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Date : Oct 13, 2020
Table 110: State-wise Net Fixed Capital Formation
(₹ Lakh)
Year Andaman & nicobar Islands Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Dadra & Nagar Haveli Daman & Diu
2004-05 -651 67081 - 18319 -13158 2613 322217 35010 14086
2005-06 -403 397664 - 47807 -12597 5422 299915 74119 58217
2006-07 -758 740366 - 13597 -741 108 291779 128427 67547
2007-08 -786 998939 - 7123 5395 8080 264167 129962 75587
2008-09 -290 1317256 - 15744 -4986 9996 515543 233916 74040
2009-10 -984 1591224 - 63827 58972 1381 508624 304828 43449
2010-11 -683 1259845 - 70947 70190 14641 399210 263121 61043
2011-12 -525 1101479 - 266995 109561 6107 770169 209433 69534
2012-13 -843 651633 - 37810 -61029 -1334 756040 231217 44886
2013-14 -379 527756 - 72012 23236 44101 911657 388942 96493
2014-15 -561 823370 -1666 30318 36684 7108 995938 -161277 54208
2015-16 -418 1512105 -1415 882220 54831 279 793713 -33543 124184
2016-17 -237 1474278 342 36176 142688 -7222 722160 -108550 142874
2017-18 -262 413760 -2935 -21142 203401 -2232 359803 76656 83964

Year Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka
2004-05 17342 2440 -2506 144549 15572 19160 115303 254124
2005-06 26853 31315 1566600 217903 120714 22995 247653 796938
2006-07 32083 24195 708202 283082 53337 46228 190917 568906
2007-08 29372 48950 1016332 426903 255211 63156 234538 833501
2008-09 25914 54897 1700459 485903 48397 32604 691927 1696640
2009-10 43690 52128 2033847 377198 80629 55498 600678 1986172
2010-11 44950 55340 2464836 505481 285426 21602 1240655 1793007
2011-12 113646 86345 2929781 449001 345621 33016 1496640 2199273
2012-13 70114 123648 2549787 1879386 128760 4587 588081 1742671
2013-14 33950 16496 4709374 370196 -79583 -15748 411062 913544
2014-15 16975 34651 7286599 394199 -231250 -7778 -37181 523881
2015-16 44575 65357 5345197 72852 -251558 -12329 813091 814596
2016-17 58935 25226 5930701 374926 -111345 -22696 -56861 606935
2017-18 11541 13937 2300135 456987 -94145 -27831 -524314 592043

(₹ Lakh)
Year Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Nagaland Odisha Puducherry Punjab
2004-05 22835 125753 462632 -116 -437 134 63515 12550 98098
2005-06 21761 126695 917810 -66 4631 125 520736 29522 190112
2006-07 78353 208761 1368127 -29 9504 284 512080 7771 272987
2007-08 60455 295214 1526927 11 7494 83 972189 19160 280465
2008-09 140754 292850 2174678 -81 3286 84 1123047 46245 352463
2009-10 176282 251495 1313392 -40 30530 8075 2171395 12796 173987
2010-11 88059 373024 1759599 155 22853 -148 2133926 8419 519096
2011-12 70367 435448 2410131 -208 46712 -652 2436029 -9806 437756
2012-13 102354 757880 3268165 48 32752 73 2184539 -12262 281184
2013-14 598960 1149350 2804108 -291 -7897 29 1960645 11754 242098
2014-15 404416 804316 2495438 109 -6995 -324 -53053 14469 -20576
2015-16 766389 451024 1342632 -609 -18829 -358 724674 11687 55436
2016-17 870598 203307 825986 1138 10984 -879 653833 9606 9431
2017-18 183020 425244 1314811 -214 -30587 -911 -788554 19573 256134

Year Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal All-India
2004-05 72475 - 450537 . 546 174295 51334 8069 2553722
2005-06 79173 - 761794 . 5177 575079 122003 68722 7324388
2006-07 280638 - 946993 . 10156 580834 396640 166645 7987020
2007-08 212803 - 1358588 . 2073 806604 354673 369574 10662743
2008-09 818117 - 1095118 . 15802 556914 519449 203423 14240111
2009-10 338241 15682 1466499 . 18313 238956 841475 1464961 16323196
2010-11 489114 6169 957818 . -491 522502 390869 489215 16309792
2011-12 755663 -162 1477502 . -3286 1067206 630064 378033 20316875
2012-13 726154 351 1425275 265219 -2892 1584436 226328 634521 20219540
2013-14 583107 -1880 1453991 175137 831 506746 102011 395025 18396832
2014-15 352955 -6105 -884541 158994 1086 538692 -199705 42117 13405511
2015-16 405694 6429 1598468 1485249 -2440 630139 224701 -24719 17879299
2016-17 359669 71733 1186977 324470 -2239 502057 108522 353342 14696869
2017-18 502608 -13162 470805 537289 -1230 310599 -23378 537768 7539180
.: Not Applicable. -: Not Available.
Notes: 1. Even though erstwhile Andhra Pradesh was divided into Andhra Pradesh and Telangana w.e.f June 2, 2014, ASI data published for the years 2012-13 Andhra Pradesh and Telangana contain break-up figures for the two states, separately.
2. Data for Arunachal Pradesh has been included in ASI from 2014-15.
3. Data for the year 2017-18 is provisional.
Source: Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India.
