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Date : Sep 15, 2018
Table 216 : Auctions of 182-Day Government of India Treasury Bills
(₹ Billion)
Date of Auction Date of Issue Notified Amount Bids Received Bids Accepted Devolve ment on PDs/ SDs Total Issue (8+9+10) Cut-off Price Implicit Yield at Cut-off Price (percent) Amount Outstan ding as on Date of Issue (Face Value)
Number Total Face Value Number Total Face Value
Competitive Non- Competitive Competitive Non- Competitive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
12-Jul-2017 13-Jul-2017 70.00 63 325.26 10.00 36 70.00 10.00 - 80.00 96.94 6.3305 903.11
26-Jul-2017 27-Jul-2017 70.00 54 365.30 - 29 70.00 - - 70.00 96.98 6.2452 933.06
9-Aug-2017 10-Aug-2017 70.00 60 277.71 5.00 39 70.00 5.00 - 75.00 96.99 6.2239 958.11
23-Aug-2017 24-Aug-2017 70.00 54 365.27 - 21 70.00 - - 70.00 96.99 6.2239 969.41
6-Sep-2017 07-Sep-2017 70.00 63 490.62 - 36 70.00 - - 70.00 97.00 6.2026 955.01
20-Sep-2017 21-Sep-2017 70.00 44 365.06 6.08 24 70.00 6.08 - 76.08 96.99 6.2239 973.97
4-Oct-2017 05-Oct-2017 20.00 41 126.85 2.32 15 20.00 2.32 - 22.32 97.01 6.1812 911.93
11-Oct-2017 12-Oct-2017 20.00 43 109.72 - 18 20.00 - - 20.00 97.01 6.1812 931.38
17-Oct-2017 18-Oct-2017 20.00 31 103.30 - 6 20.00 - - 20.00 97.01 6.1812 891.62
25-Oct-2017 26-Oct-2017 20.00 35 133.16 - 8 20.00 - - 20.00 97.01 6.1812 911.52
1-Nov-2017 02-Nov-2017 20.00 41 143.96 - 9 20.00 - - 20.00 97.01 6.1812 859.65
8-Nov-2017 09-Nov-2017 20.00 37 106.52 - 9 20.00 - - 20.00 97.01 6.1812 879.10
15-Nov-2017 16-Nov-2017 20.00 31 83.87 - 5 20.00 - - 20.00 97.01 6.1812 840.65
22-Nov-2017 23-Nov-2017 20.00 33 82.12 0.01 12 20.00 0.01 - 20.01 97.00 6.2026 860.65
29-Nov-2017 30-Nov-2017 20.00 30 64.68 0.02 16 20.00 0.02 - 20.02 96.98 6.2452 795.82
6-Dec-2017 07-Dec-2017 20.00 43 82.75 - 21 20.00 - - 20.00 96.97 6.2665 813.80
13-Dec-2017 14-Dec-2017 20.00 43 84.00 35.01 26 20.00 35.01 - 55.01 96.95 6.3092 769.94
20-Dec-2017 21-Dec-2017 20.00 50 111.99 0.01 24 20.00 0.01 - 20.01 96.94 6.3305 778.93
27-Dec-2017 28-Dec-2017 20.00 35 86.78 - 8 20.00 - - 20.00 96.94 6.3305 724.42
3-Jan-2018 04-Jan-2018 40.00 49 144.07 0.08 14 40.00 0.08 - 40.08 96.93 6.3519 764.38
10-Jan-2018 11-Jan-2018 30.00 38 95.76 - 12 30.00 - - 30.00 96.91 6.3946 723.41
17-Jan-2018 18-Jan-2018 40.00 38 140.15 20.00 13 40.00 20.00 - 60.00 96.89 6.4373 783.41
24-Jan-2018 25-Jan-2018 30.00 37 85.86 0.02 11 30.00 0.02 - 30.02 96.88 6.4587 743.43
31-Jan-2018 01-Feb-2018 40.00 44 114.31 26.00 21 40.00 26.00 - 66.00 96.86 6.5014 808.88
7-Feb-2018 08-Feb-2018 30.00 35 98.20 10.00 13 30.00 10.00 - 40.00 96.85 6.5228 773.88
