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Date : Dec 19, 2024
States: Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu
Appendix III : Capital Receipts of States and Union Territories with Legislature (Contd.)
(₹ Lakh)
2022-23 (Accounts) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2023-24 (Revised Estimates) 2024-25 (Budget Estimates) 2022-23 (Accounts) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2023-24 (Revised Estimates) 2024-25 (Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
TOTAL CAPITAL RECEIPTS (I to XII) 22,22,854.3 29,45,615.6 99,35,326.4 1,05,22,318.4 16,24,812.5 17,05,562.1 17,61,262.1 13,37,243.0
TOTAL CAPITAL RECEIPTS (Includes Public Accounts on a net basis)* 4,92,867.6 2,01,822.4 1,95,028.0 3,34,830.0 1,47,925.7 1,73,482.1 2,29,182.1 1,89,010.0
I. Internal Debt (1 to 8) 5,11,602.8 2,26,853.0 1,88,745.0 3,43,735.0 3,71,898.4 2,47,900.0 2,47,900.0 1,48,203.0
1. Market Loans 1,75,300.0 1,74,508.0 1,36,400.0 2,78,616.0 1,31,607.2 1,20,000.0 1,20,000.0 1,17,000.0
2. Loans from LIC
3. Loans from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development 20,000.0 20,000.0 20,000.0 27,000.0 14,190.7 27,000.0 27,000.0 25,000.0
4. Loans from SBI and other Banks
5. Loans from National Co-operative Development Corporation 268.3 500.0 500.0 500.0
6. WMA from RBI 1,80,307.5 20,900.0 20,900.0 20,900.0 2,25,441.6 1,00,000.0 1,00,000.0 3.0
7. Special Securities issued to NSSF -106.6
8. Others (including 106)@ 1,36,102.0 11,445.0 11,445.0 17,219.0 390.6 400.0 400.0 5,700.0
II. Loans and Advances from the Centre (1 to 6) 1,10,465.2 7,000.0 7,000.0 9,000.0 30,040.1 21,071.6 76,771.6 51,000.0
1. State Plan Schemes
2. Central Plan Schemes
3. Centrally Sponsored Schemes
4. Non-Plan Loans
5. Ways and Means Advances from Centre
6. Other Loans for States/Union Territories with legislature schemes 1,10,465.2 7,000.0 7,000.0 9,000.0 30,040.1 21,071.6 76,771.6 51,000.0
III. Recovery of Loans and Advances (1 to 12) 2,455.3 2,765.0 2,765.0 2,995.0 2,648.8 3,360.5 3,360.5 3,360.0
1. Housing 23.5 37.0 37.0 28.0 112.0 130.0 130.0 130.0
2. Urban Development 0.1 0.1
3. Crop Husbandry
4. Food Storage and Warehousing
5. Co-operation 2.8 2.0 2.0 4.0 89.5 230.0 230.0 230.0
6. Minor Irrigation
7. Power Projects
8. Village and Small Industries
9. Industries and Minerals
10. Road Transport
11. Government Servants, etc.+ 2,429.0 2,726.0 2,726.0 2,963.0 2,445.8 3,000.0 3,000.0 3,000.0
12. Others** 1.6 0.4 0.4
IV. Inter-State Settlement
V. Contingency Fund
VI. State Provident Funds, etc. (1 + 2) 49,334.3 51,383.1 47,979.0 50,378.0 81,326.3 76,800.0 76,800.0 66,700.0
1. State Provident Funds 49,334.3 51,383.1 47,979.0 50,378.0 79,845.5 75,000.0 75,000.0 65,000.0
2. Others 1,480.9 1,800.0 1,800.0 1,700.0
VII. Reserve Funds (1 to 4) 14,330.9 18,382.2 19,913.3 20,291.1 7,322.1 14,630.0 14,630.0 14,630.0
1. Depreciation/Renewal Reserve Funds
