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Date : Dec 19, 2024
States: All States and UTs
Appendix IV : Capital Expenditure of States and Union Territories with Legislature (Contd.)
(₹ Lakh)
2022–23 (Accounts) 2023–24 (Budget Estimates) 2023–24 (Revised Estimates) 2024–25 (Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5
TOTAL CAPITAL DISBURSEMENTS (I to XII) 1,49,17,08,965.8 92,24,14,429.9 99,44,55,479.4 1,01,30,20,005.3
TOTAL CAPITAL DISBURSEMENTS (Excluding Public Accounts)$ 10,77,06,531.8 14,35,61,153.1 14,19,86,139.2 15,30,37,061.4
I. Total Capital Outlay (1 + 2) 5,98,53,247.3 8,67,67,442.3 8,67,86,980.6 9,17,64,301.6
1. Development (a + b) 5,66,23,062.4 8,08,26,985.9 8,11,33,606.5 8,53,57,826.5
(a) Social Services (1 to 9) 1,77,69,321.0 2,81,90,920.3 2,78,68,781.6 2,98,31,158.5
1. Education, Sports, Art and Culture 24,48,312.8 42,62,075.7 43,98,014.0 45,33,936.6
2. Medical and Public Health 30,20,548.5 45,99,285.3 43,51,053.9 43,55,255.1
3. Family Welfare 1,46,784.7 3,85,508.5 4,37,864.7 2,73,917.3
4. Water Supply and Sanitation 49,45,561.7 89,48,248.0 88,90,719.8 94,68,742.2
5. Housing 12,80,196.2 16,78,180.5 16,08,538.5 13,72,032.5
6. Urban Development 41,33,633.7 52,56,849.5 56,65,547.5 59,52,447.6
7. Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes 10,63,789.8 17,89,003.7 15,15,178.5 24,95,916.2
8. Social Security and Welfare 3,49,004.3 5,58,139.4 4,83,123.4 6,60,995.2
9. Others* 3,81,489.3 7,13,629.7 5,18,741.4 7,17,915.8
(b) Economic Services (1 to 10) 3,88,53,741.4 5,26,36,065.6 5,32,64,824.9 5,55,26,668.0
1. Agriculture and Allied Activities (i to xi) 22,39,297.0 30,09,215.8 26,32,783.0 32,73,754.7
i) Crop Husbandry 1,82,216.1 5,16,078.7 3,20,203.9 4,62,790.9
ii) Soil and Water Conservation 2,82,110.8 4,15,075.5 4,05,411.1 4,37,599.1
iii) Animal Husbandry 1,03,380.8 1,85,479.0 1,67,383.8 1,78,920.1
iv) Dairy Development 9,169.4 20,377.3 38,086.8 93,103.4
v) Fisheries 1,40,144.1 2,24,408.1 1,86,796.6 2,22,153.3
vi) Forestry and Wild Life 6,44,237.8 7,81,817.9 7,57,860.6 9,50,971.8
vii) Plantations
viii) Food Storage and Warehousing 7,03,999.1 3,95,264.8 2,77,426.8 5,33,797.5
ix) Agricultural Research and Education 25,422.4 67,393.6 50,645.9 72,588.1
x) Co–operation 1,17,262.3 3,16,196.4 3,61,246.7 2,42,703.6
xi) Others @ 31,354.3 87,124.4 67,720.9 79,127.1
2. Rural Development 39,29,090.8 55,35,265.6 58,15,360.0 61,33,854.2
3. Special Area Programmes 6,58,068.1 15,91,533.2 8,07,246.2 9,44,015.7
of which: Hill Areas 25,844.5 29,781.0 19,633.2 40,560.0
4. Irrigation and Flood Control 95,93,067.0 1,29,69,509.6 1,40,65,786.0 1,43,04,823.4
5. Energy 30,57,516.5 51,56,381.7 61,22,910.0 55,71,490.4
6. Industry and Minerals (i to iv) 11,24,257.7 11,85,329.1 11,31,221.8 13,89,935.0
i) Village and Small Industries 2,55,277.1 2,85,189.9 2,92,424.3 3,47,376.3
ii) Iron and Steel Industries 18,819.4 11,474.2 13,303.8 1,200.0
iii) Non–Ferrous Mining and Metallurgical Industries 69,296.9 84,826.9 88,769.3 1,15,362.2
iv) Others # 7,80,864.3 8,03,838.1 7,36,724.4 9,25,996.4

Appendix IV : Capital Expenditure of States and Union Territories with Legislature (Contd.)