14-Feb-2018 15-Feb-2018 40.00 44 128.12 - 12 40.00 - - 40.00 96.87 6.4800 813.78
21-Feb-2018 22-Feb-2018 30.00 44 118.53 18.51 17 30.00 18.51 - 48.51 96.87 6.4800 792.29
28-Feb-2018 01-Mar-2018 40.00 37 114.43 40.00 15 40.00 40.00 - 80.00 96.86 6.5014 872.20
7-Mar-2018 08-Mar-2018 30.00 39 112.73 0.01 19 30.00 0.01 - 30.01 96.86 6.5014 831.58
14-Mar-2018 15-Mar-2018 40.00 56 252.77 - 15 40.00 - - 40.00 96.89 6.4373 871.48
21-Mar-2018 22-Mar-2018 30.00 52 202.37 6.26 8 30.00 6.26 - 36.26 96.94 6.3305 831.77
27-Mar-2018 28-Mar-2018 30.00 44 142.04 0.48 18 30.00 0.48 - 30.48 96.94 6.3305 862.35
04-Apr-2018 05-Apr-2018 40.00 50 125.62 52.49 21 40.00 52.49 - 92.49 96.95 6.3092 932.97

(₹ Billion)
Date of Auction Date of Issue Notified Amount Bids Received Bids Accepted Devolve ment on PDs/ SDs Total Issue (8+9+10) Cut-off Price Implicit Yield at Cut-off Price (percent) Amount Outstanding as on Date of Issue (Face Value)
Number Total Face Value Number Total Face Value
Competitive Non- Competitive Competitive Non- Competitive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
11-Apr-2018 12-Apr-2018 40.00 50 158.08 10.00 21 40.00 10.00 - 50.00 96.95 6.3092 952.63
18-Apr-2018 19-Apr-2018 40.00 40 152.50 - 17 40.00 - - 40.00 96.95 6.3092 972.46
25-Apr-2018 26-Apr-2018 40.00 43 101.49 - 19 40.00 - - 40.00 96.90 6.4159 992.26
2-May-2018 03-May-2018 40.00 36 132.48 12.00 11 40.00 12.00 - 52.00 96.90 6.4159 1024.26
9-May-2018 10-May-2018 40.00 40 99.04 10.03 25 40.00 10.03 - 50.03 96.87 6.4800 1053.85
16-May-2018 17-May-2018 40.00 33 81.60 0.00 15 40.00 0.00 - 40.00 96.80 6.6297 1073.85
23-May-2018 24-May-2018 40.00 42 68.81 0.03 32 40.00 0.03 - 40.03 96.72 6.8011 1093.72
30-May-2018 31-May-2018 40.00 48 139.30 0.00 17 40.00 0.00 - 40.00 96.72 6.8011 1113.30
6-Jun-2018 07-Jun-2018 40.00 46 180.85 0.00 10 40.00 0.00 - 40.00 96.71 6.8225 1133.12
13-Jun-2018 14-Jun-2018 40.00 51 164.93 69.13 26 40.00 69.13 - 109.13 96.68 6.8869 1187.24
20-Jun-2018 21-Jun-2018 40.00 42 173.85 53.51 19 40.00 53.51 - 93.51 96.68 6.8869 1263.91
27-Jun-2018 28-Jun-2018 40.00 44 187.09 25.00 19 40.00 25.00 - 65.00 96.68 6.8869 1308.58
4-Jul-2018 05-Jul-2018 40.00 47 144.11 0.00 27 40.00 0.00 - 40.00 96.67 6.9083 1306.72
11-Jul-2018 12-Jul-2018 40.00 43 142.03 0.00 20 40.00 0.00 - 40.00 96.66 6.9298 1316.72
18-Jul-2018 19-Jul-2018 40.00 43 166.55 0.00 14 40.00 0.00 - 40.00 96.66 6.9298 1296.04
25-Jul-2018 26-Jul-2018 40.00 44 190.20 20.00 25 40.00 20.00 - 60.00 96.64 6.9727 1325.80
Notes : The Presentation of implicit yield at cut-off price is based on actual/365 day count convention.
Source : Reserve Bank of India.
