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Weekly Statistical Supplement

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Date : Jan 29, 2021
Reserve Money : Components and Sources
(₹ Crore)
Item Outstanding as on Variation over
2020 2021 Week Financial Year so far Year-on-Year
2019-20 2020-21 2020 2021
Mar. 31 Jan. 22 Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Reserve Money 3029707 3351895 -19412 -0.6 152634 5.5 322188 10.6 308338 11.8 428779 14.7
1 Components (1.1+1.2+1.3)                        
1.1 Currency in Circulation 2447312 2811139 772 0.0 170430 8.0 363828 14.9 245420 11.9 503939 21.8
1.2 Bankers' Deposits with RBI 543888 498025 -20323 –3.9 -20010 –3.3 -45863 –8.4 54821 10.4 -83934 –14.4
1.3 ‘Other’ Deposits with RBI 38507 42730 138 0.3 2214 7.0 4222 11.0 8097 31.3 8774 25.8
2 Sources (2.1+2.2+2.3+2.4-2.5)                        
2.1 Net RBI Credit to Government 992192 1014168 -37498   207320   21976   158213   4897  
2.1.1 Net RBI Credit to Centre 989741 1008342 -33410   205606   18601   155898   2263  
2.2 RBI Credit to Banks & Commercial Sector -200893 -490451 20601   -430963   -289558   -327082   -212339  
2.2.1 RBI's Net Claims on Banks -214059 -498966 21427   -421614   -284907   -324918   -214840  
2.3 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of RBI 3590402 4245756 -4871 –0.1 467345 16.4 655354 18.3 490922 17.4 929824 28.0
2.4 Government’s Currency Liabilities to the Public 26348 26618     351 1.4 271 1.0 415 1.6 380 1.4
2.5 Net Non-Monetary Liabilities of RBI 1378342 1444196 -2355 –0.2 91419 8.6 65854 4.8 14130 1.2 293982 25.6