2. Sinking Funds 8,322.9 8,762.0 10,328.0 10,752.0 5,226.0 6,480.0 6,480.0 6,480.0
3. Famine Relief Fund
4. Others 6,008.1 9,620.2 9,585.3 9,539.0 2,096.1 8,150.0 8,150.0 8,150.0
VIII. Deposits and Advances (1 to 4) 1,16,533.3 79,798.6 1,28,125.1 95,051.3 95,403.4 1,56,000.0 1,56,000.0 1,47,550.0
1. Civil Deposits 85,114.4 49,999.5 99,895.0 65,531.1 95,151.6 1,55,000.0 1,55,000.0 1,47,550.0
2. Deposits of Local Funds
3. Civil Advances 8,258.8 4,589.0 4,818.0 251.7 800.0 800.0
4. Others 23,160.1 29,799.1 23,641.0 24,702.1 200.0 200.0
IX. Suspense and Miscellaneous (1 to 4) 11,18,175.1 21,56,620.4 91,98,933.0 96,41,909.0 7,12,281.1 9,00,000.0 9,00,000.0 6,05,000.0
1. Suspense 3,240.4 7,667.8 7,668.0 8,051.0 15,947.6 3,00,000.0 3,00,000.0 5,000.0
2. Cash Balance Investment Accounts 11,14,828.0 21,48,952.6 16,97,006.0 17,64,886.0 6,52,744.0 6,00,000.0 6,00,000.0 6,00,000.0
3. Deposits with RBI 74,93,532.0 78,68,209.0
4. Others 106.7 727.0 763.0 43,589.5
X. Appropriation to Contingency Fund
XI. Miscellaneous Capital Receipts
XII. Remittances 2,99,957.4 4,02,813.3 3,41,866.0 3,58,959.0 3,23,892.3 2,85,800.0 2,85,800.0 3,00,800.0

Appendix III : Capital Receipts of States and Union Territories with Legislature (Contd.)
(₹ Lakh)
2022-23 (Accounts) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2023-24 (Revised Estimates) 2024-25 (Budget Estimates) 2022-23 (Accounts) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2023-24 (Revised Estimates) 2024-25 (Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
TOTAL CAPITAL RECEIPTS (I to XII) 22,90,648.2 17,24,333.0 16,85,929.1 15,70,065.9 15,61,82,320.1 6,83,92,070.8 6,82,92,070.8 7,75,36,343.0
TOTAL CAPITAL RECEIPTS (Includes Public Accounts on a net basis)* 2,83,218.0 1,76,423.0 2,79,006.1 2,17,452.9 6,75,985.5 22,03,746.9 21,03,746.9 53,08,881.8
I. Internal Debt (1 to 8) 6,64,041.3 7,33,090.7 6,20,901.5 5,90,582.4 4,32,829.0 26,93,600.0 26,83,265.0 35,78,170.0
1. Market Loans 1,85,400.0 1,77,386.0 2,65,100.0 2,30,576.3   2,30,000.0 2,30,000.0 15,78,000.0
2. Loans from LIC              
3. Loans from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development 1,785.9 3,577.9 3,577.9 4,391.4 3,89,859.0 5,50,000.0 5,19,500.0 6,21,500.0
4. Loans from SBI and other Banks            
5. Loans from National Co-operative Development Corporation            
6. WMA from RBI 4,74,283.2 5,50,000.0 3,50,000.0 3,50,000.0      
7. Special Securities issued to NSSF            
8. Others (including 106)@ 2,572.3 2,126.8 2,223.6 5,614.6 42,970.0 19,13,600.0 19,33,765.0 13,78,670.0
II. Loans and Advances from the Centre (1 to 6) 51,827.7 3,181.3 91,163.6 3,719.6 1,01,850.3 6,69,400.0 5,57,235.0 6,71,330.0
1. State Plan Schemes              
2. Central Plan Schemes              
3. Centrally Sponsored Schemes              
4. Non-Plan Loans              
5. Ways and Means Advances from Centre              
