AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AICPI-IW | All-India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers |
ATB | Auction Treasury Bill |
BBR | Budget Balance Rules |
BE | Budget Estimate |
BETA | Budget Execution Technique Automation |
BPL | Below Poverty Line |
CAG | Comptroller and Auditor General |
CGA | Controller General of Accounts |
CGST | Central Goods and Services Tax |
CMU | Cash Management Unit |
CO | Capital Outlay |
CSF | Consolidated Sinking Fund |
CSS | Centrally Sponsored Scheme |
CV | Coefficient of Variation |
DA | Dearness Allowance |
DB | Defined Benefit |
DBT | Direct Benefit Transfer |
DC | Defined Contribution |
DGI | Data Gaps Initiative |
DISCOM | Distribution Company |
FC-XIII | Thirteenth Finance Commission |
FC-XIV | Fourteenth Finance Commission |
FC-XV | Fifteenth Finance Commission |
FI | Financial Institution |
FMC | Finance Monitoring Committee |
FRBM | Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management |
FRL | Fiscal Responsibility Legislation |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GeM | Government e-Marketplace |
GFD | Gross Fiscal Deficit |
GFSM | Government Finance Statistics Manual |
GIC | General Insurance Corporation |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GoI | Government of India |
GPS | Guaranteed Pension Scheme |
GRF | Guarantee Redemption Fund |
GRIT | Gujarat State Institution for Transformation |
GSDP | Gross State Domestic Product |
GST | Goods and Services Tax |
GSTN | Goods and Services Tax Network |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IP | Interest Payment |
ITB | Intermediate Treasury Bill |
JAM | Jan Dhan, Aadhar, and Mobile |
JITFS | Just-in-Time Funding System |
KALIA | Krushak Assistance for Livelihood and Income Augmentation |
KSPPC | Karnataka State Policy and Planning Commission |
LIC | Life Insurance Corporation |
MITRA | Maharashtra Institution for Transformation |
MPRNA | Madhya Pradesh Rajya NITI Aayog |
MSME | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise |
MTEF | Medium-Term Expenditure Framework |
MTFP | Medium-Term Fiscal Policy |
NABARD | National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development |
NBC | Net Borrowing Ceiling |
NCDC | National Cooperative Development Corporation |
NITI | National Institution for Transforming India |
NPS | National Pension System |
NSO | National Statistical Office |
NSSF | National Small Saving Fund |
OD | Overdraft |
OFRBMA | Odisha Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act |
OPS | Old Pension Scheme |
PA | Provisional Account |
PD | Primary Deficit |
PEFA | Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability |
PF | Provident Fund |
PFM | Public Financial Management |
PFMS | Public Financial Management System |
PFRDA | Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority |
PIB | Press Information Bureau |
PPP | Public Private Partnership |
QR | Quick Response |
R&D | Research and Development |
RBI | Reserve Bank of India |
RD | Revenue Deficit |
RE | Revised Estimate |
RECO | Revenue Expenditure to Capital Outlay |
RR | Revenue Receipt |
SBI | State Bank of India |
SDF | Special Drawing Facility |
SDG | Sustainable Development Goal |
SETU | State Institute for Empowering and Transforming Uttarakhand |
SFC | State Finance Commission |
SGS | State Government Security |
SGST | State Goods and Services Tax |
SITA | State Institution for Transformation Aayog |
SNA | Single Nodal Agency |
SOTR | States’ Own Tax Revenue |
STC | State Transformation Commission |
SVAR | Structural Vector Autoregressive |
TANGEDCO | Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation |
UDAY | Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana |
UPS | Unified Pension Scheme |
UT | Union Territory |
VAT | Value-Added Tax |
WAS | Weighted Average Spread |
WAY | Weighted Average Yield |
WMA | Ways and Means Advance |