(₹ Lakh)
2022–23 (Accounts) 2023–24 (Budget Estimates) 2023–24 (Revised Estimates) 2024–25 (Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5
7. Transport (i + ii) 1,65,82,399.7 1,96,20,132.3 2,01,12,267.6 2,11,89,445.8
i) Roads and Bridges 1,52,03,829.7 1,80,35,244.3 1,84,33,760.2 1,95,36,541.4
ii) Others ** 13,78,570.0 15,84,888.1 16,78,507.4 16,52,904.4
8. Communications 55,910.0 36,308.0 12,693.6 13,190.1
9. Science, Technology and Environment 80,198.1 1,47,465.7 1,15,968.7 1,56,931.9
10. General Economic Services (i + ii) 15,33,936.5 33,84,924.5 24,48,588.1 25,49,226.9
i) Tourism 3,93,337.1 7,03,697.8 5,62,122.5 7,49,016.4
ii) Others @@ 11,40,599.4 26,81,226.7 18,86,465.6 18,00,210.4
2. Non–Development (General Services) 32,30,184.9 59,40,456.4 56,53,374.1 64,06,475.1
II. Discharge of Internal Debt (1 to 8) 6,78,01,729.7 6,63,88,263.3 7,97,78,747.4 8,21,66,875.4
1. Market Loans 2,15,57,146.1 2,65,52,946.3 2,66,14,114.6 2,96,22,691.2
2. Loans from LIC 45,946.1 38,590.1 38,121.2 31,313.7
3. Loans from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development 27,31,748.1 29,23,441.5 31,15,135.7 31,33,226.3
4. Loans from SBI and other Banks 6,45,618.7 1,31,552.6 1,31,552.6 1,68,962.6
5. Loans from National Co–operative Development Corporation 9,00,225.8 14,65,310.7 10,87,230.7 14,99,539.0
6. WMA from RBI 2,89,81,572.6 2,13,25,100.1 3,42,46,212.3 3,21,97,503.2
7. Special Securities issued to NSSF 46,13,718.5 45,40,102.2 45,63,691.2 47,04,496.1
8. Others (including 106) 83,25,753.7 94,11,219.7 99,82,689.0 1,08,09,143.4
III. Repayment of Loans to the Centre (1 to 7) 24,81,918.7 29,48,487.1 31,09,041.2 28,74,410.1
1. State Plan Schemes 11,43,191.6 10,70,986.2 10,92,792.4 10,36,549.7
2. Central Plan Schemes 154.3 159.7 159.8 190.2
3. Centrally Sponsored Schemes 661.9 619.1 619.1 589.6
4. Non–Plan Loans 5,00,600.4 5,69,087.2 3,41,124.5 3,31,486.7
5. Ways and Means Advances from Centre 206.1 184.3 136.9 94.8
6. Other Loans for States/Union Territories with legislature schemes 8,37,104.4 13,07,450.7 16,74,208.5 15,05,499.0
IV. Loans and Advances by State Governments (1+2) 71,96,827.4 89,13,613.1 66,89,134.9 85,97,940.1
1. Development Purposes (a + b) 69,82,040.9 85,02,868.1 64,01,483.2 83,44,970.2
a) Social Services (1 to 7) 27,04,189.7 37,71,529.8 30,66,153.4 42,78,541.6
1. Education, Sports, Art and Culture 2,10,757.2 1,70,080.0 2,42,703.0 1,88,260.0
2. Medical and Public Health 49,698.4 1,02,659.0 1,63,050.0 1,57,738.0
3. Family Welfare
4. Water Supply and Sanitation 5,80,188.1 10,02,599.2 5,13,476.6 9,00,554.3
5. Housing 2,00,577.9 1,56,601.5 1,55,430.7 1,58,819.0
6. Government Servants (Housing) 1,48,868.6 1,61,188.7 1,91,036.6 2,22,685.3
7. Others 15,14,099.5 21,78,401.3 18,00,456.4 26,50,485.0

Appendix IV : Capital Expenditure of States and Union Territories with Legislature (Concld.)