6. Other Loans for States/Union Territories with legislature schemes 51,827.7 3,181.3 91,163.6 3,719.6 1,01,850.3 6,69,400.0 5,57,235.0 6,71,330.0
III. Recovery of Loans and Advances (1 to 12) 304.3 151.0 151.0 151.0 83,181.7 87,000.0 1,09,500.0 50,500.0
1. Housing 0.1 4.3 13.5 13.5 10.8
2. Urban Development         11.2 11.2 15.8
3. Crop Husbandry 18,000.0 22,036.4 26,036.4 9,600.3
4. Food Storage and Warehousing         20.0 0.7 0.7 20.6
5. Co-operation 148.7 101.0 101.0 101.0 5,057.8 6,878.2 8,749.5 740.1
6. Minor Irrigation         8.3 8.3 5.3
7. Power Projects         12,753.3 0.2 0.2 5,000.2
8. Village and Small Industries 2,842.3 12,536.3 12,536.3 505.7
9. Industries and Minerals         1.4 6.1 6.1 8.0
10. Road Transport         0.1 0.1 0.1
11. Government Servants, etc.+ 155.6 50.0 50.0 50.0 43,140.6 45,472.5 62,101.3 33,062.3
12. Others**       1,362.1 36.6 36.6 1,530.9
IV. Inter-State Settlement        
V. Contingency Fund           40,000.0 40,000.0 40,000.0
VI. State Provident Funds, etc. (1 + 2) 48,089.3 36,800.0 40,600.0 35,000.0 4,69,340.4 7,70,932.6 7,70,932.6 8,58,153.9
1. State Provident Funds 45,668.9 35,000.0 38,200.0 33,000.0 4,63,072.7 7,66,587.0 7,66,587.0 8,53,243.3
2. Others 2,420.4 1,800.0 2,400.0 2,000.0 6,267.7 4,345.6 4,345.6 4,910.6
VII. Reserve Funds (1 to 4) 74,794.4 28,250.0 13,250.0 28,250.0 22,67,095.9 11,86,604.9 11,86,604.9 15,03,229.5
1. Depreciation/Renewal Reserve Funds 0.1 0.1 0.2
2. Sinking Funds 59,922.3 15,000.0 15,000.0 1,23,251.0 0.1 0.1 0.1
3. Famine Relief Fund           1.1 1.1 1.3
4. Others 14,872.1 13,250.0 13,250.0 13,250.0 21,43,844.9 11,86,603.7 11,86,603.7 15,03,227.9
VIII. Deposits and Advances (1 to 4) 76,381.8 67,800.0 64,803.0 57,303.0 34,78,398.7 34,49,965.9 34,49,965.9 61,66,245.3
1. Civil Deposits 37,257.8 30,000.0 20,000.0 10,000.0 27,77,791.8 26,04,871.2 26,04,871.2 39,25,675.4
2. Deposits of Local Funds 2,19,263.1 3,36,588.3 3,36,588.3 3,80,344.9
3. Civil Advances 1,220.3 1,800.0 1,800.0 1,800.0 1,02,920.1 41,471.9 41,471.9 46,863.4
4. Others 37,903.7 36,000.0 43,003.0 45,503.0 3,78,423.8 4,67,034.5 4,67,034.5 18,13,361.6
IX. Suspense and Miscellaneous (1 to 4) 10,65,939.9 6,55,000.0 6,55,000.0 6,55,000.0 14,57,40,814.9 5,47,75,312.3 5,47,75,312.3 5,93,35,955.4
1. Suspense 1,120.1 5,000.0 5,000.0 5,000.0 13,901.3 1,107.9 1,107.9 1,252.2
2. Cash Balance Investment Accounts 9,78,753.0 6,00,000.0 6,00,000.0 6,00,000.0 3,63,06,116.3 5,47,54,009.8 5,47,54,009.8 5,93,11,883.1
3. Deposits with RBI 10,94,20,133.8 1.1 1.1 1.3
4. Others 86,066.8 50,000.0 50,000.0 50,000.0 663.5 20,193.6 20,193.6 22,818.8
X. Appropriation to Contingency Fund
XI. Miscellaneous Capital Receipts 45,000.0      
XII. Remittances 2,64,269.5 2,00,060.0 2,00,060.0 2,00,060.0 36,08,809.3 47,19,255.2 47,19,255.2 53,32,759.0

Appendix III : Capital Receipts of States and Union Territories with Legislature (Contd.)
