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Weekly Statistical Supplement

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Date : Oct 24, 1998
2. Foreign Exchange Reserves

        Variation over
  As on Oct. 16, 1998
End-March 1998
End-December 1997
Item   Rs. Crore US$ Mn. Rs. Crore US$ Mn. Rs. Crore US$ Mn. Rs. Crore US$ Mn. Rs. Crore US$ Mn.

1   2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Total Reserves 1,25,251 29,602 314 137 9,346 235 17,956 2,247 17,145 -308
of which :                    
(a)  Foreign Currency Assets 1,12,510 26,603 313 137 10,003 628 18,532 2,638 17,928 431
(b)  Gold 12,678 2,984 - - -716 -407 -335 -329 -737 -724
(c)  SDRs 63 15 1 - 59 14 -241 -62 -46 -15

Note: 1. Foreign currency assets expressed in US dollar terms include the effect of revaluation of non-US currencies held in reserves.
  2. For details regarding conversion to US dollar a reference may be made to the relevant Table in the Current Statistics Section of the RBI Bulletin.