(₹ Lakh)
2022–23 (Accounts) 2023–24 (Budget Estimates) 2023–24 (Revised Estimates) 2024–25 (Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5
b) Economic Services (1 to 10) 42,77,851.2 47,31,338.4 33,35,329.8 40,66,428.6
1. Crop Husbandry 1,80,632.7 45,866.3 83,131.3 65,564.2
2. Soil and Water Conservation
3. Food Storage and Warehousing 1,20,830.4 1,04,172.5 52,760.9 49,567.1
4. Co–operation 97,642.0 68,337.1 1,16,866.3 37,238.5
5. Major and Medium Irrigation, etc. 10,76,796.9 15,72,800.0 2,21,515.3 9,87,701.0
6. Power Projects 8,43,711.2 11,83,324.3 10,35,925.6 10,98,966.2
7. Village and Small Industries 82,651.8 63,983.7 63,235.2 53,839.6
8. Other Industries and Minerals 75,890.5 1,13,677.8 78,987.9 91,876.1
9. Rural Development 274.8 800.0 601.0 700.0
10. Others 17,99,420.9 15,78,376.5 16,82,306.3 16,80,976.0
2. Non–Development Purposes (a + b) 2,14,786.5 4,10,745.0 2,87,651.8 2,52,969.9
a) Government Servants (other than Housing) 1,02,851.9 1,30,748.0 1,20,139.8 1,47,249.8
b) Miscellaneous 1,11,934.6 2,79,997.0 1,67,511.9 1,05,720.0
V. Inter–State Settlement -105.3 744.8 769.0 745.8
VI. Contingency Fund 45,782.9 1,90,600.0 1,94,354.3 1,90,600.0
VII. State Provident Funds, etc. (1+2) 2,40,04,049.0 2,57,07,795.2 2,43,11,008.3 2,65,32,626.8
1. State Provident Funds 93,42,922.8 92,07,193.0 90,42,106.8 98,74,920.0
2. Others 1,46,61,126.2 1,65,00,602.2 1,52,68,901.5 1,66,57,706.8
VIII. Reserve Funds (1 to 4) 1,10,20,074.4 1,11,84,443.8 1,12,90,023.3 1,17,18,107.4
1. Depreciation/Renewal Reserve Funds 12,252.8 22,839.1 13,866.7 13,074.2
2. Sinking Funds 31,38,276.1 21,82,705.2 24,03,098.2 21,48,451.9
3. Famine Relief Fund 1.0 1.0 1.0
4. Others 78,69,545.5 89,78,898.5 88,73,057.4 95,56,580.2
IX. Deposits and Advances (1 to 4) 10,72,18,022.6 11,17,67,228.4 11,30,65,890.9 11,95,71,305.9
1. Civil Deposits 4,10,62,610.7 4,26,80,502.8 3,85,50,369.7 4,26,89,421.8
2. Deposits of Local Funds 2,85,71,482.9 3,21,05,155.7 3,31,11,934.3 3,36,31,184.8
3. Civil Advances 7,08,189.9 4,32,625.4 4,81,431.6 4,79,884.9
4. Others 3,68,75,739.1 3,65,48,944.5 4,09,22,155.2 4,27,70,814.4
X. Suspense and Miscellaneous (1 to 4) 1,18,84,06,053.9 59,09,43,585.6 65,14,60,182.5 65,00,43,382.0
1. Suspense 1,52,18,151.8 46,67,607.5 15,15,588.3 20,05,553.0
2. Cash Balance Investment Accounts 50,72,46,222.4 34,48,79,292.4 35,10,62,544.3 37,80,93,193.3
3. Deposits with RBI 47,54,26,029.1 16,77,98,690.7 21,79,16,580.5 18,76,52,758.2
4. Others 19,05,15,650.5 7,35,97,994.9 8,09,65,469.5 8,22,91,877.5
XI. Appropriation to Contingency Fund 2,18,000.0
XII. Remittances 2,34,63,365.2 1,76,02,226.3 1,77,69,347.0 1,95,59,710.3
A. Surplus (+)/Deficit (–) on Revenue Account -61,54,218.3 -34,91,887.3 -1,40,89,360.1 -80,11,946.5
B. Surplus (+)/Deficit (–) on Capital Account 34,76,830.1 -13,61,786.4 58,51,615.4 70,20,686.9
C. Overall Surplus (+)/Deficit (–) (A+B) -26,77,388.3 -48,53,673.6 -82,37,744.6 -9,91,259.7
D. Financing of Surplus (+)/Deficit (–) (C = i to iii) -26,77,388.4 -48,53,713.9 -82,37,748.1 -9,91,287.4
i. Increase (+)/Decrease (–) in Cash Balances -3,24,327.8 -24,27,380.8 -69,01,625.7 -15,83,202.0
a) Opening Balance 11,50,223.5 1,53,86,866.5 1,68,79,073.7 1,50,68,708.5
b) Closing Balance 8,25,895.7 1,29,59,485.7 99,77,448.1 1,34,85,506.5
ii. Withdrawals from (–)/Additions to (+) Cash Balance Investment Account (net) -24,40,544.3 -54,26,333.1 -46,42,576.5 -27,21,785.4
iii. Increase (–)/Decrease (+) in Ways and Means Advances and Overdrafts from RBI (net) 87,483.7 30,00,000.0 33,06,454.0 33,13,700.0
$ : Sum of Items I to IV while items at II(4) and II(6) are excluded item II(4) has been taken on a net basis under capital receipts while item II(6) has been taken as financing item for overall surplus/deficit.
* : Include outlay on Information and Publicity, other Social Services, etc.
@ : Include outlay on other Agricultural Programmes, etc.
# : Include outlay on Cement and Non-Metallic Industries, Petro-Chemical Industries, Chemical Industries, Engineering Industries, Telecommunication and Electronic Industries, Consumer Industries, Atomic Energy Industries, other Industries and Minerals, etc.
** : Include outlay on Indian Railway Commercial Lines, Indian Railway Strategic Lines, Ports and Light Houses, Shipping, Civil Aviation, Road Transport, Inland Water Transport, Other Transport, etc.
@@ : Include outlay on Foreign Trade and Export Promotion Technology, other General Economic Services, Investments in General Financial and Trading Institutions, International Financial Institutions, etc.
Note: Data pertaining to Jammu and Kashmir for 2022-23 are taken from CAG and are provisional.
Source: Budget documents of State governments.