(₹ Lakh)
2022-23 (Accounts) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2023-24 (Revised Estimates) 2024-25 (Budget Estimates) 2022-23 (Accounts) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2023-24 (Revised Estimates) 2024-25 (Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
TOTAL CAPITAL RECEIPTS (I to XII) 2,26,99,989.7 5,20,04,696.8 5,67,53,233.8 5,22,26,448.2 4,53,65,016.9 5,16,03,041.0 5,83,96,164.1 5,53,88,322.7
TOTAL CAPITAL RECEIPTS (Includes Public Accounts on a net basis)* 89,92,764.2 91,29,758.0 90,91,905.7 90,29,900.4 63,90,990.8 91,95,435.6 94,31,814.6 1,01,14,804.8
I. Internal Debt (1 to 8) 88,58,124.2 91,53,035.0 96,05,963.0 96,33,148.0 1,53,48,150.4 1,38,41,907.0 2,19,05,739.8 2,11,73,600.1
1. Market Loans 45,49,953.2 45,73,035.0 42,25,963.0 38,33,148.0 46,05,699.0 70,21,907.0 71,35,841.0 78,53,600.0
2. Loans from LIC
3. Loans from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development 80,000.0 80,000.0 65,000.0 80,000.0 2,50,264.6 3,00,000.0 2,64,764.0 2,80,000.0
4. Loans from SBI and other Banks
5. Loans from National Co-operative Development Corporation 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
6. WMA from RBI 5,00,000.0 7,00,000.0 9,00,000.0 1,04,91,840.0 65,00,000.0 1,45,00,000.0 1,30,00,000.0
7. Special Securities issued to NSSF
8. Others (including 106)@ 42,28,171.0 40,00,000.0 46,15,000.0 48,20,000.0 346.8 20,000.0 5,134.8 40,000.0
II. Loans and Advances from the Centre (1 to 6) 96,294.7 2,87,980.0 97,200.0 2,50,000.0 7,08,390.8 9,93,620.2 10,19,895.0 10,28,254.0
1. State Plan Schemes -50,986.8 1,00,000.0 70,000.0 60,000.0
2. Central Plan Schemes
3. Centrally Sponsored Schemes
4. Non-Plan Loans
5. Ways and Means Advances from Centre
6. Other Loans for States/Union Territories with legislature schemes 1,47,281.4 1,87,980.0 27,200.0 1,90,000.0 7,08,390.8 9,93,620.2 10,19,895.0 10,28,254.0
III. Recovery of Loans and Advances (1 to 12) 16,367.0 20,000.0 10,000.0 15,000.0 41,961.2 31,073.8 31,520.2 30,552.7
1. Housing 138.3 194.6
2. Urban Development 6,825.7 6,364.8 5,969.0 6,600.0 6,219.0
3. Crop Husbandry 0.4
4. Food Storage and Warehousing 1,159.4 20,000.0 10,000.0 15,000.0 2,019.7 2,246.0 1,400.0 1,200.0
5. Co-operation 2,087.5 5,959.1
6. Minor Irrigation
7. Power Projects 521.3 21,710.8 22,723.6 23,320.2 22,733.6
8. Village and Small Industries 1,020.8
9. Industries and Minerals 9.1
10. Road Transport 0.0
11. Government Servants, etc.+ 3,191.5 3.6
12. Others** 1,422.3 5,699.5 135.3 200.0 400.0
IV. Inter-State Settlement
V. Contingency Fund  
VI. State Provident Funds, etc. (1 + 2) 3,34,965.1 4,00,255.1 4,65,200.0 4,09,873.5 15,41,680.2 17,92,198.7 16,69,967.0 17,48,004.6
1. State Provident Funds 3,28,682.8 3,90,381.6 4,56,200.0 4,00,000.0 8,83,821.7 9,77,138.2 9,41,503.5 10,07,025.3
2. Others 6,282.3 9,873.5 9,000.0 9,873.5 6,57,858.5 8,15,060.5 7,28,463.5 7,40,979.3
VII. Reserve Funds (1 to 4) 4,48,748.8 4,23,127.9 3,23,129.9 2,48,127.9 17,43,399.4 20,11,497.7 19,62,386.9 19,69,228.0
