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Entity-wise TReDS Statistics

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Entity-wise Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS) statistics for the month of May 2023
Sr. No. Entity Number of MSME sellers registered as at the end of the month
(in actuals)
Number of buyers (corporates/other buyers including Govt. Depts./PSUs) registered as at the end of month
(in actuals)
Number of financiers registered as at the end of month
(in actuals)
Factoring Units (FUs) uploaded during the month Factoring Units (FUs) financed during the month
Banks NBFC Factors and other Fis No. of FUs
(in actuals)
(in Rs'000)
No. of FUs
(in actuals)
(in Rs'000)
1 A.TREDS Limited 20405 1346 52 5 16706 33952339 15450 32245968
2 Mynd Solutions Private Limited 18288 1261 47 6 12473 28217433 11021 24954105
3 Receivables Exchange of India Limited 16646 1131 53 6 22399 32812259 17274 30658811
  Total 51578 94982032 43745 87858885
