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Date : Dec 27, 2022
Appendix Table V.8: Liabilities and Assets of State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Item As at End-March Percentage Variation
2020 2021P 2019-20 2020-21
1 2 3 4 5
1. Capital 939 949 -0.1 1.2
  (3.5) (3.5)    
2. Reserves 4,928 5,193 38.8 5.4
  (18.2) (19)    
3. Deposits 2,409 2,546 -1.0 5.7
  (8.9) (9.3)    
4. Borrowings 13,740 13,293 -9.0 -3.3
  (50.7) (48.7)    
5. Other Liabilities 5,090 5,293 -14.8 4.0
  (18.8) (19.4)    
1. Cash and Bank Balances 174 234 -32.2 34.4
  (0.6) (0.9)    
2. Investments 2,498 2,272 -24.4 -9.0
  (9.2) (8.3)    
3. Loans and Advances 20,704 20,918 0.3 1.0
  (76.4) (76.7)    
4. Accumulated Losses 611 518 7.5 -15.2
  (2.3) (1.9)    
5. Other Assets 3,119 3,332 -3.1 6.8
  (11.5) (12.2)    
Total Liabilities/Assets 27,106 27,275 -3.2 0.6
  (100.0) (100.0)    
Notes: 1. Figures in parentheses are proportion to total liabilities/assets (in per cent).
2. Y-o-Y variations could be slightly different because absolute numbers. have been rounded off to ₹1 Crore in the table.
3. Components may not add up to the total due to rounding off.
4. P- Provisional
Source: NABARD.
