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Weekly Statistical Supplement

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Date : Feb 14, 2020
Foreign Exchange Reserves
Item As on February 7, 2020 Variation over
Week End-March 2019 Year
₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Total Reserves 3378130 473001 14985 1701 522249 60130 540310 74879
1.1 Foreign Currency Assets 3136686 439186 16580 1938 471122 53829 491776 68205
1.2 Gold 205541 28779 -1378 -218 45957 5708 44391 6093
1.3 SDRs 10259 1436 -8 -2 183 -20 -171 -26
1.4 Reserve Position in the IMF 25644 3599 -208 -16 4987 613 4314 607
* Difference, if any, is due to rounding off