1. Depreciation/Renewal Reserve Funds 0.0 0.3 0.1
2. Sinking Funds 3,22,435.5 2,75,000.0 1,75,000.0 1,00,000.0 70,000.0
3. Famine Relief Fund
4. Others 1,26,313.3 1,48,127.9 1,48,129.9 1,48,127.9 17,43,399.4 20,11,497.6 19,62,386.6 18,99,227.9
VIII. Deposits and Advances (1 to 4) 7,05,295.3 6,14,175.7 6,92,710.1 6,14,175.7 2,02,22,003.9 2,31,72,583.9 2,84,54,725.1 2,60,88,207.1
1. Civil Deposits 4,04,113.9 3,46,988.9 3,70,539.3 3,46,988.9 47,10,830.9 60,18,849.8 51,97,462.6 56,98,399.6
2. Deposits of Local Funds 96,54,289.5 1,02,18,072.8 1,14,78,164.0 1,14,77,302.8
3. Civil Advances 2.3 4.5 11.7 11.7
4. Others 3,01,181.4 2,67,186.8 3,22,170.8 2,67,186.8 58,56,881.3 69,35,656.8 1,17,79,086.8 89,12,493.0
IX. Suspense and Miscellaneous (1 to 4) 1,22,33,484.5 4,10,02,839.2 4,55,43,350.6 4,10,02,839.2 44,68,801.3 83,69,770.4 19,69,097.6 19,67,643.7
1. Suspense 2,06,248.2 1,28,258.2 1,25,279.1 1,28,258.2 -4,051.1 27,033.0 16,757.4 15,443.4
2. Cash Balance Investment Accounts 33,77,106.0 34,18,665.6 14,91,310.5 34,18,665.6 44,72,836.0 83,42,720.9 19,52,153.0 19,52,153.0
3. Deposits with RBI 3,05,58,768.3 3,55,16,691.7 3,05,58,768.3
4. Others 86,50,130.2 68,97,147.0 84,10,069.4 68,97,147.0 16.4 16.5 187.3 47.3
X. Appropriation to Contingency Fund
XI. Miscellaneous Capital Receipts 21.1 1,00,000.0 10,000.0 50,000.0 1,619.9 2,000.0 2,000.0 2,000.0
XII. Remittances 6,689.1 3,283.9 5,680.1 3,283.9 12,89,009.8 13,88,389.3 13,80,832.6 13,80,832.6

Appendix III : Capital Receipts of States and Union Territories with Legislature (Contd.)
(₹ Lakh)
2022-23 (Accounts) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2023-24 (Revised Estimates) 2024-25 (Budget Estimates) 2022-23 (Accounts) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2023-24 (Revised Estimates) 2024-25 (Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
TOTAL CAPITAL RECEIPTS (I to XII) 23,41,500.9 10,65,384.2 15,16,023.7 24,95,077.6 9,16,42,740.7 2,86,19,273.9 3,80,47,517.1 3,43,77,168.4
TOTAL CAPITAL RECEIPTS (Includes Public Accounts on a net basis)* 1,93,753.9 2,49,490.7 3,15,875.7 3,29,766.0 1,09,03,175.1 1,36,16,283.7 1,40,30,356.5 1,54,56,433.9
I. Internal Debt (1 to 8) 1,48,386.6 2,14,007.0 2,06,636.0 2,23,802.0 90,80,643.0 1,21,77,510.7 1,20,97,180.0 1,26,96,512.0
1. Market Loans 1,41,400.0 2,06,507.0 1,96,936.0 2,16,802.0 87,00,000.0 1,17,37,510.7 1,16,67,180.0 1,21,86,512.0
2. Loans from LIC            
3. Loans from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development 6,986.6 7,500.0 9,700.0 7,000.0 3,52,885.0 4,00,000.0 3,70,000.0 4,00,000.0
4. Loans from SBI and other Banks       26,284.0 40,000.0 60,000.0 1,10,000.0
5. Loans from National Co-operative Development Corporation       1,474.0
6. WMA from RBI       0.0
7. Special Securities issued to NSSF            
8. Others (including 106)@              
II. Loans and Advances from the Centre (1 to 6) 55,302.9 45,225.5 1,12,359.5 1,03,726.5 10,25,527.5 12,17,019.9 13,12,319.9 18,53,200.0
