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Date : Dec 28, 2021
Appendix Table IV.1: Indian Banking Sector at a Glance
(Amount in ₹ crore)
Sr. No. Items Amount Outstanding (At end-March) Percentage Variation
2020 2021(P) 2019-20 2020-21(P)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Balance Sheet Operations        
  1.1 Total Liabilities/Assets 1,80,14,425 1,95,94,617 8.5 8.8
  1.2 Deposits 1,39,75,045 1,55,90,600 8.4 11.6
  1.3 Borrowings 16,96,120 14,74,890 -0.8 -13.0
  1.4 Net Loans and Advances 1,03,01,897 1,08,20,208 6.5 5.0
  1.5 Investments 46,89,842 54,19,866 8.5 15.6
  1.6 OBS Exposure (Credit Equivalent) to Total Assets (On-balance Sheet) 125.6 118.7 - -
  1.7 Total consolidated international claims 5,78,412 6,13,794 -8.1 6.1
2 Profitability        
  2.1 Net profit 10,911 1,21,998 - -
  2.2 Return on Assets (RoA) (Per cent) 0.15 0.66 - -
  2.3 Return on Equity (RoE) (Per cent) 0.8 7.7 - -
  2.4 Net Interest Margin (NIM) (Per cent) 2.8 2.9 - -
3 Capital Adequacy        
  3.1 Capital to risk weighted assets ratio (CRAR) @ 14.8 16.3 - -
  3.2 Tier I capital (as percentage of total capital) @ 85.5 86.8 - -
  3.3 CRAR (tier I) (Per cent) @ 12.6 14.2 - -
4 Asset Quality        
  4.1 Gross NPAs 8,99,803 8,37,771 -3.9 -6.9
  4.2 Net NPAs 2,89,370 2,58,228 -18.5 -10.8
  4.3 Gross NPA ratio (Gross NPAs as percentage of gross advances) 8.2 7.3 - -
  4.4 Net NPA ratio (Net NPAs as percentage of net advances) 2.8 2.4 - -
  4.5 Provision Coverage Ratio (Without Write-Off adj) (Per cent)* 66.2 67.4 - -
  4.6 Slippage ratio (Per cent)* 3.8 2.8 - -
5 Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit        
  5.1 Gross bank credit 1,00,98,420 1,06,40,811 6.0 5.4
  5.2 Agriculture 12,39,575 13,84,815 1.8 11.7
  5.3 Industry 32,52,801 32,53,636 -1.2 0.0
  5.4 Services 27,54,823 27,45,324 5.9 -0.3
  5.5 Retail Loans 26,59,249 29,86,461 15.4 12.3
6 Technological Development        
  6.1 Total number of credit cards (in lakhs) 577 620 22.6 7.5
  6.2 Total number of debit cards (in lakhs) 8,286 8,982 -8.5 8.4
  6.3 Number of ATMs 2,10,760 2,13,575 4.2 1.3
7 Customer Services        
  7.1 Total number of complaints received during the year 3,06,704 3,41,747 66.0 11.4
  7.2 Total number of complaints handled during the year 3,28,972 3,81,473# 60.6 15.9
  7.3 Total number of complaints addressed 3,05,592 3,71,395 67.4 21.5
  7.4 Percentage of complaints addressed 92.9 97.4 - -
8 Financial Inclusion        
  8.1 Credit-deposit ratio (Per cent) 73.7 69.4 - -
  8.2 Number of new bank branches opened 4,334 3,064 9.3 -29.3
  8.3 Number of banking outlets in villages (Total) 5,99,217 12,48,079^ 0.4 108.3
Notes: 1. P: Provisional.
2. @Figures are as per the Basel III framework.
3. ^: Significant increase in numbers is due to reclassification done by banks.
4. *: Based on off-site returns.
5. Percentage variations could be slightly different as figures have been rounded off to lakh/crore.
6. # Includes complaints brought forward from the previous year, complaints received as e-mail before March 31, 2020 but registered as complaints after April 01, 2020 and complaints transferred from CEPCs on or later than April 01, 2020.
