9987.27 9984.07
S.V Other items (net) (S.I+S.II+S.III-S.IV-C.I-C.II) 1521.59 1485.36 1619.49 1779.06 2337.83 2421.43 2881.63
S.V.1 Other Demand & Time Liabilities (net of S.II.3) 3443.49 3591.37 3954.77 3779.32 3773.09 3816.72 3609.16
S.V.2 Net Inter-Bank Liabilities (other than to PDs) -303.63 -372.20 -255.97 -239.01 -265.19 -379.84 -287.70
Note : Data from 2015-16 onwards are provisional.
Also see Notes on Tables.