1. State Plan Schemes       6,24,400.5 8,09,119.9 8,09,119.9 13,50,000.0
2. Central Plan Schemes       0.0 0.0 0.0
3. Centrally Sponsored Schemes 92.3 36.5 36.5 36.5        
4. Non-Plan Loans              
5. Ways and Means Advances from Centre              
6. Other Loans for States/Union Territories with legislature schemes 55,210.6 45,189.0 1,12,323.0 1,03,690.0 4,01,127.0 4,07,900.0 5,03,200.0 5,03,200.0
III. Recovery of Loans and Advances (1 to 12) 43.8 32.7 32.7 32.7 1,07,810.1 2,73,110.9 2,61,170.4 4,80,036.5
1. Housing       1,500.0
2. Urban Development       36,335.2 57,916.2 1,03,161.7 22,412.6
3. Crop Husbandry       13,120.1
4. Food Storage and Warehousing       516.3
5. Co-operation 3.7     3,499.4 1,538.7 1,644.1 1,644.1
6. Minor Irrigation       0.1
7. Power Projects       -2,708.5 50,000.0 92,622.2 2,65,000.0
8. Village and Small Industries       168.6 150.0 80.6 30.7
9. Industries and Minerals       19,921.1 31,150.1 10,854.1 32,609.1
10. Road Transport            
11. Government Servants, etc.+ 40.1 30.0 30.0 30.0 23,604.6 38,262.0 38,685.3 40,610.9
12. Others** 2.7 2.7 2.7 13,353.3 92,593.9 14,122.5 1,17,729.2
IV. Inter-State Settlement      
V. Contingency Fund      
VI. State Provident Funds, etc. (1 + 2) 46,121.4 46,890.4 46,769.4 48,548.5 9,17,681.7 9,25,262.3 9,35,977.9 10,08,736.1
1. State Provident Funds 45,301.0 46,000.0 45,879.0 47,700.0 9,06,336.5 9,14,753.4 9,22,433.0 9,95,471.2
2. Others 820.3 890.4 890.4 848.5 11,345.2 10,508.9 13,544.9 13,264.9
VII. Reserve Funds (1 to 4) 24,935.2 22,922.1 22,922.1 44,771.8 8,35,333.5 8,74,438.2 10,62,039.3 12,03,157.3
1. Depreciation/Renewal Reserve Funds       337.4 337.4 289.7 289.7
2. Sinking Funds 1,500.0 1,500.0 1,500.0 1,500.0 2,09,481.2 3,89,149.6 89,189.5 1,30,470.7
3. Famine Relief Fund      
4. Others 23,435.2 21,422.1 21,422.1 43,271.8 6,25,514.9 4,84,951.3 9,72,560.1 10,72,397.0
VIII. Deposits and Advances (1 to 4) 37,178.5 38,656.4 51,177.4 44,664.3 1,10,31,444.9 84,24,882.7 70,00,825.5 80,87,318.7
1. Civil Deposits 13,664.3 11,656.4 21,656.4 13,664.3 80,28,298.7 66,78,299.2 52,60,756.0 57,88,859.8
2. Deposits of Local Funds       2,16,197.2 1,70,917.3 2,19,340.3 2,18,241.9
3. Civil Advances       5.3
4. Others 23,514.2 27,000.0 29,521.0 31,000.0 27,86,943.8 15,75,666.2 15,20,729.2 20,80,217.0
IX. Suspense and Miscellaneous (1 to 4) 17,34,435.0 6,97,650.1 10,76,126.6 17,34,434.1 6,86,40,114.2 47,27,050.3 1,53,77,691.1 90,47,870.6
1. Suspense 681.0 0.0 0.0 681.0 57,76,362.3 -51,22,845.0 -60,22,175.6 -60,22,175.6
2. Cash Balance Investment Accounts 9,91,000.0 6,97,650.0 10,76,126.6 9,91,000.0 3,19,87,305.8 98,49,870.5 2,13,99,846.4 1,50,70,025.9
3. Deposits with RBI      
4. Others 7,42,754.0 0.0 0.0 7,42,753.1 3,08,76,446.1 24.7 20.3 20.3
X. Appropriation to Contingency Fund
XI. Miscellaneous Capital Receipts       4,197.4 312.7 336.8
XII. Remittances 2,95,097.6 0.0 0.0 2,95,097.6 -11.7 -1.0 0.3 0.3
