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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 141 : Non-Resident Deposits Outstanding - US Dollar
(US $ Million)
Year (end-March) FCNR(A) FCNR(B) NR(E)RA NR(NR)RD NRO FC(B&O)D FC(O)N Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2004 - 10961 20559 1746 - - - 33266
2005 - 11452 21291 232 - - - 32975
2006 - 13064 22070 - 1148 - - 36282
2007 - 15129 24495 - 1616 - - 41240
2008 - 14168 26716 - 2788 - - 43672
2009 - 13211 23570 - 4773 - - 41554
2010 - 14258 26251 - 7381 - - 47890
2011 - 15597 26378 - 9707 - - 51682
2012 - 14968 31408 - 12232 - - 58608
2013 - 15188 45924 - 9710 - - 70823
2014 - 41823 52908 - 9114 - - 103844
2015 - 42824 62746 - 9593 - - 115163
2016 - 45316 71468 - 10145 - - 126929
2017 - 21002 83213 - 12652 - - 116867
2018 - 22026 90035 - 14121 - - 126182
2019 - 23170 92017 - 15236 - - 130423
2020 - 24244 90367 - 15969 - - 130581
2021 - 20473 102579 - 18842 - - 141895
2022 - 16918 100801 - 21303 - - 139022
FCNR(A) : Foreign currency non-resident (accounts)
FCNR(B) : Foreign currency non-resident (banks)
FC(B&O)D : Foreign currency (bank and other) deposits
NRO : Non-resident ordinary rupee accounts
NR(E)RA : Non-resident (external) rupee accounts
NR(NR)RD : Non-resident (non-repatriable) rupee deposits
FC(O)N : Foreign currency (ordinary) non-repatriable deposits
Notes: 1. The figures are outstanding as on last Friday of March.
2. The figures on non-resident deposits are as reported by scheduled commercial banks in India.
Source : Reserve Bank of India.
